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We'll do our best to help you solve your CD-ROM problems and get your software up and running successfully. You should find the answers to the most frequently asked questions from readers, as well as last-minute information on any issues with software included on the current CD-ROM. We'll also offer any help we can on past CDs. So, read on...
>> General advice on using the CD or DVD-ROM
>> Faulty CD-ROM (or DVD)?
>> Past issues' content (programs carried over the past year)
>> Past issues' problems
>> FAQ
>> Last resort...

TRY THIS FIRST... If you're having problems installing a particular application, check if you are running Norton AntiVirus. Norton has been known to prevent certain programs from installing properly. The solution is to disable it temporarily during installation.

IE5.5 PROBLEMS? — Click here for one reader's solution...

If you're using Netscape and are having problems running the Acrobat files in the Editorial section (group tests - DVD-ROM edition only), you might like to check out the Adobe Acrobat support site and find out how to configure your browser to use Acrobat as a helper application (see document 313692 on the site). Or, install Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.

PLEASE NOTE: We do our best to ensure that all the programs install correctly. But, nobody's perfect! If anything fails to install first time, or we've left something out, check the text file containing file paths for all the programs on the disc. It can be opened by choosing the option from PCW mini-installer when the disc loads.
Installing the software on this disc
Simply click the install buttons
) and follow the on-screen
prompts. Read the CD/DVD notes in Personal Computer World for additional information on installing and using the programs.
If you use an older version of IE or a non-MS browser...
You can still browse the CD or DVD, and install programs by clicking the INSTALL buttons. However you will be presented with the usual

It happens sometimes! If yours won't load, is missing, or is physically damaged (and you weren't responsible for its sorry state), you can write (enclosing the disc and/or sleeve) with your name and address, clearly marked with "PCW" plus the current month, plus Vol and Issue number (see the spine of the magazine for this), to:

306 St. Mary's Lane
Essex RM14 3HL

A replacement CD will be sent to you (note: these cannot be supplied direct from VNU).
ABT can also be reached by telephone on 08700 885995