Change a Table View in a Database Diagram

Background information

When you are working with only a few tables in a database diagram, it is usually helpful to view as much column information as possible. Such a view not only gives you more information, but it also enables you to edit the column definitions.

When you are working with a large number of tables, however, it is usually preferable to view only the column names, or only the table name, so that you can see more of the tables in your diagram at once.

In a database diagram, you can expand the tables you want to edit as needed and then collapse them again to save space on the diagram.

Each table in a database diagram can be displayed in one of five views.

Property Setting
Column Name The name of the field in the table.
Condensed Type Information about the field's data type, in the same format as the SQL Create Table statement. For example, a field containing a variable-length string with a maximum length of 20 characters would be represented as varchar(20).
Nullable Null (the field can contain a Null value) or Not Null (the field must contain a non-null value).

Change a table view

  1. In the Database window, click Database Diagrams   under Objects, click the database diagram you want to open, and then click Design on the Database window toolbar.
  2. In your database diagram, select the tables you want to see in another view. To change the view of all the tables in your diagram, choose Select All from the Edit menu.
  3. Right-click the table and select the desired view from the shortcut menu.

When you finish editing a table, you can change it to a different view or resize it to create more space on the database diagram.

Modify the Custom view

  1. In the Database window, click Database Diagrams   under Objects, click the database diagram you want to open, and then click Design on the Database window toolbar.
  2. In your database diagram, select the table you want to see in Custom view.
  3. Click the Diagram menu, and then click Modify Custom View. The Column Selection dialog box appears.
  4. Use the arrows to move the desired columns from the Available columns box to the Selected columns box.

    Note   To add a column, highlight the column in the Available columns box and click the > button. The column will then be listed in the Selected columns box. To display all columns, click the >> button. To remove a column from the Selected columns box, highlight the column and click the < button.

  5. The columns will appear in the table in the order they are displayed in the Selected columns box. Use the Sort arrows to rearrange the columns in the Selected columns box to the desired order.
  6. To make this setting the default Custom view, select the Save as default box.

    Note   If the Save as default box is not selected, the columns listed in the Selected columns box will be displayed for all the database tables displayed in Custom view on the current diagram. However, this setting will not be saved and is not applied to other diagrams when you choose the Custom view command.

The selected table is redrawn to display the columns chosen in the dialog box.