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If you don't see the Help topic you want after asking a question of Help, click the S ee more arrow in the Office Assistant balloon. If you still can't find the topic you want, click None of the above, look for more help on the Web. Information about finding Help topics appears and provides you with two suggestions for finding the Help topic you want. You can also click search tips for guidelines on how to focus the list of Help topics by rephrasing your question to the Assistant or by using the Index tab in Help.
If you still can't find the Help topic you want, click Send and go to the Web to start your Web browser and connect you to a Web site to look for more Help. You can also describe what you were trying to do at the time you asked the Assistant for Help. Your question and any comments you provide will be collected and used to improve future versions of the Help system.
Note Depending on your system configuration, None of the above, look for more help on the Web may not be available on your computer. You must have a Web browser installed on your computer and access to the Internet to use this feature. If this feature isn't available, see your system administrator.