Operators for Expressions

You can use a variety of operators in constructing expressions for your query, including mathematical and text operators.

Mathematical operators

The following table lists the mathematical operators you can use in constructing an expression.

Operator Meaning
+, - Unary positive, negative
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division

Note   You can use additional operators available, such as the "%" operator to determine modulo or remainders in arithemtic operations. For more information about the modulo arithmetic operator, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

If you use more than one mathematical operator in an expression, the Query Designer processes the expression according to the following operator precedence. To override the default precedence, use parentheses around the portion of the expression that is to be evaluated first. If more than one operator of the same level is included, the operators are evaluated left to right.

  1. Unary + and -
  2. * and /
  3. + and -

Text operator

You can perform one operation on text: concatenation or the linking together of strings. You can concatenate strings and perform other operations (such as removing extraneous spaces) using a single operator. To concatenate a string, you can use the "+" operator in the Grid pane.