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complex software and hardware solutions for corporate bussinesses and small officescomplex software and hardware solutions for corporate bussinesses and small offices
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Home :: Products :: Healthcare Management Suite :: Overview
HealthCare Management Suite
Buy Healthcare Management Suite: Medical diagrams, Medical charts, Medical illustrations, Medical graphics, Medical training diagrams,medical drawings, Anatomical drawings for medical notes
HealthCare Management Suite introduces a collection of two award-winning tools:
ConceptDraw MEDICAL
For medical diagrams, charts, cliparts, medical illustrations for hospitals, healthcare institutions, medical universities, research centers.
ConceptDraw Project
For healthcare planning and management, making vivid and visual reports and to-do lists, presentation for audience as Gantt-chart, WBS-chart, Mind Map.
HealthCare Management software -  Medical diagrams, Medical charts, Medical illustrations, Medical graphics, Medical training diagrams, medical drawings, Anatomical drawings for medical notesConceptDraw Medical:: Medical and Healthcare software

Includes numerious specialized with medical shapes, symblols:
General Medical symbols:
    • Body Detailer, Medsymbols
    • Laboratory and Medical Equipment and more

Medical Science:
    • Cell and Proteins
    • Immunology and Nucleic Acids
    • Membranes&Signal Transmission and more

    • Bacterial Cells, Colonies
    • Drafting and illustrating lectures
    • Microbiological Laboratory
Anatomy & Physiology:
    • Digestive and Nervous System
    • Endocrine Glands, Hearts and Vessels
    • Reproductive and Sensory Organs
    • Respiratory and Urinary Systems
    • Skeleton and Teeth and more

    • Citric Acid, Pentose Cycle
    • Enzymes Coenzymes, Glycolysis
    • Respiration Phosphorylation
    • Molecules and more
And many many more...

Extra possibilities of ConceptDraw Medical empower you on management and administrative diagramming tasks.

Draw easily pro-looking: ConceptDraw MEDICAL: Medical diagrams and illustrations
    • Business Diagrams
    • Flow Charts, Mindmaps
    • Orgcharts, Work Flow
    • SDL, TQM Diagrams
    • Floor Plans and Office Layouts
    • Database and Network Diagrams
      and more ...
HealthCare Management software - healthcare plans, Medical project plans To-do lists for stuff, process flow charts, medical reports,Cause-and-effect diagrams Hospital Floor plan ConceptDraw Project

Simple and Powerful Medical Project Management Application

    • Plan and track your projects, healthcare plans
    • Generate to-do lists for medical stuff
    • Report state of your projects
    • Make presentations of your medical plans and projects (Gantt chart, WBS, MindMap views)
    • Make your project vivid by adding medical illustrations and symbols
    • Export, publish and email medical and healthcare plans and projects

Buy Healthcare Management Suite: Medical diagrams, Medical charts,Medical illustrations, Medical graphics, Medical training diagrams,medical drawings, Anatomical drawings for medical notes

System Requirements:

For the Mac OS X version:
    • Mac OS version 8.6 or higher
      (Carbonized for Mac OS X)
    • Processor G3 (minimum)
    • 128 Mb of RAM
    • 80 Mb of free hard drive space available

For the Windows version:
    • Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT / 2000/XP
    • Pentium II processor
    • 128 Mb of RAM
    • 80 Mb of free hard drive space available

HealthCare Management Suite

• General
Detailed Overview
Order Now

Product Samples

HealthCare Management software -  Medical diagrams, Medical charts, Medical illustrations

HealthCare Management software -  Medical training diagrams, Anatomical drawings for medical notes

HealthCare Management software -  Medical diagrams, Medical charts, Anatomical drawings for medical notes

HealthCare Management software -  Medical diagrams,Medical illustrations,  Medical training diagrams

HealthCare Management software -  Medical diagrams, Medical training diagrams, Anatomical drawings for medical notes

HealthCare Management software -  Medical training diagrams, medical drawings, Anatomical drawings for medical notes

HealthCare Management software - medical mindmap, medical project management

HealthCare Management software - healthcare plans,Cause-and-effect diagrams Hospital Floor plan

HealthCare Management software -  Medical diagrams, Medical illustrations, Anatomical drawings for medical notes

HealthCare Management software - Medical project plans To-do lists for stuff, process flow charts, medical reports

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