About add-ins

COM add-ins

COM add-ins are executable (.exe) files or Dynamic Link Library (.dll) files that add extra functionality to Microsoft Outlook.

You can find a variety of COM add-ins and other program extensions on the Microsoft Office Web site. If you have Internet access, on the Outlook Help menu, click Office on the Web.

Exchange Client add-ins

Microsoft Exchange Client add-ins are extension configuration (.ecf) files that add extra functionality to Microsoft Outlook. These add-ins are installed automatically when you install Outlook. If, for any reason, one of these add-ins is removed, or if you want to use a third-party add-in, you can install it at any time. The following table describes the add-ins available in Outlook:

File name Description
Dlgsetp.ecf Delegate Access: Adds the Delegates tab to the Options dialog box (Tools menu).
Dumpster.ecf Deleted Item Recovery: Adds capability to recover previously deleted items.
Outex2.ecf Exchange Extensions: Adds the Out of Office Assistant command (Tools menu).
Minet.ecf Internet Mail: Adds an Internet tab to the Message Properties dialog box.
Mail3.ecf Mail 3.0 Extensions: Enables extensions created for Microsoft Mail version 3.0 in Outlook.
Awfext.ecf Microsoft Fax: If previously set up, adds Microsoft At Work fax software to the list of available information services.
Msfsmenu.ecf Microsoft Mail 3.x Menu Extensions: Enables menu extensions created for Microsoft Mail 3.x in Outlook.
Msfsprop.ecf Microsoft Mail 3.x Property Sheet Extensions: Enables dialog box extensions created for Microsoft Mail 3.x in Outlook.
Outex.ecf Remote Exchange Extensions: Adds Remote Mail settings to the Mail icon (Windows Control Panel).
Msspc.ecf Schedule+: Provides Microsoft Schedule+ compatibility.
Msn.ecf The Microsoft Network: Adds MSN to the list of available information services.
Pmailext.ecf Windows CE Support: Adds Windows CE Inbox transfer support.
Scrpxtn.ecf Scripting Support: Enables Exchange Server Scripting agents.
Faxext.ecf Microsoft Fax extensions: Enables extensions created for Microsoft Fax.
Ccmxp.ecf Lotus cc:Mail Menu Extensions: Enables menu extensions created for Lotus cc:Mail.
Cserve.ecf CompuServe: Provides CompuServe compatibility.
Fldpub.ecf Folder Publishing: Enables publishing of folders on the Web.
Mtmolmnu.ecf Team Manager: Adds Team Manager support.
Olmenu.ecf TeamStatus Form: Adds the TeamStatus form.
Rwizi.ecf Rules Wizard: Enables the Rules Wizard.