Headers and footers consist of the header and footer text, slide or page number, and date you want at the top or bottom of your slides or notes and handouts.
You can use headers and footers on single slides or all slides. For notes and handouts, when you apply a header or footer, it applies to all notes and handouts. Headers and footers that you create for handouts also apply to printed outlines.
You do not have to include headers and footers. By default, notes and handouts include page numbers, but you can turn these off. You might choose to include no headers and footers on your slides but instead to reserve them for notes and handouts for that presentation.
Typical text footers in a presentation are a company name or labels such as "Draft" or "Confidential."
When you want to change the font style for headers and footers or the position, size, and formatting of the placeholders that contain headers and footers, you can do so on the slide master, notes master, or handout master, as appropriate.
If you accidentally delete header or footer placeholders on the master, you can reapply the placeholders.
When you view slides, notes, or handouts in print preview, you can also add, change, or delete headers and footers at the same time as you are previewing them.