Cinepaint 0.19
120 x 95 screengrabPainting and retouching software primarily used for motion picture frame-by-frame retouching and dust-busting. Supports deep color depth image formats up to 32-bit per channel deep. For comparison, GIMP is limited to 8-bit, and Photoshop to 16-bit.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP & Java VM

120 x 95 screengrabMonitors vital system stats. Displays stats from remote PCs and publish real-time stats on a webpage. The application can display CPU, RAM and page file usage, hard drive usage, MotherBoard Monitor temperatures and fan speeds, network stats and more.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

Dia 0.94
120 x 95 screengrabDraw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and simple circuits. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP & Java VM

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.86.1
120 x 95 screengrab Keeping your computer virus-free is a priority, although it can cost a wad of money to invest in all the security tools required and to keep them all updated. ClamWin is a free antivirus tool that enables you to achieve one goal: keep your computer virus-free.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

CoolPlayer build 215
120 x 95 screengrab Windows Media Player is a great tool, although it's rather large 'do it all' approach to media playback, means that it's not the most streamline player. CoolPlayer simply plays your music, enabling you to customise the player with its own skin and design.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

DoubleType 0.21
120 x 95 screengrab It's very difficult to find your own font and very expensive to purchase a font you're only going to use once or twice. DoubleType enables you to design and create your own TrueType fonts, that are usable from any Windows application.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP