Troubleshoot keys, relationships, and indexes

I'm having problems creating or modifying a primary key.

Keep in mind the following guidelines when creating or modifying a primary key:

I'm having problems creating or modifying a database relationship between table columns.

Keep in mind the following guidelines when creating or modifying a database relationship and corresponding columns:

I can't see the join lines in my relationships when connected to SQL Server 6.5.

The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server 6.5 (SQL Service Pack 5) is implemented as a dynamic link library (DLL) on the client machine and a set of stored procedures on the server. Unless both parts are installed, the OLE DB provider will not function correctly. Also, if you install a newer version of Sqloledb.dll, but do not install Instcat.sql on each Microsoft SQL Server machine running OLE DB, some OLE DB functions will return incorrect results.

To resolve this, you should run Instcat.sql to install the stored procedures on the Microsoft SQL Server you wish to access with OLE DB.

For more information on installing SQL Server, see the SQL Server documentation.

I'm having problems creating, modifying, or deleting an index.

Keep in mind the following guidelines when creating, modifying, or deleting an index or a column that participates in an index: