Federal Transporter has arrived�The Federal Transporter has arrived at %s�Federal Transporter in transit�The Federal Transporter will arrive at %s in %d days. Select new target asteroid if required.�Federal Transporter departing�The Federal Transporter will depart from %s in %d days�Blueprints have arrived�The following blueprints have arrived:%t192 %s %s %s %s %s %s�Scout report�Scout reports no new asteroids found in sector SK%07.3q�Scout geosurvey of %s�Scout reports new asteroid�Scout reports %d new asteroids�Scout reports %s in SK%07.3q�Low population�%s has insufficient population�Ship theft�%s stolen from %s�Theft of money�Thieves on %s have stolen %dCr�Desertion of workers�%d people have deserted from %s�Workers on strike�Workers on %s have gone on strike�Sci-Tek blueprint theft�Thieves on %s have stolen the %s blueprint�Missile theft�One %s missile has been stolen from %s�Ore theft�%d tonnes of %s have been stolen from %s�Radiation leak�Radiation leak on %s�More ore found�More ore found on %s�Less ore found�Less ore found on %s than expected�PowerPlant explosion�A PowerPlant has exploded on %s�Asteroid Engine explosion�An Asteroid Engine has exploded on %s�Air leakage�All surplus air on %s has been lost�Water leakage�All surplus water on %s has been lost�Power loss�All surplus power on %s has been lost�Virus outbreak�A viral outbreak has infected workers on %s�No funds for CPU�Insufficient funds allocated for CPU construction on %s�Bonus paid�Cash bonus paid by Federation�New Transporter�A New Transporter will arrive from TetraCorp with the next Federal Transporter�Magnetic storm�A Magnetic storm has caused the suspension of all Fleet movement�Scoutship lost�A Scoutship has been lost through a worm-hole�Fleet movement detected�A Spy Satellite has detected a Fleet leaving %s�Missile launch detected�A Spy Satellite has detected a missile launch from %s�Power levels critical�Power levels on asteroid %s are at critical levels. Important life support buildings may be failing.�%s is not prepared to work for you again�Colony Supervisor %s refuses to work for you again under any circumstances.�New Colony Supervisor available�TetraCorp are pleased to announce Colony Supervisor %s is available for work�Colony Supervisor has arrived�Colony Supervisor %s has arrived with the Federal Ore Transporter�Colony Supervisor wants salary�Colony Supervisor %s would like paying in full next month�Colony Supervisor %s wants his back pay of %d Credits with his salary next month�Colony Supervisor %s wants her back pay of %d Credits with her salary next month�Colony Supervisor %s demands full payment of outstanding salary next month�Dead Colony Supervisor taken away�The body of Colony Supervisor %s has been removed with the Federal Ore Transporter�Dismissed Colony Supervisor departing�Dismissed Colony Supervisor %s has departed with the Federal Ore Transporter�%s has left with the Federal ore Transporter�Colony Supervisor %s has quit due to stress and left with the Federal Ore Transporter�Colony Supervisor %s has quit due to lack of pay and left with the Federal Ore Transporter�Colony Supervisor %s has died!�Colony Supervisor %s has died of a stress-related heart attack�Colony Supervisor %s has committed suicide from over-work�Colony Supervisor %s has died of unknown causes�Colony Supervisor security under-funded�Insufficient intelligence funding for security guarding of Colony Supervisor %s�Supervisor New Colony Request�Colony Supervisor %s wants to know whether he can start managing asteroid %s�Colony Supervisor %s wants to know whether she can start managing asteroid %s�Missile silo capacity available�Colony Supervisor %s has spare missile silo capacity available on asteroid %s�Ship build capacity available�Colony Supervisor %s has Orbital Dock construction capacity available at asteroid %s�Colony Supervisor %s has Ship Yard construction capacity available on asteroid %s�Surface virus detected�Colony Supervisor %s has detected a surface virus on asteroid %s�Missile fund low�Colony Supervisor %s needs more money for missile construction on asteroid %s�Missile ore shortage�Colony Supervisor %s needs more %s for missile construction on asteroid %s�Vehicle fund low�Colony Supervisor %s needs more money for ship construction on asteroid %s�Ship ore shortage�Colony Supervisor %s needs more %s for ship construction on asteroid %s�Weapons Factory required�Colony Supervisor %s needs a Weapons Factory on asteroid %s�Asteroid collision imminent�Colony Supervisor %s advises immediate anti-collision action for asteroid %s�Construction fund low�Colony Supervisor %s needs more money in the construction fund for buildings�Surface space shortage�Colony Supervisor %s requires surface space for essential life support buildings on asteroid %s�Buildings sabotaged�%d %s have been destroyed by a saboteur on asteroid %s�One %s has been destroyed by a saboteur on asteroid %s�Ships sold to black market�A saboteur has stolen and sold %d %s on the black market on asteroid %s�A saboteur has stolen and sold 1 %s on the black market on asteroid %s�Ships sabotaged�%d %s have been destroyed by a saboteur on asteroid %s�One %s has been destroyed by a saboteur on asteroid %s�Power Generators sabotaged�A saboteur on asteroid %s has destroyed all power generation facilities�Ore Storage sabotaged�A saboteur on asteroid %s has destroyed all ore stores and stored ore�All stored ore stolen�A saboteur on asteroid %s has stolen all stored ore and sold it on the black market�Life Support Sabotaged�A saboteur on asteroid %s has destroyed all life support facilities�Workers quarters sabotaged�A saboteur on asteroid %s has destroyed all workers living quarters�Missiles stolen�A saboteur on asteroid %s has stolen %d missiles and sold them on the black market�Missile launch sabotage�A saboteur on asteroid %s has launched %d missiles against %s %s�Fleet and Ship Orders sabotaged�A saboteur has aborted all current orders for Fleets and ships�Ship Orders sabotaged�A saboteur has aborted all current orders for ships�Ships given away�%d %s have been given to %s by a saboteur on asteroid %s�One %s has been given to %s by a saboteur on asteroid %s�Ships donated to you�A saboteur working for %s has given you %d %s as an act of spite against their employer�A saboteur working for %s has given you one %s as an act of spite against their employer�Money stolen�A saboteur has stolen %d Credits�Construction Orders sabotaged�A saboteur on asteroid %s has cancelled all construction orders for missiles and small ships�A saboteur on asteroid %s has cancelled all construction orders and destroyed all missiles and small ships under construction�Colony asteroid blown up�Colony asteroid %s has been destroyed by an explosive warhead�Colony asteroid collision�Colony asteroid %s has been destroyed in a collision with %s asteroid %s�Colony asteroids %s and %s have collided with each other!�Contact lost with colony asteroid�Colony asteroid %s has drifted out of known space, all contact has been lost.�Asteroid %s Colony Death�Colony asteroid %s has died out due to the loss of all population.�Ores dissolving�Colony asteroid %s has lost %d units of ore because of an ore-dissolving warhead�Agent %s available�Agent %s is in your sector and available for missions�Agent %s departing�Agent %s is no longer available for missions�Agent %s communication�Agent %s no longer has any work to do and will depart if no further orders are given�Agent %s has departed from asteroid %s as no further work was requested�Contact lost with agent %s�Agent %s has fled from asteroid %s, all contact has been lost�Contact lost with agent %s�All contact has been lost with agent %s who was working on asteroid %s�Agent %s urgent communication�The %s %s assigned to agent %s has been destroyed before agent arrived. All money paid has been refunded and agent is available for more work.�The %s %s assigned to agent %s lost its colony before agent arrived. All money paid has been refunded and agent is available for more work.�Agent %s report�Agent %s has not carried out mission on asteroid %s due to the absence of a SpaceDock�Agent %s can not carry out mission on asteroid %s as it is unowned�Agent %s can not carry out mission on asteroid %s as it is belongs to you�Agent %s can not carry out mission on asteroid %s as mining building do not exist�Agent %s can not carry out mission on asteroid %s as power generation buildings do not exist�Agent %s can not carry out mission on asteroid %s as ship defense buildings do not exist�Agent %s can not carry out mission on asteroid %s as ship defense buildings do not exist�Agent %s can not carry out mission on asteroid %s as construction buildings do not exist�Agent %s has not carried out mission on asteroid %s due to the absence of any missiles�Urgent security communication�Security report capturing an agent working on asteroid %s, although the agent escaped he claimed that he were working for %s�Security report capturing an agent working on asteroid %s, the agent would not say who he was working for and has escaped�Agent %s communication�Agent %s has safely arrived at asteroid %s, technical information about %s buildings is now available�Agent %s has safely arrived at asteroid %s�Agent %s communication�Agent %s at %s %s %s in %d days�will attempt to destroy SpaceDock�will attempt to access computer networks and establish satellite data transfer frequencies�will attempt to access computer networks and collect all treaty information�will attempt to access computer networks and collect asteroid location data�will attempt to set off the Anti Population Virus�will attempt to destroy all population centers and life support facilities�will attempt to destroy mining and ore storage facilities�will attempt to destroy power generation facilities�will attempt to destroy all anti-missile defenses and surface protection facilities�will attempt to destroy all ship attack turrets and surface protection facilities�will attempt to destroy all ship and missile construction facilities�will attempt to destroy all missiles in storage�Urgent Security Communication�The SpaceDock on colony asteroid %s has been blown up. Security suspect the presence of a freelance enemy agent.�Essential life support buildings on colony asteroid %s have been blown up. Security suspect the presence of a freelance enemy agent.�Mining facilities on colony asteroid %s have been blown up. Security suspect the presence of a freelance enemy agent.�Power generation facilities on colony asteroid %s have been blown up. Security suspect the presence of a freelance enemy agent.�Asteroid defense facilities on colony asteroid %s have been blown up. Security suspect the presence of a freelance enemy agent.�Construction facilities on colony asteroid %s have been blown up. Security suspect the presence of a freelance enemy agent.�All stored missiles on colony asteroid %s have been destroyed. Security suspect the presence of a freelance enemy agent.�Report of enemy fleet movement�%s departing from %s to attack %s. Estimated arrival date: %s %t120Fleet makeup: Light ships: %d Medium ships: %d Heavy ships: %d �Report of enemy missile launch�%t160%s %s has launched missiles against %s Number of missiles: %d Total yield: %d Strike chance: %d%% Estimated arrival date: %s Special missiles detected: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s �Agent %s report�%t130Mission: %s Status: %s �%t130Mission: %s Status: %s %s: %d�Unable to do mission�Mission complete�Mission successful�Buildings destroyed�Missiles destroyed�Asteroids located�Fleet Destroyed�%s has been destroyed.�Agent %s hired.�Agent %s has been hired and is on way to assigned asteroid.�Spy satellite detected�An orbiting %s Spy Satellite has been detected and disabled at colony asteroid %s�Spy satellite contact lost�Contact has been lost with a Spy Satellite orbiting %s %s�Trade Merchant %s available�Trade Merchant %s is now available in your sector for business.�Trade Merchant %s departing�Trade Merchant %s has left your sector is no longer available for business.�Trade Merchant %s communication�Trade Merchant %s will be leaving your sector in 10 days.�Trader %s requesting target�Trader %s will be available for business in %d days. Please selected a colony for his visit.�Trader %s communication�Trader %s will be leaving asteroid %s in 10 days.�Trader %s departing�Trader %s has departed from asteroid %s�Trader %s arrived�Trader %s has arrived at asteroid %s and is ready to do business.�Message from %s...�REPORT SUMMARY When the arrival of a report or bulletin is signalled in the message box, this will give you more detail.�SCI-TEK Accesses the Sci-Tek brochure where you can order the blueprints for new items. E.g. special ships and buildings.�COLONY DATABASE Accesses the Colony Database, which stores information, news bulletins, scout reports and so on.�TRADE Accesses trading with alien trade delegates and black-marketeers.�COMMUNICATIONS Handles all communication with alien and Terran ambassadors.�PERSONNEL Handles the hiring, assignment and management of personnel, such as colony supervisors, and allows you to set them tasks to do.�CALENDAR This tells you what date it is. You have the option to stop time while you access a screen - to select buildings to construct, for example; or you can let the clock run, to really put the pressure on!�SCANNER This is a schematic of the selected asteroid showing all the ships that are orbiting it.�MESSAGE WINDOW This is the primary message window. Information appearing here notifies you of impending disasters, incoming news bulletins, the arrival of the Federal Ore Transporter and many other events. Further information can be gained in many instances by clicking on the Information icon, to the right of this window. The default setting gives you the name of your currently-selected asteroid.�MISSILE CONTROL Accesses targeting and launching of missiles.�ASTEROID VIEW This button changes the screen to a view of the currently selected asteroid.�FLEET CONTROL Accesses selection and control of fleets.�COLONY STATISTICS This brings up a menu showing you the colony stats for the current asteroid. The asteroid must be one of your own�ASTEROID ENGINE CONTROL If you have purchased this blueprint from Sci-Tek, this will allow you to control the speed and direction of any colony on which you've built an Engine.�PAFW STATUS Toggles the status display of colonies' essential resources (Power Air Food Water).�ASTEROID TRACKER If you have purchased this blueprint from Sci-Tek, this will show you the speed and location of all known asteroids.�ZOOM Toggles between the whole asteroid field and the player's immediate neighbourhood.�PAUSE This pauses the game. * Sorry, not available in demo game.�CONSTRUCTION Allows the construction of buildings on asteroids colonized by the player. From within this menu, click on the building or structure desired and return to the Asteroid View Screen. Left-clicking on the asteroid surface will position the building. Right-clicking cancels the command.�ASTEROID FIELD VIEW Takes you back to the Big Picture Screen or the Asteroid Field Screen, whichever you were in last�SHIP INVENTORY Allows you to see what ships (not in fleets) you have at that asteroid and to give them orders. The available orders will vary according to which type of ship you have selected.�FINANCE Accesses the Finance screen. All income earned through the sale of ore goes into a central Money fund which can be allocated into any of four categories; Construction, Vehicles, Missiles and Personnel.�ORBIT VIEW Slides the screen downwards to allow access to the Federal Ore Transporter and the Space Dock (when built), plus any other large craft.�TACTICAL VIEW An alternative view of the asteroid surface allows careful positioning of buildings, also allows the player to see the areas protected by Screen Generators, and the extent of infection from Virus Missiles.�GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Shows the current ore levels on that asteroid.�END Leaves this menu.�SHIP ORDER Once a ship has been selected (click on ship) from the inventory, this allows further orders to be given to that ship.�SPLIT FLEET Detaches selected ship(s) from fleet. Any detached ships will either enter orbit around an asteroid or, if the fleet is in space, they will form a new fleet.�ADD SHIPS TO FLEET Accesses Ship Inventory to allow multiple additions of ships to a fleet.�NEXT FLEET Changes the menu to look at the next numbered fleet.�PREVIOUS FLEET Changes the menu to look at the previous numbered fleet.�RENAME FLEET Clicking on this allows you to name the fleet.�INCREASE RETREAT LEVEL Increases by 10, the percentage of the fleet that must be destroyed before the fleet will retreat.�DECRASE RETREAT LEVEL Decreases by 10, the percentage of the fleet that must be destroyed before the fleet will retreat.�GO TO ASTEROID Sends fleet to a selected asteroid (non-hostile). Target screen will appear automatically.�ATTACK ASTEROID Sends fleet to attack a selected asteroid. Target screen will appear automatically.�INTERCEPT FLEET Sends fleet into combat with a selected enemy fleet. Target screen will appear automatically. If you select one of your own fleets as the target then the two fleets will merge into one.�PATROL SECTOR Sends fleet to patrol a selected area of space for a period of time. Target screen will appear automatically.�RETREAT Force a fleet to retreat if it is in combat.�CANCEL ORDER Cancels the last command given to a fleet.�PAGE TURN Changes page on the ship list to view different types of ships.�SHIP ORDERS Accesses appropriate order screen after a ship has been selected.�LAUNCH FROM HANGAR Launches small craft from underground hangars.�LAND IN HANGAR Lands small craft in underground hangars for greater security.�ADD TO FLEET Puts the selected ships into the fleet.�ADD TO CRUISER Puts the selected ship into the cruiser.�LEAVE CRUISER Makes selected ships leave the cruiser. If the cruiser is part of a fleet, then the ships will join the fleet.�PAGE TURN Cycles through pages of ship inventory�CANCEL SHIP SELECTION Deselects all ships.�TARGET Selects target asteroid for missiles.�LAUNCH Launches missiles.�PAGE TURN Cycles through pages of missile inventory.�ABORT Deselects all missiles.�PREVIOUS PAGE Moves back to the previous category of buildings.�NEXT PAGE Moves on to the next category of buildings.�DESTROY Blows up unwanted buildings. This will return you to the Asteroid View with a targeting cursor: use the left mouse button to blow up buildings, and the right button to cancel destroy mode.�CANCEL ORDER Cancels the last command given to a ship.�RENAME SHIP Clicking on this allows you to name the ship.���GO TO ASTEROID Sends ship to selected asteroid. Target screen will appear automatically.�JOIN FLEET Accesses Ship Location screen to attach ship to selected fleet.�SCOUT FOR ASTEROIDS Sends ship to selected sector(s) to search for asteroids. Target screen will appear automatically.�START COLONY Sends ship to selected asteroid to start a new colony by installing a Colony Preservation Unit. Target screen will appear automatically.�PROSPECT Sends ship to selected asteroid to prospect ore levels. Target screen will appear automatically.���JOIN CRUISER Accesses Ship Location screen to attach ship to selected Command Cruiser.��LAND IN HANGER Lands small craft in underground hangars for greater security.�LAUNCH FROM HANGER Launches small craft from underground hangars.����JOIN CRUISER Accesses Ship Location screen to attach ship to selected Command Cruiser.�LOAD/UNLOAD ORE Allows loading and unloading of ores from ship.��LEAVE CRUISER Removes ship from cruiser.�SHOW CARGO Shows whatever cargo the ship is currently carrying. The cargo is shown instead of the ship orders; press this button again to remove cargo list.��LOAD/UNLOAD MISSILES Allows loading and unloading of missiles from ship.�NULLIFIER ON/OFF Turns nullifier field on or off.�RENAME ASTEROID Allows you to rename the asteroid. When you press this button you will get a flashing cursor where the asteroid name is, on the top left of the menu.�CHANGE COLONY SUPERVISOR: Allows you to change the colony supervisor assigned to look after this asteroid. This button toggles through the supervisors that you have hired.�SPACE DOCK CONSTRUCTION Accesses the Space Dock construction screen. If you don't have a Space Dock then this button will let you build one, otherwise this button will let you build ships in the Space Dock.�SHIP LOCATION Accesses Ship Locations screen, showing the locations of Command Cruisers and Transporters; this allows orders to be given to craft while in transit.�FEDERAL TRANSPORTER Accesses the Federal Transporter, when it is at the asteroid, so you can sell your ore.�PAGE TURN Changes between pages of different missiles.�BUILD MORE Increases the number of missiles to build.�* Sorry, you can not build this type of missile in the demo game.�BUILD LESS Decreases the number of missiles to build.�* Sorry, you can not build this type of missile in the demo game.�PREVIOUS BLUEPRINT Back to previous blueprint.�NEXT BLUEPRINT On to next blueprint.�BUILD MORE Increase the number of ships to build.�* Sorry, you can not build this type of ship in the demo game.�BUILD LESS Decrease the number of ships to build.�* Sorry, you can not build this type of ship in the demo game.�ATTACK/DEFENCE Toggles between offensive and defensive hardpoints.�HARDPOINTS Press this button to make this the current hardpoint; information about it will appear in the window on the bottom right of the menu. To place a hardpoint onto the ship; click the red boxes on the blueprint.�HARDPOINTS When you click on this box the current hardpoint will be placed here. If you click on a hardpoint that is already here, it will be removed.�DESTINATION Selects asteroid to send ore to.�CRUISER/TRANSPORTER Changes between listing Command Cruisers and Transporters.�SHIP ORDERS Gives orders to selected ship.�CANCEL Cancels selection and quits menu.�PAGE TURN Changes which fleets are listed.�CANCEL Cancels selection and quits menu.�BUILD Accesses ship construction screen.�CANCEL This cancels the construction of the last ship in the list. Note: you can't cancel the first one.�LAUNCH Launches a spy satellite. (You must set up a target asteroid for it first.)�TARGET Selects target asteroid for spy satellite.�BUILD MORE Increases the number of spy satellites to build.�BUILD LESS Decreases the number of spy satellites to build.�FASTER Increase asteroid speed.�SLOWER Decrease asteroid speed.�LEFT Moves asteroid direction clockwise. (Holding this button down will rotate the direction smoothly.)�RIGHT Moves asteroid direction anticlockwise. (Holding this button down will rotate the direction smoothly.)�QUIT Quit game.�SAVE Save current game to selected Save-Game slot.�SAVE Save current game to selected Save-Game slot. * Sorry, not available in demo game.�LOAD Load the game which is saved in the selected Save-Game slot.�LOAD Load the game which is saved in the selected Save-Game slot. * Sorry, not available in demo game.�RENAME SAVE-GAME Rename the selected Save-Game slot.�RENAME SAVE-GAME Rename the selected Save-Game slot. * Sorry, not available in demo game.�SAVE_GAME SLOTS These are 10 different Save-Game slots. Select one of these before saving a game or loading a saved game.�FUND SLIDERS Click on these sliders to adjust the funds allocated to the 4 different areas of expenditure. If a slider is all the way over to the right, then all of your money is allocated for that purpose. Money not yet allocated is shown on the 'money' bar.�UNALLOCATED MONEY Available not yet allocated to any of the four categories listed below.�EXPENDITURE GRAPH This is a graph showing your expenditures over the past few months. There are 4 color coded lines corresponding to the 4 categories of fund allocation.�INCREASE FUND This button increases money allocated to the corresponding category by small increments. Click the sliders themselves to move funds around more rapidly.�DECREASE FUND This button decreases money allocated to the corresponding category by small increments. Click the sliders themselves to move funds around more rapidly.�CANCEL ITEM Cancel last item on order list.�SCI-TEK CATEGORIES Left-Click to view items in this category.�PAGE TURN Go to next category of items.�ORDER BLUEPRINT Order the selected blueprint from Sci-Tek.�ORDER BLUEPRINT Order the selected blueprint from Sci-Tek. * Sorry, not available in demo game. The only blueprints you can buy in this demo are the Seismic Penetrator from the Mining section, and the Anti-Missile Pods from the Defense section.�CANCEL ORDER Cancel the order for the selected item.�DETAILED INFO Show more information on the selected item.�DETAILED INFO Show more information on the selected item. * Sorry, not available in demo game.�SELECT ITEMS These buttons select the different Sci-Tek items. Details of which are shown in the window to the left. If you already have the blueprint for this item, its image will be shown faded down. If the item is on order then 'ON ORDER' will be displayed over the image.�SELECT TRADER Press one of these buttons to begin trading with a trader or alien representative. * Sorry, not available in demo game.�SELECT TRADER Press one of these buttons to begin trading with a trader or alien representative. * Sorry, not available in demo game.�CANCEL TRADE Cancel all trading done and leave this menu.�PAGE LEFT Go to previous screen of trade items.�PAGE RIGHT Go to next screen of trade items.�INFO Show info on selected item. (To select an item, click on it's picture)�BUY ITEM Buy one unit of a trade item. (To buy and sell many items at once, use the slider bellow this button.)�SELL ITEM Sell one unit of a trade item. (To buy and sell many items at once, use the slider bellow this button.)�BUY/SELL SLIDER Use this slider go buy and sell many units of an items at once. The number of units bought or sold is shown above the slider, in green for sold, red for bought.�ITEM PICTURE Click this picture to select the item, then press the 'info' button for detailed information on about it.�HIRE COLONY SUPERVISOR Hire a new colony supervisor�HIRE AGENT Hire a new agent�NEXT PAGE When you have hired more than 7 people then this button lets you select them.�GIVE ORDERS Give orders to your colony supervisors and agents. Their pictures will appear on these buttons when you have hired them. �TALK TO AMBASSADOR Talk to alien ambassadors or other players. When you have encountered alien cultures or other players then pictures of their ambassadors will appear on these buttons.�TALK TO AMBASSADOR Talk to alien ambassadors or other players. When you have encountered alien cultures or other players then pictures of their ambassadors will appear on these buttons. * Sorry, this ambassador is not available in the demo game. Select the Achaean ambassador for an example message.�HIRE AGENT Hires the agent you have selected. To select an agent click on their photograph.�HIRE SUPERVISOR Hires the supervisor you have selected. To select a supervisor click on their photograph.�SHOW RESUME Shows the resume for the selected agent. To select an agent click on their photograph.�SHOW RESUME Shows the resume for the selected supervisor. To select an supervisor click on their photograph.�SCROLL UP Scrolls the listed agents upwards.�SCROLL UP Scrolls the listed supervisors upwards.�SCROLL DOWN Scrolls the listed agents downwards.�SCROLL DOWN Scrolls the listed supervisors downwards.�AGENT PHOTOGRAPH Click on an agents photograph to select them before hiring or viewing their resume.�SUPERVISOR PHOTOGRAPH Click on an supervisors photograph to select them before hiring or viewing their resume.�PREVIOUS SUPERVISOR Go to the entry for the previous supervisor, if you have hired one.�NEXT SUPERVISOR Go to the entry for the next supervisor, if you have hired one.�SACK SUPERVISOR Sacks this colony supervisor.�SACK AND ESCORT SUPERVISOR Sacks this colony supervisor and places them under guard until the next federal transporter arrives to take them away.�SHOW RESUME Shows the resume for this colony supervisor.�OPTIONS Click this button to turn on or off this supervisor function.�PREVIOUS AGENT Go to the entry for the previous agent, if you have hired one.�NEXT AGENT Go to the entry for the next agent, if you have hired one.�ABORT MISSIONS Cancels all the missions selected for this agent.�ASSIGN ASTEROID Assign an asteroid for this agent to carry out his missions at. Target screen will appear automatically.�SHOW RESUME Shows the resume for this agent.�INCREASE SPY TIME Increase by 5 days the length of time you want the agent to spy for.�DECREASE SPY TIME Decrease by 5 days the length of time you want the agent to spy for.�OPTIONS Click this button to turn on or off this mission.�PLAY INTRO Plays the intro sequence. * In the game this help function is optional. Holding down the CTRL key and passing the mouse pointer over any icon will tell you what it does.�CUSTOM GAME Start a custom game. * In the full game this button will allow you to set the atmosphere and other parameters of the game; for this demo, however, a custom game has already been specified for you. * In the game this help function is optional. Holding down the CTRL key and passing the mouse pointer over any icon will tell you what it does.�START CAMPAIGN GAME Start a game in which you have to achieve certain campaign targets. * Sorry, not available in demo game. * In the game this help function is optional. Holding down the CTRL key and passing the mouse pointer over any icon will tell you what it does.�PLAY SAVED GAME Continue a game previously saved. * Sorry, not available in demo game. * In the game this help function is optional. Holding down the CTRL key and passing the mouse pointer over any icon will tell you what it does.�MULTIPLAYER GAME Start a multiplayer game. Up to 8 players can play at the same time on a network, and in the full game 2 players can play head-to-head over a modem or null modem connection. * In the game this help function is optional. Holding down the CTRL key and passing the mouse pointer over any icon will tell you what it does.�OPTIONS This takes you to a menu where you can adjust mouse control, music and sound options and play speed. * In the game this help function is optional. Holding down the CTRL key and passing the mouse pointer over any icon will tell you what it does.�QUIT Ends Fragile Allegiance. * In the game this help function is optional. Holding down the CTRL key and passing the mouse pointer over any icon will tell you what it does.�SOUND OPTIONS Lets you change which sounds you want in the game, and their volume levels�MOUSE OPTIONS Lets you change the speed at which the mouse pointer moves and the length of time for double-clicking.�TIME OPTIONS Lets you change the rate at which time passes in the game�DOUBLE-CLICK TEST Lets you check the double-click speed. Double-click this button and a YES or NO will be shown to indicate whether the game detected it as double-click or not.�MOUSE SPEED Moving this slider changes the speed at which the mouse pointer moves.�DOUBLE-CLICK SPEED Moving this slider changes the length of time that a double-click on the mouse buttons can take. With the slider to the left a double-click must be fast, with it further to the right it can be slower. To test out double-clicking use the test button.�MUSIC ON/OFF Turns on or off the music that is played in the game.�SOUND EFECTS ON/OFF Turns on or off the sound effects that are played in the game.�MENU SOUND EFECTS ON/OFF Turns on or off the sound effects generated for the slide on menus and buttons.�SPEECH ON/OFF Turns on or off the sampled speech in the game.generated for the slide on menus and buttons.�MUSIC VOLUME Adjust the volume of the music that is played in the game.�SOUND EFECTS VOLUME Adjusts the volume of the sound effects that are played in the game.�MENU SOUND EFECTS VOLUME Adjusts the volume of the sound effects generated for the slide on menus and buttons.�SPEECH VOLUME Adjusts the volume of the sampled speech in the game.�TIME ON/OFF IN MENUS Turn on or off time whilst in menus. If OFF then game time will stop when you are using any menu in the game. NOTE: This does not apply to a multiplayer game. �GAME SPEED Use the to select one of three rates at which time passes in the game.�NEW GAME Starts a new multiplayer game.�NAME Pressing this button enables you to enter the name that you wish to be known as in the game.�JOIN GAME Joins a new game that is started by someone else.�START GAME Press this button to start the game when all the players have joined. Their names will appear when they are ready.�JOIN GAME Press this button to join the game shown.�MAIN MENU Return to the main menu.�CANCEL Cancels any target selection you have made.�UP Scrolls reports up.�DOWN Scrolls reports down.�DELETE REPORT Removes this report.�EXPAND REPORT Expand report to full page.�REDUCE REPORT Reduce report to normal size.�YES Click this button to answer 'yes' to the request.�NO Click this button to answer 'no' to the request.�SELECT ASTEROID Click this button to select a target asteroid.�Living Quarters�Power Store�Storage Facility�Anti-Missile Pod�Solar Panel�Radiation Filter�Solar Generator�Weapons Factory�Mine�Satellite Silo�Screen Generator�Ore Teleporter�Gravity Nullifier�Deep Bore Mine�Missile Silo�Repair Facility�Sensor Array�Plasma Turret�Photon Turret�Air Processor�C.P.U.�Seismic Penetrator�Asteroid Engine�Powerplant�Command Center�Ship Yard�Landing Pad�Laser Turret�Solar Matrix�Resiblock�Storage Tower�P. Solar Matrix�Refueling Depot�P. Storage Tower�Medical Center�Environment Control�Pleasure Dome�Hydroponics Plant�Hydration Plant�Security Center�Central Unit�Filtration Plant�Nourishment Bank�Community�Health Unit�Strategic Bunker�Science Labs�Databanks�Construction Unit�Ground Deck�Probe Launch�Deep Space Probes�Gravitic Converter�Energy Gatherer�Energy Globe�Shield Generator�Arms Unit�Missile Launcher�Thermal Lance�Extractor�Storage racks�Ex-Fang�Ultrathermal Lance�First Step�Clan Heart�Radiation Shield�Source�Aesir's Hall�Longhouse�Sports Hall�Field Hospital�Glasshouse�TechMech�Launch Site�Eyes-in-the-Sky�Eyes-and-Ears�Anchor�Heart-of-the-Sun�Aegis�Forge�Anti-Battery�Battery�Turret�Subterranean Extractor�Pithoi�Fire Power�Base Crystal�Stability�Purity�Fulfilment�Internal�Dream�Resonance�Fa-lanth�Mask�Structures Matrix�Volition�Visibility�Perception�Capacitors�Lanth�Sharir�Shrekn�Ruth-feror�Ruth-fett�Merl�Na-Shrekn�SoftCore�Environmental Stabilizer�Filtration Tanks�Canisters�Nurseries�Healing Quarters�House of the Ax�Naval Dockyard�Launch Pads�Deep Probes�Gravitic Converter�Shielded Solars�Shell�Arms Forge�Star Bars�Missile Launcher�Auto-deterrent�Super-deterrent�Force Fields�Advanced Ore Extractor�Rare Ore Extractor�Ore Depot�Refining Forge�Base Block�Shielding Block�Nutrition Block�Off-duty Block�Health Block�The Cube�Elite Block�Construction Area�Launch Area�Satellite Pad�Fast Breeder Reactor�Arms Block�Defense Pods�Attack Pods�Pulse Tower�Screening Pods�Advanced Extraction Unit�Superior Extraction Unit�Ores Block�Motion Units�Laser Boost�Footprint�Anti-Rad Screen�Environmental Control�Filtration Vats�Nutrient Vats�Habitat�Pharmacopeion�Gathering Ground�Market�Communications Central�Shipyard�Landing Pad�Missile Launcher�Data Gatherer�Listening Device�Maneuvering Device�Destination Beam�Reactor Cores�Asteroid Shield�Defense Battery�Commonbore�Deepbore�Ore Yard�Goods Yard�Stun Tower�Power Tower�Living Quarters�Power Stores�Storage Facilities�Anti-Missile Pods�Solar Panels�Radiation Filters�Solar Generators�Weapons Factories�Mines�Satellite Silos�Screen Generators�Ore Teleporters�Gravity Nullifiers�Deep Bore Mines�Missile Silos�Repair Facilities�Sensor Arrays�Plasma Turrets�Photon Turrets�Air Processors�C.P.U.s�Seismic Penetrators�Asteroid Engines�Powerplants�Command Centers�Ship Yards�Landing Pads�Laser Turrets�Solar Matrices�Resiblocks�Storage Towers�Protected Solar Matrices�Refueling Depots�Protected Storage Towers�Medical Centers�Environment Controls�Pleasure Domes�Hydroponics Plants�Hydration Plants�Security Centers�Complete facilities for the comfort of 50 employees.�Stores surplus power for later use.�Stores ore for later use or for transportation.�Defensive weapon that automatically targets incoming missiles.�Harness the sun's power. Generates 2MW, or 4MW with a power amplifier.�Special energy fields reduce the penetration of radiation into colony buildings.�More efficient than solar panels. Generates 4MW, or 8MW with a power amplifier.�High security facility for the construction of all weapons and warheads.�Robotic drill heads can extract common types of ore.�Launching bay for long distance spy satellites.�Generates a protective screen around several neighboring buildings.�Teleports containers of ore between asteroids. A teleporter is needed at both ends.�Creates a gravity field that holds the asteroid and all neighboring asteroids stationary.�High performance drill heads for extracting valuable ores.�Capable of launching any type of missile.�Monitors and directs the repairing of colony buildings.�Provides attack warnings and other sensor information.�A weapon of greater devastation than a laser turret. Efficient on power use too.�The best energy weapon available at this time. Fires photon packets capable of devastating armor.�Provides vital air for up to 500 employees.�C.P.U.�The only mine sophisticated enough to extract Traxium and Nexos ore.�Allows controlled movement of an asteroid.�Uses Asteros ore in a fusion process, to generate 32MW.�The nerve center of the colony. Specialist staff monitor enemy activity and control your fleets.�Capable of constructing the smaller spacecraft.�Provides access to the underground ship hangars.�A general purpose, auto tracking, defense turret.�A huge matrix of solar panels designed to use space more effectively. Generates 8MW, or 16MW with a power amplifier.�Living quarters for 150 employees.�Capable of storing huge quantities of ores.�Protected by a weapon turret.�Provides refueling facilities for ships.�Protected by a weapon turret.�Possesses full diagnosis, surgery and cryogenic facilities, manned by a highly trained team.�This facility monitors air, food and water generation and stores surplus for distribution in an emergency.�Recreational facilities to keep employees occupied when they are not working.�Food is grown from high protein, nutrient rich algae. Provision for 400 employees.�Extracts water from ice trapped deep in the asteroid. Provision for 500 employees.�Colony life is hard and dangerous. Employees must be persuaded to behave.�The basic support building for employees in the colony. Much of the building is underground and has adequate facilities for about 50 people. They are quick to construct but highly susceptible to damage from attack, and due to their basic nature will do little for morale. Despite the expense, and contrary to normal policy, the Company recommends that superior accommodation is provided as soon as economically feasible, in order to minimize civil disorder and maximize employee motivation.�Unused surplus power is channeled into these buildings for later use. They offer a good back-up in the rare cases where you may want temporarily to lose some of your power generation buildings, perhaps during an enemy attack. They will at least prevent you from being totally out of power for a short while. Each Store has a capacity of 200MW of power. Clicking on this building brings up a list of all buildings without power (if any).�Although seemingly mundane, this building is essential to the smooth running of the colony, since it stockpiles all types of ore for sale or later use. It incorporates a system of underground conveyor belts, which bring the newly-extracted ores from the mines to the storage facilities. The belts also take the processed ores and distribute them to any site on the asteroid where they might be required: the Construction Yards, for example, or the Missile Silos. This small building can store a maximum of 300 units of ore.�Prolonged customer research has shown that automated defenses are the most cost-effective way of protecting deep-space installations. These high quality pods are your major defense against enemy missiles. Each pod comes equipped with its own military standard laser and state-of-the-art sensors; the sensors track any incoming missiles and target them before subjecting them to high intensity fire. Each pod comes equipped with its own military strength laser Due to their compact size, the individual accuracy of the pods is low, but can be improved by building several pods on each asteroid.�This is the cheapest and most quickly-constructed array, harnessing the sun's power for use by humanity. Although it produces a comparatively low 2MW, the power flow is constant and the ease of construction makes this an invaluable building for newly-colonized asteroids. This building is wholly compatible with the Sci-Tek Power Amplifier. TetraCorp recommend the installation of such a device to enhance productivity.�Living and working in deep space exposes people to many hazards. On some asteroids, the background levels of radiation are even higher than in general; this causes employee sickness which leads inevitably to loss of production. The Company therefore strongly advises the early construction of one or more of these filters which offer a screen against the heavier radioactive particles, protecting the employees inside colony buildings.�Although this generator also harnesses solar power, it is more efficient than the basic Solar Panel and can output up to 4MW. The increased cost is offset by the fact that it is more space-efficient. This building is wholly compatible with the Sci-Tek Power Amplifier. TetraCorp recommend the installation of such a device to enhance productivity.�This building is a colony essential. In addition to providing engines for all spacecraft, it also enables the manufacture of all combat requirements including many hardpoint weapons and missile warheads. Other defensive structures such as Laser Turrets will not function unless there is a Weapons Factory to maintain and supply them. It is not surprisingly therefore one of the largest structures on any asteroid, although fortunately one such building will provide for the combat needs of that whole colony.�This is an optimized standard mining drill for locating, extracting and processing particular ores. These structures comprise a geophysical survey package which seeks out the most common ores - Selenium, Asteros, Barium and Crystalite - and records their quantity and locations. State-of-the-art vacuum-cooled drilling rigs then extract the precious minerals from the asteroid's core, and delivers them directly to the storage facilities.�Gathering intelligence about the enemy requires the frequent launch of spy satellites. Satellites are both constructed and launched from these silos. For details see the section on Espionage.�Even armored buildings are vulnerable to attack, and since many colony buildings by their nature cannot be effectively armored, alternative methods of defense are necessary. These buildings incorporate a field generator which, providing they have access to sufficient power, create a protective force field over neighboring buildings. The protection given will withstand attacks from the vast majority of the most common weapons on the market including inter-asteroid missiles. It is advisable to build several of these to protect your most important buildings.�This is a very effective and swift means of transporting ores between asteroids. You must have an Ore Teleporter on both of the asteroids you want to move ore between. For best results, install one on all your asteroids.�One of Sci-Tek's greatest technological breakthroughs, the Nullifier generates a gravitational field that stops all asteroids within a certain range from moving, including the one on which the Nullifier is installed. As long as the Nullifier is active you don't have to worry about collisions; however, any asteroid using Asteroid Engines will be unaffected by the field. Sci-Tek warns that the field will collapse if you have insufficient power to drive the Nullifier, so regular checks on its operational status are advised.