To restore your Clip Gallery data
You can recover clip previews or categories you deleted from Clip Gallery and restore the original clip properties. Only clips from currently installed products can be restored.
- Select any category using the right mouse button (right-click).
- On the shortcut menu, click Recover.
- Click Restore.
- Choose one of the following options:
- Click the Restore Categories button to restore categories that were installed with Clip Gallery and that you have previously renamed or deleted.
- Click the Restore Clips button to restore all product clips you deleted using Clip Gallery. If you removed a product or files, you may need to reinstall the product before you can use clips you restore.
- Click the Restore Properties button to revert to the original descriptions, keywords, and categories for all clips from installed products. Any changes you have made to properties of these clips will be lost.
Note If you experience problems such as corrupted data error messages or missing clips caused by a premature shutdown of Clip Gallery, see Compacting your main Clip Gallery catalog.