Turn Snap To Grid behavior on or off

  1. Open a form, report, or data access page in Design view.
  2. On the Format menu, click Snap To Grid.

    If Snap To Grid is turned on, when you create a control by clicking the form, report, or data access page, Microsoft Access aligns the upper-left corner of the control to the grid. If you create a control by dragging, Access aligns all corners of the control to the grid. If you move or resize an existing control, Access lets you move the control or its boundary from grid point to grid point only.

    When Snap To Grid is turned off, Access ignores the grid and lets you place, move, or resize controls anywhere on the form, report, or data access page.

Note   If you want to temporarily override the current Snap To Grid setting, hold down the CTRL key while you're placing, moving, or resizing a control. For example, if Snap to Grid is turned on, you can still move a control anywhere on the form, report or data access page by holding down the CTRL key. Releasing the CTRL key restores the current Snap To Grid setting.