�The results of decades of research and development, this is a sophisticated mining drill for locating, extracting and processing particular ores. These structures comprise a geophysical survey package which seeks out the more valuable ores - in this case Quazinc, Bytanium, Korellium and Dragonium - and records their quantity and locations. State-of-the-art vacuum-cooled drilling rigs then extract the precious minerals from the asteroid's core, and delivers them directly to the storage facilities.�All your missiles are constructed and launched from these silos. Each asteroid has underground caverns capable of storing 10 of each type of missile, a total of 110 missiles. Obviously, no matter how many missiles you have in storage, you cannot launch them without a silo. The advantage of multiple silos is the increase in launch rate.�In the harsh environment of the mining colony buildings frequently become damaged, sometimes losing more than half of their production capability. This is of course especially true during attacks by hostile forces. Often, due to the logistical necessities of mining and other colony management tasks, there are insufficient resources to effect repairs. This fully-automated building constructs, instructs and controls a fleet of maintenance robots that routinely move about the colony and undertake building repairs. This is a facility that no efficiently-run colony can afford to be without.�This building is essential to the colony's perception of the area of space immediately surrounding it, since without a sensor array an asteroid has a very small sensor range. (All Colony Preservation Units have built-in sensors, but they are comparatively limited in both range and strength.) This highly-sensitive array improves the range of the sensory perceptors, enabling you to gain earlier and more accurate information on the momentum of approaching asteroids, and of course the movements of any hostile fleets in the area.�This weapon offers greater fire-power than the standard Laser Turret. An improved motion-detection sensor automatically begins to track any hostile ships as soon as they fire on the colony. The turret will then return laser fire at standard range, assuming that it has sufficient power to do so.�This weapon offers the greatest fire-power of the three turret types. The Photon Turret's power and accuracy is beyond compare, only rivaled by some of the larger intergalactic warships. Having said this, however, a warship moves pretty damn fast, whereas a turret is by definition immobile. A sophisticated motion-detection sensor automatically begins to track any hostile ships as soon as they fire on the colony. The turret will then return laser fire at an optimized range, assuming that it has sufficient power to do so.�This building provides vital air and atmospheric control throughout the colony buildings. Each life support module can generate a breathable atmosphere for up to 500 employees. A revolutionary (and top secret) chemical process is used to extract hydrogen, oxygen and various other noble gases trapped within the asteroid, scrub them and render them breathable. Surplus air will be stored in Environmental Control.�This building can only be built when beginning a new colony on an uninhabited asteroid. The Transporter ship will automatically construct one when ordered, provided sufficient funds are available. The purpose of the CPU is to establish a minimum survival colony, allowing you time to construct further, more specific buildings. Since it is intended to be phased out when the colony is up and running, the facilities of the CPU will degenerate over time. Production of air, food and water will decrease by 1 unit per day until they reach zero.�One of Sci-Tek's most impressive R & D triumphs, this is a state-of-the-art mining drill for locating, extracting and processing particular ores. These structures comprise a highly-sophisticated geophysical survey package which seeks out the rarest and most valuable ores (Traxium and Nexos) and records their quantity and locations. Precision-made diamond-headed drilling rigs then extract the precious minerals from the asteroid's core, and delivers them directly to the storage facilities. These rigs are larger and more expensive than the other mining facilities but are almost literally worth their weight in platinum.�This is a phenomenally-advanced facility that provides the means to control the gravitational field of the asteroid, enabling it to change direction and speed at any time. Along with the Gravity Nullifier, this was one of Sci-Tek's launch products; first sold in 2309, it is still one of their best-selling lines. If the Engines run out of power, the speed will drop to zero and the asteroid will no longer move. Power is essential to master the gravity field that moves the asteroid.�This is the major means of power generation on your asteroids. It is a large and complicated building to construct, but it offers superior power generation. It extracts its own supplies of Asteros ore directly from the asteroid and uses a fusion process to turn it into a daily output of 32MW, if there is an ample supply of Asteros; otherwise, it will use relatively useless ores to give a much reduced 8MW. The Company advises ensuring that an adequate supply of Asteros is available before construction, since it uses 1 unit of ore every 4 days.�This is an extremely important building and you are advised to have more than one among your asteroids. In addition to housing powerful strategic computers which relay and collate the information gained from you sensors and performing other data management, the Command Center also offers a way to contact your larger ships while they are in transit between asteroids. A Command Center can oversee any number of colonies, therefore the exact location is unimportant. You will be unable to command any fleets without at least one Command Center.�This large building extends underground into huge pressurized hangars (accessible via the Landing Pad). Smaller spacecraft can be built in the Yard, namely Assault Fighters, Combat Eagles and Scout ships, therefore it is one of the most important buildings in a colony. A recent report from the Federal Health & Safety Executive shows that the Ship Yard is still the second commonest area for accidents after the mines themselves, so it may be wise to build the Medical Center near to one or both of these structures.�These are the access points for ships to enter or leave the vast underground hangars. It is advisable to leave ships in the hangars when they are not currently in use, as this keeps them safe from enemy attack and enables damaged ships to be repaired. Constant maintenance is advisable since the surface structure of the hangars frequently sustains damage from meteor strikes etc. (not to mention from inebriated pilots bouncing their craft off the hangar doors).�The most basic of colony defenses, this low-powered weapon offers some defense against attack by enemy ships. A standard motion-detection sensor automatically begins to track any hostile ships as soon as they fire on the colony. The turret will then return laser fire at standard range, assuming that it has sufficient power to do so.�While comparatively expensive, the extremely small footprint of this building compared to its generation capacity, is felt to compensate for the increased cost. It maximizes space efficiency by installing a larger tower of solar panels on a very small surface area, which is particularly useful on small asteroids. Maximum output is 8MW. This building is wholly compatible with the Sci-Tek Power Amplifier. TetraCorp recommend the installation of such a device to enhance productivity.�This is a more advanced support building; following considerable sociological research, it was designed to TetraCorp's own specification to provide subtle and effective social and civil control. It takes longer to construct than the basic Living Quarters but supports 150 employees and is more space-efficient. It offers a number of recreational facilities which assist in the lessening of tension and the promotion of a more tractable workforce. The Company advise strongly that this in no way negates the need for a Security Center.�This building stockpiles all types of ore for sale or later use; it is more space-efficient than the basic Storage Facility and can store a maximum of 600 units of ore. It incorporates a system of underground conveyor belts, which bring the newly-extracted ores from the mines to the storage facilities. The belts also take the processed ores and distribute them to any site on the asteroid where they might be required: the Construction Yards, for example, or the Missile Silos.�While comparatively expensive, the extremely small footprint of this building compared to its generation capacity, is felt to compensate for the increased cost. It maximizes space efficiency by installing a larger tower of solar panels on a very small surface area, which is particularly useful on small asteroids. In addition, an integral Laser Turret protects the installation, thus freeing up other defensive weapons for alternative sites and ensuring that your valuable power supply is unlikely to be directly targeted. Maximum output is 8MW.�This building provides a refueling base for your ships and as such will be one of the colony's most essential facilities. All ships use solar power; this building generates the power to recharge the synergetic crystals on which the ships rely for fuel. This is a fully-automated process but without this building, your ships' working life will be drastically shortened and perhaps most importantly, your Transporters will have a limited range and will not be able to travel further afield to initiate new colonies.�This building stockpiles all types of ore for sale or later use; it can store a maximum of 600 units of ore and is an improved design, having an integral Laser Turret to fend off unwelcome visitors. It should be noted that all ore storage facilities will be prime targets for hostile attacks; it would therefore seem wise to protect them.�This is a modern facility incorporating all the medical equipment and found in any major planetary hospital. It is capable of supporting a colony of up to 100 employees, handling both routine and emergency medical care. It is unwise to have a large colony without at least one Medical Center. It is invaluable in the rare cases when a virus spreads rapidly through the close confinement of a mining colony, and can also offer treatment for low doses of radiation.�This facility stores surplus environmental commodities for later or emergency use. Each building can store up to 5,000 air units, 600 food and 600 water units. It also monitors the production and usage of these environmental commodities to ensure an uninterrupted supply to each section of your colony. Given the numerous and unpredictable hazards of colony life, such an insurance policy would seem advisable.�The Pleasure Dome provides another way of raising your employees' morale and lessening the chances of anti-social behavior. Combining the best of interactive entertainment with three bars and an extensive sports facility, it will deal with the needs of up to 300 colony personnel at any one time.�These buildings provide essential food for your employees. Each hydroponics system provides food for up to 400 workers, which is grown from a tank of algae fed with concentrated nutrients. It sounds inedible but the basic sludge can be molded into any foodstuff. (In tests it was found that 8 out of 10 employees could not tell the difference, and the drastic reduction in costs when compared to fresh food has made this a Company favorite.) Surplus food will be stored in Environmental Control.�These buildings provide essential water for your employees. Each hydration plant provides water for up to 500 employees. A very efficient chemical process is used to extract water and oxygen from ice crystals trapped deep within the asteroid; this is then purified and treated to meet Federal standards, after which the taste is chemically enhanced. Surplus water will be stored in Environmental Control.�The Company believes in - and has always believed in - High Pay For Hard Work. However, employees do occasionally forget this and become idle or distressed by the long shifts and dangerous work, not discounting deliberate trouble-making by the criminal element. In other words, it is inevitable that there will be regular clashes between the management and the workforce, and this is where the highly-trained security teams step in. All our teams adhere closely to TetraCorp's Internal Safety and Guidance Protocol and there is therefore little risk of any inappropriate behavior.�Central Unit�Filtration Plant�Nourishment Bank�Community�Health Unit�Strategic Bunker�Science Labs�Databanks�Construction Unit�Ground Deck�Probe Launch�Deep Space Probes�Gravitic Converter�Energy Gatherer�Energy Globe�Shield Generator�Arms Unit�Missile Launcher�Thermal Lance�Extractor�Storage racks�Ex-Fang�Ultrathermal Lance�First Step�Clan Heart�Radiation Shield�Source�Aesir's Hall�Longhouse�Sports Hall�Field Hospital�Glasshouse�TechMech�Launch Site�Eyes-in-the-Sky�Eyes-and-Ears�Anchor�Heart-of-the-Sun�Aegis�Forge�Anti-Battery�Battery�Turret�Subterranean Extractor�Pithoi�Fire Power�Base Crystal�Stability�Purity�Fulfilment�Internal�Dream�Resonance�Fa-lanth�Mask�Structures Matrix�Volition�Visibility�Perception�Capacitors�Lanth�Sharir�Shrekn�Ruth-feror�Ruth-fett�Merl�Na-Shrekn�SoftCore�Environmental Stabilizer�Filtration Tanks�Canisters�Nurseries�Healing Quarters�House of the Ax�Naval Dockyard�Launch Pads�Deep Probes�Gravitic Converter�Shielded Solars�Shell�Arms Forge�Star Bars�Missile Launcher�Auto-deterrent�Super-deterrent�Force Fields�Advanced Ore Extractor�Rare Ore Extractor�Ore Depot�Refining Forge�Base Block�Shielding Block�Nutrition Block�Off-duty Block�Health Block�The Cube�Elite Block�Construction Area�Launch Area�Satellite Pad�Fast Breeder Reactor�Arms Block�Defense Pods�Attack Pods�Pulse Tower�Screening Pods�Advanced Extraction Unit�Superior Extraction Unit�Ores Block�Motion Units�Laser Boost�Footprint�Anti-Rad Screen�Environmental Control�Filtration Vats�Nutrient Vats�Habitat�Pharmacopeion�Gathering Ground�Market�Communications Central�Shipyard�Landing Pad�Missile Launcher�Data Gatherer�Listening Device�Maneuvering Device�Destination Beam�Reactor Cores�Asteroid Shield�Defense Battery�Commonbore�Deepbore�Ore Yard�Goods Yard�Stun Tower�Power Tower�Explosive�Area Explosive�Napalm�Hellfire�Scatter�Vortex�Nuclear�Virus�Anti-Virus�Mega�Stasis�Unknown Type�Detonator�Multi-det�Flamejell�Maxi-det�Flare�Viral Repair�Temporal Stasis�Mega Blast�Flaming Ruin�Volcano�Multi Blast�Dancing Bolt�HotBomb�Outbreak�Anti-Outbreak�Midwinter�Comms Killer�Shri-Merl�Shri-Jaar�Greek Fire�Shri-Sharir�Bruj-Mahal�Convulsion�Stabiliser�Kal-Na-Xanth�Bruj-Garor�Standard Warhead�Advanced Warhead�Liquid Flame�Coagulant Flame�Multiple Warhead�Spiral�Nova�Demon�Saviour�Star-Shatterer�Freezer�Space Hunger�Minor Hurt Unit�Major Hurt Unit�Burns Unit�Multiple Burns Unit�Multiple Hurt Unit�Lightning Destruction Unit�Radiation Sickness Unit�Ground Breaking Unit�Anti-Ground Breaking Unit�Ore Dissolver�Frighteners�Harmers�DripFire�Seizure�Ground Breaker�Ground Maker�Hold It There�Thief-in-the-Night�Explosive Missile�Area Explosive Missile�Napalm Missile�Hellfire Missile�Scatter Missile�Vortex Missile�Nuclear Missile�Virus Missile�Anti-Virus Missile�Mega Missile�Stasis Missile�Unknown Missile Type�Explosive Missiles�Area Explosive Missiles�Napalm Missiles�Hellfire Missiles�Scatter Missiles�Vortex Missiles�Nuclear Missiles�Virus Missiles�Anti-Virus Missiles�Mega Missiles�Stasis Missiles�A conventional (and cheap) warhead for general use.