Using Help efficiently
New features in this version of Help
- On the Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.0 Help toolbar, click Hide to close the Navigation pane, which contains the Table of Contents and Index tabs. This will make the Help window smaller, and then you can move Help to the side of your screen and keep it open while you are doing a task in Clip Gallery.
- On the Help toolbar, click Show to reopen the Navigation pane.
- Underlined words or phrases are links. Click any link to get to more information about that subject.
- On the Help toolbar, click the Back and Forward arrows to return to previously selected topics.
Help basics
- Use the Table of Contents to browse for information about how Clip Gallery works.
- Use the alphabetical Index to locate information about a specific topic.
- Click the + before a topic heading, or double-click the topic heading, to see the topics in that heading.
- Click the ? or the topic title to view the topic in the topic pane.
Context Help basics
Context Help is information about a specific button or feature that you can access directly in Clip Gallery and Clip Gallery dialog boxes. To access Context Help:
- Click the on the title bar, and then click the feature you want more information about.
- Press SHIFT+F1. You will either get Context Help for whatever has focus, or you may then click the feature you want more information about.