About printing in black and white

When you're creating a presentation in color, you might want to print handouts in shades of gray (grayscale) or in pure black and white. Grayscale and pure black-and-white objects in your presentation appear on the screen and print in the ways listed below. Note that bitmaps, clip art, and charts show in  grayscale, even when printed in pure black-and-white mode.

Object In grayscale/
pure black
and white
Text Black/Black
Text shadows Grayscale/Hidden
Embossing Grayscale/Hidden
Fills Grayscale/White
Frame Black/Black
Pattern fills Grayscale/White
Lines Black/Black
Object shadows Grayscale/Black
Bitmaps Grayscale/Grayscale
Clip art Grayscale/Grayscale
Slide backgrounds White/White
Charts Grayscale/Grayscale