Xara Webstyle - special offer details
As a special offer to readers, not only are we giving away a copy of Webstyle 1 (value £48 plus VAT), but you can also upgrade online to Xara Webstyle 2 for the low price of £41 plus VAT, providing you register your copy of Webstyle 1 first.

Registering version 1
You can do this by following the register link within the program, or by going to www.xara.com/ws1offer.asp?p=vnu

The cover CD also includes a free 15-day trial version of Webstyle 2 (fully functional but with a small subset of the templates).

This special offer on the upgrade lasts until 31 May 2002. Upgrade via the web only by following the link within Xara Webstyle 1 or by going directly to the special offer page at www.xara.com/ws1upgrade.asp?p=vnu