�A standard warhead with a larger area of destruction.�An advanced incendiary device using plasma gas to melt most structures.�A deadly substance capable of spreading across an entire asteroid. Effective on densely populated asteroids.�Over the target asteroid this missile splits into several conventional explosive missiles for an improved hit ratio.�Unleashes an electrical storm that will wander across the target asteroid, damaging everything it touches.�This multi-megaton device will destroy most structures on the target asteroid, as well as ships in orbit.�This volatile substance dissolves the very fabric of an asteroid, spreading swiftly.�Used to halt the spread of an asteroid virus. It will neutralize the virus and then itself.�The power unleashed by this warhead results in the destruction of an entire asteroid. Use with care!�New advances in temporal physics allow an entire asteroid to be frozen, incapable of action, for a period of time.�Assault Fighter�Combat Eagle�Scoutship�Destructor�Terminator�Transporter�Fleet Battleship�Space Dock�Command Cruiser�Spy Satellite�Lazzaro Research�Delphini Assault�Messier-Lukannon�Transportation�Observatory�Rattlesnake�WidowMaker�HeartsBlood�Morning Glory�SkyMech�Hiero�Ylikt-shan�Falari-Lourn�Ruth-Strivakh�Na-Xanth�Gerla-Kans Explorer�All-Purpose Assault�Shielded Multi-Assault�Ultimate Mk II�Hardcore�Geostationary Construction�Surveillance Craft Type 5�Combat Craft Type 1.5�Max Combat Craft Type 6�Elite Command Craft�Transportation Craft Type 3�Orbital Construction Area�Hunter/Prospector�Dedicated Fighter�Dedicated Ore Transporter�Orbital Shipyard�Assault Fighters�Combat Eagles�Scoutships�Destructors�Terminators�Transporters�Fleet Battleships�Space Docks�Command Cruisers�Spy Satellites�Once you have a spy satellite orbiting an asteroid, it continually transmits back video information about the surface of the asteroid. �Ion Cannon�Disruptor�Napalm Orb�Chaos Bomb�Vortex Mine�Laser�Photon Cannon�Plasma Cannon�Static Inducer�Warp Generator�Deflector�Shield x10�Shield x20�Shield x30�Shield x40�Shield x50�Mk2 Mine�Mk2 Deep Bore Mine�Anti-Missile Pod�Anti-Virus Missile�Asteroid Engines�Asteroid Tracker�Building Armor�Construction Droids�Deflector�Fleet Battleship�Gravity Nullifier�Hi-Energy Power Stores�Improved Sensors�Mega Missile�Missile Bay Extension�Missile Guidance System�Nuclear Missile�Ore Teleporter�Photon Turret�Plasma Turret�Power Amplifier�Powerplant�Repair Facility�Screen Generator�Seismic Penetrator�Shield x40�Shield x50�Solar Matrix�Static Inducer�Stasis Missile�Terminator�Turret Optimizer�Virus Missile�Warp Generator�Long Range Transmitter�Command Cruiser�Scrambler�Double Speed Engines�This multi-headed drill bit will double the output of all your mines, both existing and future.�This multi-headed drill bit will double the output of all your deep-bore mines, both existing and future.�This turret will attempt to knock out incoming warheads before they reach the asteroid.�Used to halt the spread of an asteroid virus. It will neutralize the virus and then itself.�Using these engines you can specify the exact direction and speed of your asteroid, steering it from imminent collisions.�This device monitors and tracks all known asteroids. Their paths and speeds can be displayed on the asteroid field screen.�These devices attach to any building, energizing the structure and greatly increasing its strength.�These are put to work in your ship yards, enabling them to construct twice as many ships as before.�(hardpoint) It energizes the hull to deflect most energy of an attack. Can be used with existing shields.�The most powerful warship available at this time. At 92m long, it has the latest technology aboard, and six weapon hardpoints.�Creates a gravity field that holds the asteroid and all neighboring asteroids stationary.�This enhancement doubles the storage capacity of all existing and future power stores.�Sci-Tek engineers will install sensors in all your asteroids, removing the need for sensor arrays.�The power unleashed by this warhead results in the destruction of an entire asteroid. Use with care!�A new loading rack system enables you to store twice as many missiles on each asteroid.�This device offers an improved estimate of the chances of your missiles successfully hitting their target.�This multi-megaton device will destroy most structures on the target asteroid, as well as ships in orbit.�Allows the instantaneous transmission of ore between asteroids.�The best energy weapon available at this time. Fires photon packets capable of devastating armor.�A weapon of greater devastation than a laser turret. Efficient on power use too.�This device modifies all generators that rely upon solar power and doubles their power output.�A cost efficient means of generating power, up to 20MW. the fusion process uses Asteros ore.�Monitors and directs the repairing of colony buildings.�The generator creates a screen which protects neighboring buildings against enemy attacks.�Provides the capability to locate and extract the valuable Traxium and Nexos ores, which existing mines cannot extract.�Though this device fills an entire ship hardpoint, it provides the ship with 40 greater armor points.�Though this device fills an entire ship hardpoint, it provides the ship with 50 greater armor points.�A huge matrix of solar panels to use space more effectively. Generates 8MW, or 16MW with a power amplifier.�(hardpoint) It emits a powerful E.M. beam to scramble the electronics of an enemy ship.�New advances in temporal physics allow an entire asteroid to be frozen, incapable of action, for a period of time.�A very effective warship. It has greater armor than existing ships and four hardpoints for mounting weapons.�This device is a real breakthrough, doubling the damage of all existing and future turrets.�Deposits a substance that spreads rapidly across the target asteroid. It destroys any structure that it contacts.�(hardpoint) Offers total protection against attack. It cannot be maintained permanently, but is pulsed on and off at regular intervals.� Offers for the first time the ability to maintain long-range contact with the crews of smaller craft.� The largest warship available at this time, offering the opportunity to greatly increase the range of your fleet.�Scrambler�Double Speed Engines�This blueprint allows the construction of computer-controlled multi-headed drill assemblies. These will then be automatically added to all existing and future mines, allowing the most common ores to be extracted at twice the previous speed.�This blueprint allows the construction of computer-controlled multi-headed drill assemblies. These will then be automatically added to all existing and future mines, allowing the more valuable ores to be extracted at twice the previous speed.�Prolonged customer research has shown that automated defenses are the most cost-effective way of protecting deep-space installations. These high quality pods are your major defense against enemy missiles. Each pod comes equipped with its own military standard laser and state-of-the-art sensors; the sensors track any incoming missiles and target them before subjecting them to high intensity fire. Due to their compact size, the individual accuracy of the pods is low, but can be improved by building several pods on each asteroid.�The only known means to eradicate the effects of a Virus missile. Upon impact it disperses a bacterial agent over the entire surface of the asteroid which within moments will seek out and destroy the virus, halting its spread. It will then begin acting upon the mutated areas of the asteroid, reversing the effects of the virus. This is a long and slow process, but one which will ultimately restore the asteroid to a more stable form capable of supporting buildings. Unfortunately, this results in increased radiation but this seems a small price to pay.�This is a phenomenally-advanced facility that provides the means to control the gravitational field of the asteroid, enabling it to change direction and speed at any time. Along with the Gravity Nullifier, this was one of Sci-Tek's launch products; first sold in 2309, it is still one of their best-selling lines. If the Engines run out of power, the speed will drop to zero and the asteroid will no longer move. Power is essential to master the gravity field that moves the asteroid.�This powerful computer works in conjunction with your sensors to observe and analyze the movement of all known asteroids. It provides data on the direction and velocity of each asteroid, enabling you to anticipate and avoid dangerous collisions.�These blueprints hold the specification for armor suitable for protecting any type of building from meteor strikes and enemy attacks. The materials required are available as a by-product of the standard hydroponics process, and any new building can effectively benefit from the improved protection that this material offers at no extra cost.�Under normal circumstances, your Ship Yards will only have the resources to construct up to 3 craft at any one time; however, this blueprint will revolutionize your ship-building capacity. Once purchased, all your existing and future Yards will be modified to include a state-of-the-art robot assembly line. The sophistication of these droids allows you to construct up to six craft at any one time, enabling you to construct larger fleets with less of your time spent supervising the Yards.�This is a hardpoint that improves general ship defenses. It consists of a generator that pulses energy through the ship's hull while in flight, drawing power from the main engines. The energized hull is more resilient to damage and can deflect or absorb most attacks. The Deflector can be used with existing shields and greatly improves the operational lifetime of a ship.� An extremely powerful and respected craft, this was originally designed in 2364 by R. Giggs and has been extensively modified and improved since its initial launch. Despite its grand name, it is a fraction of the size of the Federal Battleships, but still capable of forming the mainstay of any independent fleet. Both Sci-Tek and TetraCorp use and recommend this as their primary warship, its six hardpoints making it a very flexible and tough vessel.�One of Sci-Tek's greatest technological breakthroughs, the Nullifier generates a gravitational field that stops all asteroids within a certain range from moving, including the one on which the Nullifier is installed. As long as the Nullifier is active you don't have to worry about collisions; however, any asteroid using Asteroid Engines will be unaffected by the field. Sci-Tek warns that the field will collapse if you have insufficient power to drive the Nullifier, so regular checks on its operational status are advised.�This extremely ergonomic device consists of a specialized capacitance circuit which is automatically installed in all existing and future power stores, doubling their capacity.�Sci-Tek have recognized the reliance that most colonies put on their Sensor Arrays; without them, an asteroid is highly vulnerable to an unexpected collision or surprise enemy attack. Therefore, Sci-Tek have developed a device which can be installed on all existing colonies, and added to the construction of the CPU for the protection of future colonies. It renders Sensor Arrays unnecessary by hiding the sensors underground and using new techniques to allow them to probe surrounding space.� The most devastating warhead available, the Mega Missile's price is justified by over 40 years of research and development at Sci-Tek's Gravity Research Labs. The technology behind this missile has top secret status, but is known to involve generating a gravitic pulse which causes seismic fractures in the target. The warhead is powerful enough to render small planets uninhabitable through volcanic activity. Its effect on a target as small as an asteroid is to reduce it to chunks of rubble of diameter no greater than 30-50cm, depending on the asteroid's original size.�Conventional missile silos can only store a maximum of 10 of each type of warhead, if they are to be loaded and launched as quickly as possible. This new design of loading rack system is installed in all your existing and new missile silos and doubles their capacity. The system is compact but can arm any warhead in any silo in a matter of seconds.�This device utilizes your existing sensors to accurately measure the distance and relative vectors of the launching and target asteroids. It then uses this information to provide you with an indication of the likelihood of each missile hitting the target asteroid. This information allows yo to maximize your attacks and avoid wasting missiles by firing them at targets out of effective range.�This is a multi-megaton warhead capable of inflicting enormous damage on an asteroid, with a distinct possibility of destroying all buildings. Spacecraft in orbit will also suffer damage from the blast. WARNING: USE WITH CARE! The radiation effects from a nuclear attack can render an asteroid uninhabitable for many, many years.�This is a very effective way and swift means of transporting ores between asteroids. You must have an Ore Teleporter on both of the asteroids you want to move ore between. For best results, install one on all your asteroids.