Backing up Clip Gallery data

If you back up your files and want to make sure that all your Clip Gallery data is recoverable, you will want to be sure to include the clip files that you have imported and all clip property information. Those files are stored in a folder called Media Catalog which is in your Application Data directory. You can use the Find Files or Folders command after selecting Find on the Windows Start menu to find this directory. See Switching to another folder or drive for more information.

If you have user profiles enabled in Windows, there will be a separate Media Catalog folder for each Clip Gallery user. You may back up one or all of these folders. If you already use a utility program designed to back up user data, it may automatically include these files. If you need to restore your computer from a backup (for example, after a disk failure), and you have imported any clip catalogs, such as .mmc or .cag files, using Import Clips, you may also need to reimport those catalogs in order for them to appear in Clip Gallery. See Importing catalogs of clips for more information.