Convert a text box to a frame

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You must use frames to position text that contains a note reference mark, a comment mark, or certain fields, including AUTONUM, AUTONUMLGL, AUTONUMOUT ù used for numbering lists and paragraphs in legal documents and outlines ù TC (Table of Contents Entry), TOC (Table of Contents), RD (Referenced Document), XE (Index Entry), TA (Table of Authorities Entry), and TOA (Table of Authority) fields.

If the text box is on a drawing canvas, you must drag it off to complete this procedure.

  1. Select the text box.
  2. On the Format menu, click Text Box, and then click the Text Box tab.
  3. Click Convert to Frame.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Use the Cut and Paste commands to insert the items you want into the frame.
  6. Position the frame in your document.

Note   You can use the Frame command (Format menu) to select the same options you did in earlier versions of Word. For example, you can specify that text either surround the frame or flow above and below the frame.