�This weapon offers the greatest fire-power of the three turret types, firing photon packets capable of devastating armor. The Photon Turret's power and accuracy is beyond compare, only rivaled by some of the larger intergalactic warships. A sophisticated motion-detection sensor automatically begins to track any hostile ships as soon as they fire on the colony. The turret will then return laser fire at an optimized range, assuming that it has sufficient power to do so.�This weapon offers greater fire-power than the standard Laser Turret. An improved motion-detection sensor automatically begins to track any hostile ships as soon as they fire on the colony. The turret will then return laser fire at standard range, assuming that it has sufficient power to do so.�This blueprint allows the construction of an enhancement for solar generators which optimizes their power production and doubles output. This is fitted to all existing and future Solar Panels, Generators and Matrices and represents a significant improvement in ergonomic power generation.�This is the major means of power generation on your asteroids. It is a large and complicated building to construct, but it offers superior power generation. It extracts its own supplies of Asteros ore direct from the asteroid and uses a fusion process to turn it into a daily output of 32 MW, if there is an ample supply of Asteros; otherwise it will use otherwise useless ores to give a much reduced 8 MW. The Company advises ensuring that an adequate supply of Asteros is available before construction, since it uses 1 unit of ore every 4 days.�In the harsh environment of the mining colony buildings frequently become damaged. This is of course especially true during attacks by hostile forces. This fully-automated building constructs, instructs and controls a fleet of maintenance robots that routinely move about the colony and undertake building repairs. This is a facility that no efficiently-run colony can afford to be without. This building also shows the armor/damage status of your buildings.� Even armored buildings are vulnerable to attack. Fortunately, alternative means of defense are available. This area protection device creates a force field over neighboring buildings, assuming sufficient power supplies are available. The field will absorb a high percentage of energy from most common weapons systems, including inter-asteroid missiles. It is recommended that you construct several of these generators to protect your most important buildings.�The only mine sophisticated enough to extract Traxium and Nexos ores. One of Sci-Tek's most impressive R & D triumphs, this is a state-of-the-art mining drill for locating, extracting and processing particular ores. Precision-made diamond-headed drilling rigs extract the precious minerals from the asteroid's core, and delivers them directly to the storage facilities. These rigs are larger and more expensive than the other mining facilities but are almost literally worth their weight in platinum.�This hardpoint is a straightforward defensive shield. It improves the ship's overall resistance to attack by adding an additional layer of armor to the hull; the highly-developed material properties of the armor means that this does not affect the speed or handling of the craft, even on smaller fighters.�This is another secondary defensive shield which can be added to give an additional layer of armor to the ship's hull. Despite having no adverse effects on the ship's speed or handling, this shield renders a ship almost (but not quite) invulnerable to attack. And all for a mere 40,000 Cr too!�While comparatively expensive, the extremely small footprint of this building compared to its generating capacity, is felt to compensate for the increased cost. It maximizes space efficiency by installing a larger tower of solar panels on a very small surface area, which is particularly useful on small asteroids. Maximum output is 8 MW. This building is wholly compatible with the Sci-Tek Power Amplifier. TetraCorp recommend the installation of such a device to enhance productivity.� This defensive hardpoint device uses energy from the ship's main engines to periodically emit a powerful electromagnetic pulse which temporarily scrambles the sensor electronics of enemy craft. During the pulse, all hostile craft are rendered vulnerable, unable to attack or move. Included with the blueprints are details of how to attune your other craft to the pre-EMP warning code burst which will afford protection from these effects.� The latest warhead from Sci-Tek, utilising their recent research into temporal physics. Upon impact it will establish a tachyon field around the target asteroid, disconnecting it from the temporal matrix of the surrounding space. The practical effect is to halt the passage of time inside the stasis field. Nothing can happen inside the field, and no spacecraft or missiles may arrive or depart. The field decays and dies after a period of time, at which point normal activity is resumed.� One of Sci-Tek's most popular warship designs, this vessel has seen extensive service in the Federal Marines. Initially designed and built in 2321, this model is the latest specification (T-15), its four hardpoints making it an effective and versatile weapons platform. The original designer's name is unknown, but the T-15 is credited to Jancis McDonald, technical editor of Jane's Orbital And Deep Space Battle Craft Monthly, and proud owner of the last fully maintained and operational T-1.�This device was warmly welcomed on its release and has continued to be a popular item in the Sci-Tek range. It upgrades all existing and future turret constructions of any type, increasing the firepower of each shot by a power of two. The exact technique used is an industrial secret, but is known to involve use of a flux capacitor to store incoming energy between blasts, releasing the surplus power when required for firing.�This very powerful warhead releases a volatile (and radioactive) substance upon impact which destabilizes the very rock of an asteroid. It is impossible for buildings to stand on this new, unstable substance. The virus will slowly spread across the asteroid surface, infecting everything in its path.� This hardpoint-mounted device is a defense system which operates periodically, due to its high power consumption. An energy charge is accumulated in the integral flux capacitor, and when this is charged, a powerful warp field is generated, phasing the ship out of the spatial matrix and rendering it temporarily invulnerable to damage. The ship's own weapons can be readily synchronized to fire only when it is within the matrix, preventing energy wastage.�Sci-Tek are proud to present their latest breakthrough in hardened miniaturization technology. Until now, real-time two-way communication has been unavailable to smaller craft such as Scoutships; this device now offers the chance for the crew of small craft to receive instruction and transmit information back to base. The Transmitter can be fitted to existing craft, and will be automatically installed in all new constructions.� This massive craft is not only strongly armed and armored, with six hardpoints, but is also capable of carrying up to 20 smaller fighters in its hold, and also towing a number of medium craft (depending on their size). This ship's long range effectively increases the deployment range of your fleet far beyond that of your smaller ships. The Command Cruiser is an invaluable addition to the fleet of anyone living and working in the great distances of the deep space asteroid fields.�Long description for Scrambler�Long description for Double Speed Engines�Old Terra, Sol System�An extremely competent and very experienced supervisor. Dutch Perrers has been on the TetraCorp payroll for many years and is regarded as an exceptionally fast worker, excelling in the maintenance of high numbers of asteroids. �Strondberg, Maffei 1�Ms Freysdottir may not be the fastest supervisor you can hire, but nonetheless is experienced and thorough. It may benefit the novice franchisee to know that if you overload this employee, she will leave your employment with no bad feelings. We think you know what we mean.�HX451, Seyfert System�One of our newer employees, Kerry Swanson has yet to make her name with TetraCorp, and of course her salary reflects this. It would perhaps be prudent, given her relative inexperience, not to give her too much responsibility to begin with, while she learns the ropes. It is however a matter of some pride to TetraCorp that Kerry has never yet walked out on a job.�Tyche base, Virgo Sector�Well worth the comparatively high salary, Ros Goodman is a fast, highly experienced supervisor with excellent references. Possessor of a First from the prestigious Shu Feng University at Rigel 5, a doctorate from the Arcturus Higher Institute, a cast-iron constitution and nerves of steel make her one of our star choices for beginner and professional franchisee alike.�Rosse, Canes Venatici�Chantelle Sanscerre is an excellent choice for those franchisees with a modest personnel budget, looking for someone to take some of their workload off their shoulders, rather than someone to run their entire colony system for them. A, competent, willing and able worker if not given too much responsibility.�Fifth New Republic, M31�Treated well, Su Yung Mi is everything the busy franchisee requires in their supervisor; her attention to detail is legendary and she is one of TetraCorp's most methodical and careful workers. Another Shu Feng graduate with great potential - well worth the money.�Sargas Three, Scorpius System�Widely regarded as good value for money and pleasant to work with, Tierra Jones is prepared to get on with whatever she is given to do with no messing about. A moderate workload is perhaps the best choice for this particular supervisor; however, for those franchisees with cash flow problems she is often regarded as an ideal employee!�Mars Seventh Settlement, Sol System�TetraCorp is especially pleased to recommend Francisco Rilke to its franchisees; 'Red' may never have been near a university or Centre For Excellence in her life, but she is without question one of the very best supervisors TetraCorp has ever employed. Fast, ultra-efficient and a dream to work with, if you can afford the salary you'd be insane not to employ this woman. A word of warning, however: this is not someone who will allow arrears of pay to build up without taking action - often direct and always to the point.�New Orion, M41�Perfect for low-maintenance colonies with an easy-going employer, Feraldo Garcia makes his debut with TetraCorp this season. As a worldly-wise corporation, we would always recommend that franchisees keep a tight but friendly eye on any work done by new supervisors, and would like to add that this worker should not perhaps be considered by those with a heavy workload or where major stress is a likely factor.�KL-27, Argo Navis�The answer to every colonist's prayers, Makepeace Fox is one of TetraCorp's most highly valued supervisors. Another of the Arcturus Higher Institute's alumni, with an unparalleled ability to handle both a heavy workload and the accompanying stress without blinking, Makepeace is always more than worth his salary. If you are unwise enough to allow him to become over-worked or chronically underpaid, you don't have to worry; he will leave your employ, but always on the best possible terms.�Effelsberg, 47 Tucanae�An excellent choice for medium-sized colony clusters and those not yet working at optimum production, Earl Bartholomew handles stress extremely well and is a competent and valued supervisor. One of TetraCorp's more recent acquisitions and yet another of Shu Feng's finest, we are pleased to welcome Earl to our most challenging areas of work.�Malin Colony, 30 Doradus�A man always ready to put his efficiency and sense of self-worth above his life, Sean McInnery is the fifth generation of his family to work in a supervisory capacity for TetraCorp. Never stressed, always competent, utterly dedicated to his work - any franchisee should be pleased to employ this man, and we're sure that it will be a decision they won't regret.�Jocan Five, Lesath System�One of the old school, 'Wild Bill' Hickok certainly resembles his wild west namesake in more ways than one! It's a brave franchisee that overloads him with work, that's for sure; but if treated well Bill is an asset to any operation. Perhaps unusually, he also has a remarkably high tolerance for arrears of pay, so can be a boon to a hard-pressed franchisee with cash-flow problems!�Kleinmann-Low, M42�Tomas Lorca is an excellent supervisor, one that TetraCorp are pleased and proud to recommend to any franchisee, be they novice or professional. Quiet, conscientious, rarely stressed and highly efficient Tomas is also possessed of an almost supernaturally calm outlook on life, which even 30 years in the profession has failed to dent! Always worth having on your payroll.�Paris-Nouvelle, Alpheratz System�A good all-rounder, Emile Schlesinger is a graduate and recent recruit to TetraCorp's books, looking to make his mark on the Company. Currently perhaps best suited for a low-stress, moderately-sized colony cluster, we like to think that Emile will be with us for a good while yet.�Mintakaholm, The Belt�Leif Johannssen's ability to get buildings up faster than almost anyone TetraCorp has ever seen is just one reason why we chose to offer this comparatively inexperienced young man the opportunity to work in the Fragmented Sectors, learning his trade and assisting our franchisees in their day-to-day tasks. We hope he will go far.�Strategic knee-capping our speciality�This agent is one of the most highly-regarded in her field, which by its very nature is of course extremely competitive. Despite her relative youth, she has been in (mainly corporate) employment for the last ten years and is considered fast, reliable and efficient. There are few missions that she will not undertake, and she is regarded as unusually loyal to her employer of the moment. Assimytri's talents are perhaps shown to their best advantage against Terran opponents.�Only that which is necessary�Villa Lobos has not been in the business for long but is already displaying a cool professionalism which should take her a long way. Rumour has it that this agent has close relations in the Federal hierarchy, which should provide her with much useful information if she ever cared to use it. There are certain missions which she prefers not to undertake, but if you do hire her, you can be sure that the operation will be carried out with precisely as much force as is necessary to achieve her ends, and not one iota more. The Mauna are the perfect opponent for this agent.