Troubleshoot views

I can't find the view I created.

I can't edit my items.

I want to rename a view, but the Rename button is disabled.

If the current view is a standard view, you cannot rename it. Instead, copy the standard view, give it a new name, and then change the settings if you haven't already customized the view the way you want.

Items disappear when I switch to another view.

Some items in a folder may be temporarily hidden if the view you are using includes a filter. To see all of the items, remove the filter.


  1. On the View menu, point to Current View, and then click Customize Current View.

  2. Click Filter.

  3. In the lower-right corner, click Clear All.



I added columns to a table view, but I can't see all of them.

Microsoft Outlook automatically resizes all columns in the view to fit in the Outlook window. That way you don't have to scroll to see the columns. However, if your view has too many columns to fit in the window, you need to turn off automatic column sizing so you can scroll to the right to see the columns.

  1. On the View menu, point to Current View, and then click a table view type.
  2. On the View menu, point to Current View, and then click Customize Current View.
  3. Click Other Settings.
  4. Clear the Automatic column sizing check box.

I want to copy information from a field that isn't displayed.

You need to first display the field in the view, and then copy its contents.

  1. On the View menu, point to Current View, and then click a table view type.
  2. Add the columns you want to copy the contents of to the view.


    In a table, a field is a column that contains information. In a card, a field is a box with a label that contains information.

    1. On the View menu, point to Current View, and then click Customize Current View.
    2. Click Fields.
    3. Do one of the following:

      Add a field or column

      1. In the Available fields box, click the field you want to add.

        If the field you want is not in the Available fields box, click a different field set in the Select available fields from box, and then click a field.

      2. Click Add.

      Remove a field or column

      1. In the Show these fields in this order box, click the field you want to remove.
      2. Click Remove.


        To quickly remove a column, drag the column heading away from the row until an X appears through the column heading, and then release the mouse button.

        Deleted column heading

  3. Select the items you want to copy.


    • To select adjacent items, click the first item, and then hold down SHIFT and click the last item.
    • To select nonadjacent items, click the first item, and then hold down CTRL and click additional items.
    • To select all items, click the Edit menu, and then click Select All.
    Note   Changing the view for items can make selecting specific items easier. For instance, if you want to select all messages that have the same subject, in the folder containing the messages, click View, point to Current View, and then click By Conversation Topic. Select the messages you want from the view.


  4. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
  5. Switch to the other program or to the item you want to copy the information to.
  6. On the Edit menu, click Paste.

Note   If you click Cut, the items are not deleted. To delete the items, select them, click the Edit menu, and then click Delete.