Set Access run-time options

  1. Create a Microsoft Access user profile.
  2. Under your Access user profile subkey, create a subkey called \Run-Time Options.

  3. Do one or more of the following:

    Replace the Access title bar with an application-specific title

    1. Create a subkey TitleBar under the \Run Time Options subkey.
    2. Set the value of TitleBar as the text you want displayed in the title bar of your application's main window.


Replace the Access icon with an application-specific icon

  1. Create a subkey Icon under the \Run Time Options subkey.

  2. Set the value of Icon as the path to the icon displayed in your application's title bar and when your application is minimized.

Note   This setting corresponds to the Application Icon startup property.

Specify an application-specific Help file

  1. Create a subkey AppHelpFile under the \Run Time Options subkey.

  2. Set the value of AppHelpFile as the path to the default Help file used when a user first gets Help.

Display a splash screen that uniquely identifies and announces your application when it starts

  1. Create a subkey StartupScreen under the \Run Time Options subkey.

  2. Set the value of StartupScreen as the name of the splash screen.


Create a splash screen without using a run-time option

  1. Create a bitmap with the same name as your application and a .bmp extension. For example, if your application name is Taxes.mdb, your bitmap file name would be Taxes.bmp.

  2. Put it in the same folder as your application.

  3. Using Microsoft Windows Explorer, create a shortcut for your application that specifies the bitmap name on the command line, and then enter it in the Target box (Shortcut Properties dialog box, Shortcut tab). For example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 10\MSAccess.exe C:\My Files\Taxes.mdb"

Access looks for such a file when the application opens, and if it finds one, uses it as a splash screen.