�No-one better�De Navarre is one of the few in his profession to regularly grace the social pages of the infonets, but don't let that fool you; he is widely regarded as one of the very best agents around. He is phenomenally fast and very rarely fails at his objectives: naturally, this sort of efficiency costs, and his prices reflect his reputation. His professionalism is unquestioned and he has no politics whatsoever - nor apparently any emotions either: there is nothing that this man will not do, so long as he is paid the required amount.�The laser is mightier than the sword�A young agent making his name in the hard and fast world of 'freelance professionals', as they prefer to be known. Impressively speedy in some respects, and with an enviable equanimity towards some of the less popular cultures, Mandelson shows considerable tenacity under pressure and should go far in his chosen profession. He appears to have taken the wise decision to steer clear of the more lethal areas of the profession, at least for the time being: but since his current prices reflect his relative inexperience, get good value while you can!�Give 'em hell�One of the more flamboyant agents on the circuit right now, van Holen comes from a military background (4 years in the Federal Marines followed by a 2 year stint with one of the Braccatian mercenary outfits). This has given him exceptional levels of courage and loyalty, allied to a refreshingly ethical attitude to his work. Considering the expertise he draws on, his price list is remarkably reasonable, and he must be recommended as an excellent all-rounder; perhaps not even the Mauna are likely to prove a problem to this agent.�What you know, I know�Another one who takes a 'no holds barred' attitude to his work, Malchique is rumoured to use excessively unorthodox methods, both in information-gathering work and the more controversial areas of the business. Of course, this is only rumour, and as long as he's getting the results, who cares? Usually considered to be a swift, steady and reliable worker, Malchique also has a reputation for not suffering fools gladly - but once again, as long as he gets the results... This is someone you won't regret hiring.�The eternal warrior finds beauty in his wounds�A man with more (and more interesting) contacts than might be considered good for anyone, and equipped with an impressively moral outlook on life, Khayyam is that rare thing, an agent prepared to take on the Achaeans; more than prepared, in fact he would relish the chance! His attitude to Terrans, on the other hand, cannot be faulted, giving him a decided advantage over many in the business (it would of course be unethical to name names...). His prices are extremely competitive, and he is generally regarded as an all-round bargain.�Demand the impossible�Veralle has been in the business for some years now, and has developed a distinctly personal way of achieving his operational requirements (alas, commercial confidentiality forbids any more detail!). Although seemingly unmotivated by personal vendettas, there are few missions that this man will refuse, and while his stated ethical system will not allow him to admit to disliking one culture more than another, it has been observed that he has recently scored some notable successes against the Mikotaj.�who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �who?�An extremely competent and very experienced agent. �Beers�Blurb�Wines�Blurb�Altarian Panther Sweat�Blurb�St.Etienne's Real Cream & Honey Liqueur�Blurb�Muet & Champignon vintage champagne�Blurb�Fizzimo Lumiere�Blurb�Bristol glass�Blurb�Crystal Cantata Inc. products�Blurb�Deep pile velvet�Blurb�Silk�Blurb�Watered silk�Blurb�Raw silk�Blurb�Satin taffeta�Blurb�Egyptian sea-cotton�Blurb�Achaean angora�Blurb�Tiara & Bracelet set�Blurb�Choker�Blurb�Solitaire emerald�Blurb�Brooch�Blurb�Necklace�Blurb�Eternity ring�Blurb�Pectoral�Blurb�Collar�Blurb�3-strand bracelet�Blurb�Diamond�Blurb�Emerald�Blurb�Sapphire�Blurb�Ruby�Blurb�Ultropaz�Blurb�Alexandrite�Blurb�Metachrome�Blurb�Opal�Blurb�Pearl�Blurb�Moonstone�Blurb�Astramarine�Blurb�Peridot�Blurb�Amethyst�Blurb�Abstract Sculpture�Blurb�Domestic interior units�Blurb�Decorative drinking horns�Blurb�Worked leather�Blurb�Ornamental archaic weaponry�Blurb�Fizzimo Liqueurs�Blurb�Rigellian ant eggs�Blurb�Pearls dissolved in brandy�Blurb�Goat's ear mushrooms�Blurb�Organic corn on the cob�Blurb�Braccatian kulos cheese�Blurb�Grains�Blurb�Seaweed�Blurb�Krill�Blurb�Water�Blurb�Ortok's Mansions�Blurb�Shades of Brutos�Blurb�Huskar Cigars�Blurb�Maunik's Cube�Blurb�Gong of Death Song�Blurb�Holostar globes�Blurb�Besthelda's Apothecary�Blurb�Photoplasmic Cocoon�Blurb�Steam Racers�Blurb�Kamikazee Quad�Blurb�Kraagil Oil�Blurb�Sacrificial Axe�Blurb�Horn of Plenty�Blurb�Dionne's Lightwork�Blurb�Loving Cup�Blurb�Law of the Cube�Blurb�Selenium Ore�Blurb for Selenium�Asteros Ore�Blurb for Asteros�Barium Ore�Blurb for Barium�Crystalite Ore�Blurb for Crystalite�Quazinc Ore�Blurb for Quazinc�Bytanium Ore�Blurb for Bytanium�Korellium Ore�Blurb for Korellium�Dragonium Ore�Blurb for Dragonium�Traxium Ore�Blurb for Traxium�Nexos Ore�Blurb for Nexos�Explosive Missile�Blurb for Explosive�Area Explosive Missile�Blurb for Area Explosive�Napalm Missile�Blurb for Napalm�Hellfire Missile�Blurb for Hellfire�Scatter Missile�Blurb for Scatter�Vortex Missile�Blurb for Vortex�Nuclear Missile�Blurb for Nuclear�Virus Missile�Blurb for Virus�Anti-Virus Missile�Blurb for Anti-Virus�Mega Missile�Blurb for Mega�Stasis Missile�Blurb for Stasis����������Rigellian Representative�Braccatian Representative�Mikotaj Representative�Artemian Representative�Maunid Representative�Achaean Representative�Global Trader 1�Global Trader 2�Global Trader 3�Global Trader 4�Global Trader 5�Global Trader 6�Global Trader 7�Global Trader 8�Travelling Trader 1�Travelling Trader 2�Travelling Trader 3�Travelling Trader 4�Travelling Trader 5�Travelling Trader 6�Travelling Trader 7�Travelling Trader 8����������Rigellian Ambassador�Braccatian Ambassador�Mikotaj Ambassador�Artemian Ambassador�Maunid Ambassador�Achaean Ambassador�I have only this to say to you. For the short time left to you, you will regret this.�That is all. I have no more to say.�I am Ge Tra Xi, Mikotaj Ambassador for the Fragmented Sectors. My people are bodiless, beings of pure energy; this gives us little in common with the other cultures of the Federation. Nonetheless, we wish you well in your endeavours. Contact me if you have any matter to discuss with the Mikotaj.�It is inconceivable. Check your security for corruption - our enemies must have bribed them to blacken our name.�Why should I? The accusation is clearly absurd.�If and when that happens, I shall expect the worst.�The Mikotaj would not normally consider such an act; but we have no desire to see the alliance fall. Very well; you will receive a token of our goodwill within the week.�Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.�Nothing. There is no law against the use of agents, and the Mikotaj have little reason to trust you implicitly.�I await it with interest.�I don't think the Mikotaj would be remotely impressed by that. Let us simply leave things as they are, for the sake of all our colonists.�The Mikotaj have no gods - nor any need of them.�What realistic alternative do you have? Attack us if you like - how smart would that be when you know that we have current strategic information about your capabilities?�Yes.�Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.�Although the Mikotaj see no call to apologise, nonetheless conflict at the present time would serve neither of our peoples well. Apologies are therefore proffered, along with the bribe traditional to Terrans in such situations.�Your wits must be even more addled than usual if you really expect the Mikotaj to fall for that one. There is nothing more to be said.�It is inconceivable. Check your security for corruption - our enemies must have bribed them to blacken our name.�Why should I? The accusation is clearly absurd.�If and when that happens, I shall expect the worst.�The Mikotaj would not normally consider such an act; but we have no desire to see the alliance fall. Very well; you will receive a token of our goodwill within the week.�Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.�Nothing. There is no law against the use of agents, and the Mikotaj have little reason to trust you implicitly.�I await it with interest.�I don't think the Mikotaj would be remotely impressed by that. Let us simply leave things as they are, for the sake of all our colonists.�The Mikotaj have no gods - nor any need of them.�What realistic alternative do you have? Attack us if you like - how smart would that be when you know that we have current strategic information about your capabilities?�Yes.�Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.�Although the Mikotaj see no call to apologise, nonetheless conflict at the present time would serve neither of our peoples well. Apologies are therefore proffered, along with the bribe traditional to Terrans in such situations.�Your wits must be even more addled than usual if you really expect the Mikotaj to fall for that one. There is nothing more to be said.�If you so wish; I'm sure the Mikotaj will oblige your blood-lust. But don't think to pass it off as our fault; we sent no agent to your colonies.�The Mikotaj have reported to me that they have captured an agent who, under interrogation, has told them that you sent them. What is your response?�The Mikotaj are pleased to accept your apologies. Don't let it happen again.�Your loss.�Yes, that's what you people always say. And yet you behave like this. Why is that?�Just so.�I am so glad to hear it.�Do you think the Mikotaj would not?�Not possible for a lower race. But no, I will make it clear for you: as of this moment, we have no intention of escalating the conflict.�I'm so glad. Prepare yourselves.���Good.�Your financial concerns are not my business. I have said I will speak to the Mikotaj; you must be content with that.�Precisely.�By all means. She at least will understand the limitations of my position.�I'm sure they have their reasons.�And why should I intercede for someone who has already demonstrated their lack of integrity?�Has it crossed your mind to wonder why this has happened? You surely aren't telling me that the Mikotaj are the only guilty party?�Perhaps, perhaps not. What assurance are you prepared to give me that your people will not take advantage of any situation in which I elicit promises of neutrality from the Mikotaj?�Perhaps because, after this length of time, I have managed to grasp the essentials of politics - which, it is abundantly clear, you have failed to do. Now, do you have any other trivia with which to take up my time, or may I get on with important business?�You speak like the ignorant fool you are. Good day to you.�Some token of good faith, perhaps? The Mikotaj set great store by such things.�Not necessarily - although I have found that it does concentrate the minds of less-developed species wonderfully.�I'm afraid the answer would be beyond you. But enough of this: if you will present the Mikotaj with some appropriate gift, I can undertake to elicit pledges of neutrality towards your colonies. Do you wish to deal?�It is, as always, your choice.�A wise decision.�Yes?�So what are you going to do about it?�Oh yes, I see what you mean. You are blackmailing us.�Fine. Business is business. You'll be receiving payment within the week. But don't get any funny ideas about double-crossing us, will you?�You astonish me. Very well; what is it?�Ah, I see. You wish us to bribe you?�No, I don't think so. We are prepared to risk whatever you will do.�It would doubtless make our lives easier not to have to cope with an impertinent Federal interest just at the moment. Your cheque's in the mail, as I believe you say.�As of this time, we are no longer at war with you.�Very well - please continue.�If this is some paltry attempt at blackmail, Terran, forget it. The Mikotaj have done nothing to be ashamed of, and can prove it!�You become repetitious and very tedious. Go away.�If you submit your terms, I will consider them.�Submit your terms. They will receive consideration.�As the Mikotaj Ambassador I am legally obliged to consider any terms submitted to me.�No.�����Agreed.�Possibly.�Doubtful.�Who knows?�As you wish.�I can see that you would.�A wise move.����I think you will find this is a mistake. The Mikotaj have done nothing to contravene the treaty.�The fault is not ours.�I am delighted that we see eye to eye on this.�The Mikotaj have nothing to justify.�I think you will find this is a mistake. The Mikotaj have done nothing to contravene the treaty.����We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?��Agreed. To take effect immediately.�We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.�This is a formal declaration of war on behalf of the Mikotaj.�By all means let there be a ceasefire.�I am surprised to find you so intelligent. The Mikotaj will be pleased for the slaughter to end.�There is unfinished business. We will continue.�The Mikotaj are weary of this pointless death and destruction. Would you be prepared to consider a ceasefire?��We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Non-Aggression Pact between our two cultures. Would you be interested?�We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?�Agreed. To take effect immediately.�We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.�Without wishing to cause offence, we wish to cancel the Non-Aggression Pact existing between us.�Without wishing to cause offence, we wish to cancel the Joint Combat Treaty existing between us.�It pains me to say this, Ambassador, but it appears that you have broken the terms of the Non-Aggression Pact that we signed with you. Do you have anything to say in your defence?�I hope not. Let the treaty stand for now.�Nonetheless we cannot take the risk. I must cancel the treaty immediately.�Very well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time. The treaty stands.�I'm not interested. The treaty is dead. The Mikotaj owe us.�It pains me to say this, Ambassador, but it appears that you have broken the terms of the Joint Combat Treaty that we signed with you. Do you have anything to say in your defence?�Sure - send us your terms and we'll have a look.�Well, okay then. But I'm not sure we're interested just now.�Not a chance.�Ambassador, this war is costing both our cultures dearly. Might I suggest that we consider ending it?�No problem. We too are weary of the war.�No can do, Ge - there's too much at stake.�Ambassador, I wish to protest about repeated attacks by the Mikotaj on my colonies.