Comparison Operators

Overview of search condition operators

You can use any standard SQL operators in a search condition. When you use operators in a search condition, the following rules apply:

Summary of search condition operators

The following table summarizes search condition operators that are defined for standard SQL.

Operator Meaning Grid pane example SQL pane example
= Equal.
= 'Smith'
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE lname = 'Smith'
Not equal to.
<> 'Active'
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE status <> 'Active'
> Greater than.
> '01 Jan 1995'2
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date >
< Less than.
< 100
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE job_lvl < 100
Greater than or equal to.
>= 'T'
SELECT au_lname
FROM authors
WHERE au_lname >= 'T'
Less than or equal to.
<= '01 Jan 1995' 2
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date <= 
AND expr2
Tests range of values.
'01 Jan 1995' 
'31 Dec 1995'2
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date 
 BETWEEN '12/31/90'
 AND '12/31/91'
IS [NOT] NULL Tests whether contents of column or result of expression is null.
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE photo_on_file IS NULL
[NOT] LIKE Performs pattern matching (usually restricted to character data types).
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE lname LIKE ('MAC%')
expr1 [NOT] IN
(val1, val2, …)

– or –

expr1 [NOT] IN
Matches list of specific values by testing whether expr1 appears either in a list of values or in the result set of a subquery.
IN ('SW', 'SE')

supplier_id IN
SELECT fname, lname
FROM employees
WHERE sales_region IN ('SW', 'SE')

SELECT product_nameFROM products
WHERE supplier_id IN
  (SELECT supplier_id
  FROM supplier
  WHERE (country = 'Sweden'))
ANY (SOME) Tests whether one or more rows in the result set of a subquery meet the specified condition. (ANY and SOME are synonyms; the Query Designer will use ANY when creating an SQL statement.)
<> ANY (subquery)
SELECT au_lname, au_fname
FROM authors
where city <> any
 (SELECT city FROM publishers)
ALL Tests whether all rows in the result set of a subquery meet the specified condition.
advance > ALL (subquery)
SELECT title FROM titles
where advance > all
  (SELECT advance FROM
  where titles.pub_id 
   = publishers.pub_id
  AND pub_name = 
   'Alogdata Infosystems')
[NOT] EXISTS Tests whether a subquery returns any results whatsoever (not a specific result).
EXISTS (subquery)
SELECT product_name
FROM products
   orders, products
  WHERE orders.prod_id 
  = products.prod_id)