a public folder and specify permissions, views, forms, and rules
To create a public folder, you must have permission to create folders in an existing public folder. For information about how to obtain permission, see your administrator.
Create the public folder
You can copy a private folder to a public folder to quickly start a public folder with existing items.
Set permission levels
You must have Owner permission for a public folder to set sharing permissions for the folder. You can set permissions for only one folder at a time.
For Help on an option, click the question mark , and then click
the option.
Note You can assign everyone who has access to the folder the same permissions by clicking Default in the Name box.
Create views to organize and find information
Do one of the following:
Create a view from scratch
For Help on an option, click the question mark , and then click the option.
Note New views are added to the Current View submenu (on the View menu).
Create a view based on a standard view
For Help on an option, click the question mark , and then click the option.
Note New views are added to the Current View submenu (on the View menu).
Create views to organize and find information
Do one of the following:
Create a view from scratch
For Help on an option, click the question mark , and then click the option.
Note New views are added to the Current View submenu (on the View menu).
Create a view based on a standard view
For Help on an option, click the question mark , and then click the option.
Note New views are added to the Current View submenu (on the View menu).
Change the default view for the folder
To change the default view for a public folder, you must have Owner permission for the folder, and there must be at least one custom view defined for the folder that is visible to everyone.
If the Administration tab does not appear, you don't have Owner permission.
The Normal view displays the default Microsoft Outlook view for the type of items in the folder.
Specify the forms available for others to post information in the public folder
This feature requires Microsoft Exchange.
You must have Editor, Publishing Editor, or Owner permission to add forms to a private shared folder or to a public folder. If the folder is a public folder, and you have Owner permission, you can limit the forms that are available to other people who use the folder.
For more information on how to select forms, click the Help button in the dialog box (if available).
Create rules to process items posted in the folder
You must have Owner permission for a public folder to create or modify rules for it.
To modify an existing rule, click a rule in the list, and then click Edit Rule.
For Help on an option, click Help.
Note When you create a rule, it is active by default.
Notify others that the public folder is available by sending them a shortcut to the folder. In the Folder List, right-click the public folder, and then click Send Link to This Folder on the shortcut menu.
Do any of the following:
Share a calendar
Share a contact list
Create a new folder, and choose Contact items in the Folder contains list.
Note The shared contact list appears in the Outlook Address Book/Contacts.
Share a task list
Create a new folder, and choose Task items in the Folder contains list.
Note While you can copy a task list to a public folder, you cannot copy a task request to a public folder or create a task request from a public folder.
Post information to a public folder
Create a moderated public folder
You must have Owner permission for a public folder in order to designate it as a moderated folder.
Standard response
"Thank you for your submission. Please note that submissions to some folders or discussion groups are reviewed to determine whether they should be made publicly available. In these cases, there will be a delay before approved submissions can be viewed by others."
Custom response
Click Custom response, and then click Template. Type the text of your custom response.
Moderators will not receive either of these responses when they post messages.
Optional: To view the properties of a selected moderator, click Properties.