Field | Edit in view | Data type and meaning |
Attachment | No | Yes/No. |
Billing Information | Yes | Text. |
Categories | Yes | Text. Field used to group and find related items. Multiple categories are separated by commas. |
Conversation | No | Text. Value of the Subject field in the original item in a conversation. |
Created | No | Date/Time. Date and time the message is created. |
Defer Until | Yes | Date/Time. Date and time a message is to be delivered. The server delays delivery of the message. |
Do Not AutoArchive | Yes | Yes/No. Specifies whether to archive the message. |
Expires | Yes | Date/Time. Date and time a message expires. |
From | No | Text. Names in the From box in a message. |
Header status | No | Indicates the download state of the message. |
Icon | Yes | Internal Data Type. |
Importance | Yes | The following settings apply. 0 Low importance |
In Folder | No | Text. Name of the folder that contains the message. |
Message | No | Text. Value of the text box in a message. |
Message Class | No | Specifies the message class for the type of item. For information about the standard message classes, click ![]() |
Mileage | Yes | Text. |
Modified | No | Date/Time. Last date and time the message was modified. |
Outlook Internal Version | No | For administrator use only |
Outlook Version | No | Text. Version of Outlook that the message is created in. |
Read | No | True/False. Specifies whether the message has been marked as read. |
Received | No | Date/Time. Date and time the message is received. |
Remote Status | No | Specifies the status of Remote Mail header. The following settings apply. 0 None |
Retrieval Time | No | Duration. Specifies the time it takes to download the message with Remote Mail. Saved as minutes. |
Sensitivity | No | The following settings apply. 0 Normal |
Sent | No | Date/Time. Date and time the message is sent. |
Size | No | Number. Number of bytes used by the message. |
Subject | Yes | Text. |