Open an attachment
Open a file attachment from within an item
- Open the item that contains the file attachment you want to open.
- Double-click the icon for the attachment.
- An attachment in a message that uses HTML or plain text as the message format appears in a line below the Subject line, whereas an attachment in a Rich Text message or in other types of items is included in the body of the item.
- By default, Microsoft Outlook blocks attachment files ( such as .bat, .exe, .vbs, and .js) that can contain viruses. You cannot see or access the attachment. Your Inbox will display the paperclip icon in the Attachment column to let you know that the message has an attachment, and you will see a list of the blocked attachment files in the InfoBar at the top of your message.
Open an attachment without opening the item
- Right-click the item that contains the attachment.
- On the shortcut menu, point to View Attachments, and then click the name of the attachment that you want to view.
- By default, Microsoft Outlook blocks attachment files ( such as .bat, .exe, .vbs, and .js) that can contain viruses. If the attachment in the message you receive is one that Outlook blocks, View Attachments will not appear on the shortcut menu.