Installing Aethera

This section will provide you with the basic information needed for installing Aethera on both Windows and Linux systems. If you are unable to install Aethera please contact the support team for further information.

Download the apropriate package


Install Aethera on Windows

First, please download the install binary from the following address. After you downloaded the file named AetheraInstall-VERSION.exe the actual process of installing begins.

You have to follow some steps in order to get Aethera working on your Windows box. Currently Aethera works on all the Windows versions (which are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Co.)

  1. Run the downloaded executable file.
  2. Follow all the steps from the installer.
  3. Run the aethera.exe file from the location where do you install it (or you can use your Aethera desktop link and the menu entry from Start->Programs->Aethera)

At this point you should be presented with the Setup Wizard (which will be discussed at the Getting Started section).


Install Aethera on Linux

  • Installation from RPM

    There is a RPM package for Aethera available at the following address. Use your system package manager tools to get it installed or just call:

  • Installation from sources

    Because of the big number number of Linux flavors on the market (which means very little standardization) you will probably not be able to get Aethera already compiled. Even thou our team will try to offer build packages for the most popular platform this might not be the case for you.

    What you will need to do is:

      Using SRPM
    1. Download the SRPM package from the following address.
    2. Build the RPM package using the command:
      rpm --rebuild SRPM_PACKAGE_NAME
      rpmbuild --rebuild SRPM_PACKAGE_NAME
      for the new RedHat systems.
    3. Install the RPM package you have got after building.
      Using the sources tarball
    1. Download the file aethera-VERSION.tar.bz2 from the following address. Please do the folowing steps.
    2. Unpack the file is some folder (say /home/your_user/srpm/aethera)
    3. Open a console , go to the installed folder and write './'. By executing the script you have created the Makefile needed to build Aethera.
    4. Type 'make'. By executing this you have issued the build command for the Aethera. Depending on the speed of your system this may take bet wean 15 and 45 minutes.
    5. If you type 'make > /dev/null' you will not be able to see all the verbose information involving the build process but the compilation will go a lot faster.

      Type again

    6. Type again './'
    7. Type again 'make'
    8. Start a shell with root rights and execute 'make install' in the directory where you unpacked Aethera.
  • Now, just call 'aethera' or '/usr/local/bin/aethera' (if your PATH environment variable doesn't contain /usr/local/bin). Then you should be presented with the Setup Wizard (which will be discussed at the Getting Started section).

    Aethera will not compile if you don't have:
    The Korelib package installed.
    The QT toolkit (from installed.


    Fire away

    After going through the steps above you are now ready to run Aethera for the first time. A use friendly setup wizard will be presented to you... so please continue.
