About e-mail accounts

You can get the e-mail service you need by adding an e-mail account to Microsoft Outlook using the information provided to you by your administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). Depending on your needs, you can add several e-mail accounts to a single Outlook user profile. For example, you can add a Microsoft Exchange Server account to handle your business e-mail and then add an Internet e-mail account, such as Hotmail, to handle your personal e-mail.

Outlook supports the following types of e-mail servers:

To get started with an e-mail account, you need to tell Outlook:

Your account name, password, and e-mail server (adding an account)

The information usually supplied to you by your ISP or administrator is:


Sometimes the same server is used for both incoming and outgoing messages, as with Microsoft Exchange Server. For POP3 and IMAP accounts, messages you send are submitted to an outgoing server that supports the SMTP Internet standard and then are delivered to the recipient. Messages you receive are stored in your account on a server that supports the POP3 or IMAP Internet standard.

How to connect to your e-mail server (connecting/dialing)

You can connect in two ways:

When and how to get your e-mail from the server (sending/receiving)

Where to keep your e-mail messages (data file)