About saving a personal calendar as a Web page

You can save a calendar as a Web page and then share it with others. For example, you might post a calendar with important project dates as a page on your company intranet, or your soccer team's game schedule as a page on your personal Web site. You can then easily refer others to the calendar by distributing its URL.

When you save a calendar as a Web page, you can specify the start and end dates for the calendar, and whether to include appointment details that are entered in the text section of the appointment. You can also add a background.

You can post your calendar to most Internet service provider (ISP) Web servers or to any standard Web server installed with the default configuration and running the FTP protocol. Microsoft FrontPage servers and Microsoft Windows NT Internet Information Servers (version 4.0 or later recommended) with Posting Acceptor installed can accept calendar Web pages created by using Microsoft Outlook through an HTTP connection. Contact your ISP for information on posting.