About tracking items and files related to a contact

As you work with contacts, itÆs useful to have at your fingertips e-mail messages, appointments, tasks, documents, or other items related to the contact. You relate items to a contact by creating links. For example, if you create a task to call several of your contacts, in the task item, you can use the Contacts button to link the task to those contacts. You can also relate documents to a contact by linking them. E-mail messages that you send to any of your contacts are automatically linked to those contacts, as are any items that you create by using the Actions menu.

The Activities tab of any contact item shows an overview of all the items related to that contact. By default, Microsoft Outlook searches for links to items only in the main Outlook folders, such as Calendar, Contacts, and so on. But you can create new folder groups to be searched, and within each folder group you can add and delete folders to be searched.

You can open any contact item from within an item linked to it by double-clicking the contact name in the Contacts box.