IMEHold/HoldKanjiConversionMode Property

You can use the IMEHold/Hold KanjiConversionMode property to show whether the Kanji Conversion Mode is maintained when the control loses the focus.


The IMEHold/Hold KanjiConversionMode property uses the following settings.

Settings Description Visual Basic
Yes Maintains the Kanji Conversion Mode set in the last control. True
No Does not maintain the Kanji Conversion Mode set in the last control (default). False

You can set this property by using the property sheet, a macro, or Visual Basic.

By setting the IMEHold/Hold KanjiConversionMode property, you can designate whether or not the Kanji Conversion Mode is maintained when the control loses the focus. If this property is set to Yes, the Kanji Conversion Mode setting is maintained when the control loses the focus and once that control regains the focus, the Kanji Conversion Mode setting for that control is restored. If this property is set to No (default setting), the Kanji Conversion Mode will be set by the IMEMode/KanjiConversionMode property for that control.

Note   To set the Kanji Conversion Mode when the focus shifts to the control, set the IMEMode/KanjiConversionMode property.