I can't see my tasks.
Some tasks may temporarily be hidden based on the filter used to see the tasks. To see all of the tasks, remove the filter.
On the View menu, point to Current View, and then click Customize Current View. Click Filter.
In the lower-right corner, click Clear All.
I assigned a task and it disappeared.
Did you create the assigned task from an existing task in your task list? If so, and you cleared the Keep an updated copy of this task on my task list check box in the task request, Microsoft Outlook deleted the copy of the task from your task list. You can create another task to assign, or ask the new owner of the task to send you a copy of it. Either way, if you want status information about the first task you assigned, you must request it from the owner of the task.
I received a task update message in my Inbox, but it disappeared.
Microsoft Outlook periodically checks the Inbox for task update messages. When a task update message appears, Outlook updates the task in your task list and deletes the message in Inbox for you. The new task information is saved with the task in your task list, so no information is lost.
I don't receive status reports for a task I assigned.
When you filled out the task request, you might not have selected the Send me a status report when this task is complete check box. To receive status reports for this task, send a mail message to the task owner and ask that person to send you a status report.
I'm no longer receiving updates to an assigned task.
If you created an unassigned copy of the task and then assigned the copy to someone else, you and everyone who formerly received updates to the original task won't be able to keep an updated copy of it in your task list. The original task will stay in the task list of the person you first assigned it to. If you request a status report for that task, you will receive the report when the original owner marks the task complete. You won't receive updates or status reports for the copy you assigned.
I can't edit a task I assigned that was returned declined.
After someone declines a task assignment, you have to reclaim ownership of the task by adding it back to your task list.
I can't skip a recurring task.
The Skip Occurrence command (on the Actions menu) isn't available if you select Regenerate new task in the Task Recurrence dialog box. When you select Regenerate new task, a new occurrence of the task won't appear in your task list until you mark the previous occurrence as complete. So you don't need to skip an occurrence of this task.
I can't create an unassigned copy of a task.
You cannot create an unassigned copy of a task when:
Taskáhours aren'táconverting to days and weeks the way I want.
By default, 8 hours equals 1 day and 40 hours equals 1 week in Microsoft Outlook. Therefore, if you enter 12 hours of actual work, Outlook converts that to 1.5 days. However, you can change the number of hours Outlook uses to calculate a day or week.
On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Other tab.
Click Advanced Options.
To set the number of hours that Outlook uses to calculate a day, type a number in the Task working hours per day box.
To set the number of hours that Outlook uses to calculate a week, type a number in the Task working hours per week box.
Some tasks are a different color.
By default, Microsoft Outlook displays overdue tasks in red and completed tasks in gray. However, you can change these colors.
On the Tools menu, click Options.
Click Task Options, and then select the colors you want.