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Set options for the original message text in a reply form

  1. In design time, click the Actions page of your form.

  2. Click the action that you want, and then click the Properties button.

  3. In the When responding box, click an option.
Click To
Do not include original message Delete the original text in the body of the message.
Attach original message Include the original message as an attachment in the body of the message.
Include original message text Include the original message text in the body of the message exactly how it was written.
Include and indent original message text Include the original message text and indent it to the right to distinguish it from new text the user adds.
Prefix each line of the original message Include the original message text in the body of the message. The text will not be indented but each line of the original message will be prefixed with >.
Attach link to original message Include a link to the original message.
Respect user's default Use the user's Tools menu, Options dialog box settings.