Document headings must be formatted with built-in heading styles in order to display in the Document Map.
Select the level of headings to display. Do any of the following:
To display all headings at a specific level or below, right-click a heading in the Document Map, and then click a number on the shortcut menu. For example, click Show Heading 3 to display heading levels 1 through 3.
To collapse the subordinate headings under an individual heading, click the minus sign (-) next to the heading.
To display the subordinate headings under an individual heading, click the plus sign (+) next to the heading.
Click a heading in the Document Map you want to navigate to. The insertion point in the document will move to the selected heading.
When you're through, click Document Map on the View menu to close the pane.
You can also close the Document Map by double-clicking the resize bar at the right edge of the pane.