Troubleshoot data files

I cannot open my data file from another computer.

I need to restore one item from a backup data file.

  1. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Outlook Data File.
  2. Click the .pst file you want, and then click OK.

    The name of the folder associated with the data file appears in the Folder List. To view the Folder List, from the View menu, click Folder List. By default, the folder will be called Personal Folders

  3. Open the folder containing the backup items and drag the items you want to the  folder you want.
  4. To close the backup folder, right-click it, and then click Close "Folder Name" on the shortcut menu.

My .pst data file is still too big even after I deleted items from it.

You need to compact the file. This might take several minutes.

  1. On the Tools  menu, click Options.
  2. Click Mail Setup, and then click Data Files.
  3. Click the data file that you want to compact, and then click Settings.
  4. Click Compact Now.

I can't find my data file.

Locate the file.


  1. On the File menu, click Data File Management.
  2. Select the file you want, and then click Open Folder.

If the file you want is not in the list, at some time you saved it to a location other than the default location. Your data file has a .pst file extension.

You can search for the file.


  1. Click Start, point to Search, and then click For Files or Folders
  2. In the Search for files or folders named box, type all or part of the file name you want to find, or use asterisks (for example, *.pst). 
  3. In the Look in list, click the drive, folder, or network you want to search. 
  4. Click Search Now.