index and supplier contacts Click on the supplier name to connect to the company's website (note: an internet connection is required). |
1&1 Internet AG | ||
Abit | 01438 228 8888 | |
Acer | ||
AJP | 020 8208 9755 | |
AOpen | ||
Asus | ||
ATi Technology | ||
Chaintech | ||
Claranet | ||
Clove Technology | 01202 302 796 | |
Compaq | 0845 270 4040 | |
Compute IT | 08707 487 487 | |
Crucial Technology | 0800 013 7395 | |
CTX Europe | ||
Dabs | 0870 129 3654 | |
Dakota Computer Solutions | 020 8452 8400 | |
Dan Technology | 020 8830 1122 | |
Dell | 01344 724 872 | |
Digital Workshops | 0870 120 2186 | | | ||
ECS | 01903 481 830 | |
Elonex | 0870 037 4486 | |
Elsa | 0870 990 4248 | |
Epox | || | 0800 496 0800 | |
Giga-Byte Technology | 01908 362 700 | |
Hansol | 01252 360 400 | |
Hewlett-Packard | 0990 474 747 | |
Hi-Grade Computers | 0800 074 0403 | |
Hyperos | 0800 027 2002 | |
IBM | 0800 015 2601 | |
Ideal Computing | 0870 745 5061 | |
Iiyama | 01483 745 482 | |
Interix | ||
Iomega | ||
Javelin | 01254 505 505 | |
Jungle | 0800 0355 355 | |
Keyzone | 020 8900 1525 | |
Kyocera Electronics | ||
LG Electronics | 0870 607 5544 | |
Matrox | 01753 665 629 | |
Mesh | 020 8452 1111 | |
MGI | 0800 973 830 | |
Microwarehouse | 0870 5275 262 | |
Micro Star International | ||
Multivision | 0870 066 0885 | | | 0121 693 0052 | |
PC World | 0990 464 464 | |
Pearson Education | ||
Poweroid | 0870 2200 444 | |
Philips | 01756 702892 | |
QDI | 01753 554004 | |
Scansoft | 0870 870 8085 | |
Samsung | 0800 52 16 52 | |
Seiko instruments | 0845 309 8028 | |
Silicon Integrated Systems | ||
Silicon River | 020 8317 7777 | |
Simply Computers | 0800 035 2120 | |
Smart Certify Direct | 00 800 7230 7231 | |
Sony | ||
Task IT | 01442 233 573 | |
Taxan | 01344 484 646 | |
Technoworld | 020 8830 5555 | |
Time | 0870 8303 101 | |
Time Professional | 0870 8303 127 | |
Tiny | 0800 731 3476 | |
Toshiba | 0800 169 4527 | |
Watford Electronics |
220 0700
West Lakes |
100 8200
Xerox |
241 3245
Zen Internet |