Merge tables or queries into Word mail merge files

Note   You can also begin the operation of merging data into form letters from within Microsoft Word. For further assistance on this, see Word Help.

Export a table or query to a Microsoft Word mail merge data source file

  1. In the Database window, click the name of the table or query you want to export, and then on the File menu, click Export.
  2. In the Save As Type box, click Microsoft Word Merge (*.txt).
  3. Click the arrow to the right of the Save In box, and select the drive or folder to export to.
  4. In the File Name box, enter the file name, and then click Export.

    Microsoft Access creates the data source containing the field names and all the data from your table.

Note   In a Word mail merge data source, the first record in the file contains the field names and is called the header row. All succeeding records are the data rows. The field names in the header record must match the field names in the main document. If they don't match, edit the field names either in the data source (you can open the data source in Microsoft Word) or in the main document so they do match.

Merge data from a table or query by using the Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard

  1. In the Database window, click the name of the table or query you want to export, and then on the Tools menu, point to Office Links and click Merge It With Microsoft Word.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard.
  3. In the Microsoft Word window, click Insert Word Field to insert the desired fields into the document.

    In Microsoft Word, if you do not see the Insert Word Field icon on the toolbar in Word, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click Mail Merge.