Search Japanese text

The feature described in this Help topic is only available if support for Japanese is enabled through Microsoft Office Language Settings.

  1. On the Edit menu, click Find, and then click the Find tab.
  2. In the Find what box, enter the text that you want to search for.
  3. Click More.
  4. Select the Sounds like (Japanese) check box, and then click Options.
  5. Under Treat as equal, do any of the following, and then click OK:
  6. Click Find Next.

Additional search options

You can also set the following options in the Japanese Find dialog box:

Match contractions (yo-on, sokuon)
Searches without distinguishing between characters with diphthongs and double consonants and plain characters.
Match minus/dash/cho-on
Searches without distinguishing between minus signs (รป), dashes (dash), and long vowel sounds (long vowel).
Match 'repeat character' marks
Searches without distinguishing between repeat character marks (repeatrepeatrepeatrepeatrepeat).
Match variant-form kanji (itaiji)
Searches without distinguishing between standard and nonstandard ideography.
Match old kana forms
Searches without distinguishing between new and old kana.
Match cho-on used for vowels
Searches without distinguishing between characters with long vowel sounds and plain characters.
Match di/zi, du/zu (di/zi, du/zu)
Searches without distinguishing between "di" and "zi" or "du" and "zu".
Match ba/va, ha/fa (ba/vuavua, ha/fuafua)
Searches without distinguishing between "ba" and "vuavua", or "ha" and "fuafua".
Match tsi/thi/chi, dhi/zi (tsuitsui/teitei/chi, deidei/ji)
Searches without distinguishing between "tsuitsui", "teitei", and "chi", or "deidei" and "ji".
Match hyu/iyu, byu/vyu (heyuheyu/fuyufuyu, beyubeyu/vuyuvuyu)
Searches without distinguishing between"heyuheyu" and "fuyufuyu", or "beyubeyu" and "vuyuvuyu".
Match se/she, ze/je (se/shieshie, ze/jiejie)
Searches without distinguishing between "se" and "shieshie", or "ze" and "jiejie".
Match ia/iya (piano/piyano) (a/ya)
Searches without distinguishing between "a" and "ya" following i-row and e-row characters.
Match ki/ku (tekisuto/tekusuto) (ki/ku)
Searches without distinguishing between "ki" and "ku" before sa-row characters.
Punctuation characters
Searches without distinguishing between punctuation characters.
Whitespace characters
Searches without distinguishing between characters used as blank spaces, such as full-width spaces, half-width spaces, and tabs.