FailOnError Property

You can use the FailOnError property to specify whether an update or delete query that is run against an ODBC data source will terminate if an error occurs. The FailOnError property lets you optimize bulk update queries run against ODBC data sources so that they are executed on the server if the partial-failure behavior of the Microsoft Jet database engine isn't desired.

Note   The FailOnError property applies only to update and delete queries.


The FailOnError property uses the following settings.

Setting Visual Basic Description
Yes True   Errors terminate the query.
No False (Default) Errors don't terminate the query.

You can set the FailOnError property by using the query's property sheet or Visual Basic. To set this property in a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) with Visual Basic, you must first add it to a QueryDef object's Properties collection by using the CreateProperty method.


When the FailOnError property is set to Yes and the query executes against a single table on an ODBC database and doesn't contain expressions that can't be evaluated on the server, the query will be sent to the server to be executed. When the FailOnError property is set to Yes, if an error occurs during a delete or update, the query stops executing and the table is rolled back to its original state. In all other cases, the FailOnError property will be treated as if it were set to No. When the FailOnError property is set to No and an error occurs, you can accept the query results or roll back any changes.

When the FailOnError property is set to No and the query executes against local data, update or delete queries operate just as they did in previous versions of Microsoft Access; when the query affects multiple rows, some rows may be updated and others may fail due to errors. If an error occurs, you are notified of the reason for the error and the number of records affected, and you can accept the query results or roll back any changes.

Setting this property to Yes is the same as using the dbFailOnError intrinsic constant of the DAO Execute method.