�I'm sure they believe they have reason; nonetheless, I am appealing to you as the Mikotaj Ambassador to intercede with your people and explain to them that we have no hostile designs on them and would be grateful for similar forbearance on their part.�Thank you. Your readiness to assist is appreciated.�I need a more binding answer than that; I'm losing money here!�Very well. Your call.�Your attitude is appalling, Ambassador, do you know that? I have a good mind to lodge a formal complaint with the Terran representative.�I don't understand your reply. I am asking you as representative of your people to mediate, since relations between us seem to have become less than friendly.�I am uninterested in apportioning blame, Ambassador; I merely wish the situation resolved as peacefully and speedily as possible. Is this too much to ask?�And supposing it was true? I sometimes wonder why I bother even attempting to resolve any situation through your mediation, Ambassador; your whole mindset appears to revolve around 'my people right or wrong' and I entirely fail to understand how, with this attitude, you manage to keep your job!�By all means concentrate on whatever it is you do. I can see there is absolutely no point in asking you to do your actual job!�What assurance can I give?�Ah! You want money!�Are you trying to be offensive? Or is it just that your species is so far advanced that they have no need of tact?�Stuff your deal. I don't have to sit here and be insulted - do your worst and be damned to you!�I'm sure you're right, Ambassador, as always. Very well; I will gift the Mikotaj and will rely on your integrity to ensure an appropriate result.�Good day, Ambassador. I have something to say to you regarding your business ethics.�We have evidence that your people have been trading with the Mauna. Now we could of course inform the Federation of this inconvenient fact; but that would hardly endear us to you. On the other hand, you are our competitors; it could be said that it would be to our advantage should you fall foul of Federal regulations.�That rather depends on your actions. If you see what I mean.�That's an ugly way of expressing it, but yes, that's right. Well?�Perish the thought.�Very well. We have evidence that your people are trading with the Mauna. That gives us a serious advantage over you. What would you like to offer us to keep silent?�Much the best course for you to take, don't you think? After all, you don't want to bite off more than you can chew...�Your decision, Ambassador.�In a word, yes.�What can I do for you, Ambassador?�Wha-at?�Our Security reports that we have captured an agent and that your people sent them; I thought we had an alliance - what's going on here, Ambassador?�No. I have to say I'm disappointed in you, and that I must consider the alliance between us at an immediate end.�It's conceivable, although frankly unlikely. Do you have nothing more to say in your defence?�I don't believe so; but if you're so sure, very well, we will leave the alliance to run its course. But make no mistake, Ge; one more 'absurdity' like that and you will find my attitude considerably less forgiving.�I'm not buying this, Ambassador; either make us some offer of restitution or the treaty is dead in the water.�Very well; although you understand that if it does happen again, you must expect a less conciliatory reaction.�Not this time, Ambassador. I must warn you that my people are deeply unhappy about this. Something to prove your good faith would be much appreciated.�I am reluctant to agree, but on this occasion I will do so. Try it again, though, Ge, and the gods help you and your colonists!�Not a chance! You really think we're just going to ignore this?�You think you have an answer for everything, don't you?�Our Security reports that we have captured an agent and that your people sent them; what do you have to say for yourself, Ambassador?�Our Security reports that we have captured an agent and that your people sent them; I am informing you that unless we receive an apology and some form of remuneration within the week, you must accept that a state of war exists between our peoples.�Please accept our apologies, Ambassador. We have no wish to be in conflict with the your people.�We do not wish for conflict, but equally have no desire to continue this alliance.�Must be a quirk of Terran genetics, Ambassador. The Mikotaj must thank whatever they worship that they have no such...instabilities.�One of the mysteries of creation, Ambassador. Now are you going to accept our apology or not? We are more than prepared for the alternative.�It happens. You would not go to war over such a minor issue, Ambassador?�That's what I'm asking - we have no desire for conflict, Ambassador, I am merely trying to understand your intentions.�I am absolutely sure the Mikotaj are capable of anything, Ambassador. And equally sure that we are ready for them.���American�PERSONNEL SUPPORT�ENVIRONMENT�POWER�MINING�WEAPONS�MISCELLANEOUS�Selenium�Asteros�Barium�Crystalite�Quazinc�Bytanium�Korellium�Dragonium�Traxium�Nexos�Total�Cost�Armor�Days to completion�Ore needed�Number to build�Speed�Build time�day�days�Hardpoints�Page�Attack�Defense�Space Dock�Satellites in silos�Missiles in silos�Number being built�Production�Usage�Surplus�Power�Air�Food�Water�Population�Current�Max�Radiation�Security�Asteroid secure�Low morale�Social unrest�Major criminal activity�Security alert!�In Stasis�Under Virus Attack�Virus Attack Decaying�Ore�Construction�Vehicles�Missiles�Fleets�Ships�Buildings�Satellites�Asteroids�Total Expenditure For The Past 6 Months�Personnel�Personnel Fund�Money�Asteroid�No Order�Patrol %s�Go To %s�Join %s�Scout For Asteroids In Sector SK%07.3q�Start Colony On %s�Prospect %s�Spy On %s�You Should Not See This!�Join %s�Launch And Spy�Land In Hangar�Launch From Hangar�Ship Landed�Join %s�You Should Not See This!�Join %s�You Should Not See This!�You Should Not See This!�You Should Not See This!�You Should Not See This!�You Should Not See This!�You Should Not See This!�1 FN (Needs Refueling)�1 FN�2 FN�3 FN�4 FN�5 FN�Ships At�Ships In�In Space�In Combat�Retreating�Not Formed�You Have No Transporters�You Have No Command Cruisers�Status�Patrolling�In Hangar�On Surface�Landing�Launching�De-orbiting�Re-orbiting�In Fleet�In Cruiser�Orders�Retreat Level�Cargo Ships�Cargo Ores�Cargo Missiles�No Order�Patrol %s�Go To %s�Attack %s�Intercept %s�Go To %s�Wait In Sector SK%07.3q�Merge With %s�Missiles At�Target�None�Strike Rate�Ore Prices�Not yet built�Federal Transporter�Days To Arrival�Days To Arrival At�Days To Departure�Days To Departure From�Slot Free�Droids Required�SCI-TEK Blueprint Required�On Order�Ship�Building�Colony�Destroyed�Weapons Factory Required�Ship out of range�Fleet out of range�Select Asteroid....�Value�Has Departed�Traveling To�In�Orbiting�Defense�Ships and Hardpoints�Missiles�Mining�Power�Miscellaneous�You have the following items on order....�You have nothing currently on order.�Leave Cruiser�Join Cruiser�Spare Hold Capacity�Spare Tow Capacity�FLEET 1�FLEET 2�FLEET 3�FLEET 4�FLEET 5�FLEET 6�FLEET 7�FLEET 8�FLEET 9�FLEET 10�FLEET 11�FLEET 12�FLEET 13�FLEET 14�FLEET 15�FLEET 16�Days Remaining�Duration�Permanent�TetraCorp�Unowned�TetraCorp�HumanCorp2�HumanCorp3�HumanCorp4�HumanCorp5�HumanCorp6�HumanCorp7�HumanCorp8�Rigellian�Braccatia�Mikotaj�Artemia�Mauna�Achaean�Unowned Asteroid�TetraCorp Asteroid�HumanCorp2 Asteroid�HumanCorp3 Asteroid�HumanCorp4 Asteroid�HumanCorp5 Asteroid�HumanCorp6 Asteroid�HumanCorp7 Asteroid�HumanCorp8 Asteroid�Rigellian Asteroid�Braccatian Asteroid�Mikotaj Asteroid�Artemian Asteroid�Maunid Asteroid�Achaean Asteroid�Unowned Fleet�TetraCorp Fleet�HumanCorp2 Fleet�HumanCorp3 Fleet�HumanCorp4 Fleet�HumanCorp5 Fleet�HumanCorp6 Fleet�HumanCorp7 Fleet�HumanCorp8 Fleet�Rigellian Fleet�Braccatian Fleet�Mikotaj Fleet�Artemian Fleet�Maunid Fleet�Achaean Fleet�Saved Games�Nullifier Is�Off�On�OK�Under Construction�Built�Operational�No Power�Undermanned�Unknown�%d MW Used�%d MW Generated�Idle�Production Slowed�Production Stopped�No Weapons Factory�Need More Funds�Need More Selenium�Need More Asteros�Need More Barium�Need More Crystalite�Need More Quazinc�Need More Bytanium�Need More Korellium�Need More Dragonium�Need More Traxium�Need More Nexos�Construction Proceeding�Missile Silos�Landing Pads�Defense�Mining�Power�Habitation�Other�Light�Medium�Heavy�SpaceDock�Owner�Total Number Of Asteroids�Number Of Our Asteroids Spotted�On Way�Supervisor�Salary�Homeworld�TetraCorp Rating�Date of Birth�Asteroids�Stress�Back-pay�Pay-day�On Way�Working�Sacked�Under Guard�Dead!�Mining maintenance�Power maintenance�Radiation maintenance�Security maintenance�Life support maintenance�Unused yards/docks prompt�Unused silos prompt�Asteroid surface virus warning�Asteroid collision warning�Ore/Money levels for projects warning�0th�1st�2nd�3rd�4th�5th�6th�7th�8th�9th�10th�11th�12th�13th�14th�15th�16th�17th�18th�19th�20th�21st�22nd�23rd�24th�25th�26th�27th�28th�29th�30th�31st�SpaceDock Sabotage.�Satellite signal recon.�Treaty information.�Asteroid location.�APV delivery.�Fatal building sabotage.�Mining/Ore sabotage.�Power generation sabotage.�Missile defenses sabotage.�Ship defense sabotage.�Construction facilities sabotage.�Missile sabotage.�Assigned Asteroid�Duration Of Spy Mission�Fee�Mission Fees�Risk Factor Fees�Total Fee�(In Progress)�Average Price Paid�Federation Price�Production Cost�Buy @�Sell @�Ore Storage Space�Brancusi Assimytri�Emma Villa Lobos�Alex de Navarre�Scott Mandelson�Nestor van Holen�Reynald Malchique�Yusuf Khayyam�Louis Veralle�Agent 9�Agent 10�Agent 11�Agent 12�Agent 13�Agent 14�Agent 15�Agent 16�Andrejana Perrers�Bild Freysdottir�Kerry Swanson�Ros Goodman�Chantelle Sanscerre�Su Yung Mi�Tierra Jones�Francisco Rilke�Feraldo Garcia�Makepeace Fox�Earl Bartholomew�Sean McInnery�William Hickok�Thomas Lorca�Emile Schlesinger�Leif Johannsen�Trade�Missile Loading�Colony Database�Colony Summary�Construction�Missile Construction�Ship Construction�Satellite Construction�Geological Survey�Ship Inventory�Fleet Inventory�Ship Orders�Missile Control�Ore Storage�Command Center�Building Data�Ship Yards�Asteroid Engines�Ship Locations�Fleet Selection�Power Failure�Building Summary�SCI-TEK�Reports�Spy Satellite�Comms�Colony Supervisors�Agents�Supervisors For Hire�Supervisor Resume�Agents For Hire�Agent Resume�Personnel�Ship Is Being Stolen!�Ship Does Not Belong To You!�A Scout Ship Has Reported Back�Asteroid Does Not Belong To You!�Colony Not Yet Up-And-Running�Ship Is Not At Asteroid�Can't Order Ship After Joining Cruiser�Can't Order Ship After Joining Fleet�Ship May Be Lost�Out Of Space In Cruiser�No Spare Fleets To Add Ships To�Only One Ship Can Be Selected�No Ship Has Been Selected�Fleet May Be Lost�Fleet Does Not Exist Yet�Not While Fleet Is In Combat�Fleet Is Not At Asteroid�Fleet Is Not In Combat�No Target Has Been Selected�No Missiles Have Been Selected�Asteroid Has No Missile Silos�Contact Lost�Can't View Asteroid - No Vessels Nearby�Asteroid Has No Engines�Asteroid Tracker Required�Fleet Does Not Belong To You!�Can't Select Source Asteroid�Asteroid Has No Teleporter�Fleet Can't Target Itself!�Not Enough Money In The Construction Fund�Out Of Resources Constructing Building�You Have No Spy Satellites�No Asteroid Assigned For Mission�Assigned Asteroid Is Unoccupied�Not Enough Money In Personnel Fund�Asteroid Destroyed�There is not enough space to store purchased ore�Sorry, trade representative not currently available�Arena Size�Small�Medium�Large�Asteroid Density�Low�Standard�High�Atmosphere�Peaceful�Neutral�Aggressive�NO�YES�In Transit�Awaiting Orders�Working�Price Per Unit Over The Past Year�Enter message> �Intro�Start Custom Game�Start Campaign Game�Saved Game�Multiplayer�Game Options�Quit�Scanning For Players...�Select A Game...�Game Aborted! Please Select Another Game...�Waiting For Game To Start�Alien Races�Start�Player Name:�New Game�Start Game�Join Game�Sound�Mouse�Time�Done�Game Speed: �Fast�Average�Slow�Time On In Menus�Time Off In Menus�Music Volume�Sound Effects Volume�Menus Sound Effects Volume�Speech Volume�Mouse Speed�Double-Click Speed�<< Test��No�Yes�Press any key to continue...�-IN SPACE YOU ARE NEVER ALONE- Fragile Allegiance blends management and diplomacy with a healthy splash of mass destruction to create a uniquely playable and absorbing space strategy game on PC CD ROM. Fragile Allegiance takes place in a future where the Earth can no longer support its ever-increasing population. Pioneers have established colonies on countless new worlds. The fortunate ones have prospered, mining the rare ores and minerals that they found there. Most of these operations are owned by a ruthless inter-planetary corporation, TetraCorp. �As a franchise holder, TetraCorp. have put you in charge of the colonization of the asteroid field that clutters the edge of the known universe and the mining operations that drain them of their precious ore. In between attending to the needs of your colonists and satisfying the insatiable greed of your corporate taskmasters, there are 6 alien civilizations to encounter, each with their own characteristics and ambitions. You'll have to deal with the competing interests of each of these groups if you're to run a successful operation and earn a transfer back to Earth.�You must build and run your settlements with the limited funds that TetraCorp. have made available. You're provided with a stunning array of 3D rendered buildings, ships and missiles to choose from. As the profits roll in you'll be able to add more sophisticated facilities to the existing colonies as well as extending your operations to new asteroids. You can also choose to trade on the black market. These shady dealers will supply anything from luxury items to trade for profit, to biological weapons, highly illegal but devastatingly effective.�As your operations extend deeper into space you'll become aware of six alien species. You'll be required to negotiate with their representatives, assessing their potential as allies or enemies. Each civilization has its own idiosyncrasies and every move that you make will provoke a different reaction thanks to the game's advanced artificial intelligence routine. You can attempt to achieve your objectives by going it alone, forging alliances or declaring all out war.�Fragile Allegiance contains many game options, allowing players to select the exact set up that they prefer. The difficulty level can be altered in a number of ways by varying the size of the game arena, alien aggressiveness, the speed of time passing and the density of the asteroid field. Fragile Allegiance also features a colony manager option. This can be used to delegate any number of tasks, from life support control to the setting up of new settlements. This feature means that Fragile Allegiance can have as much detail as each player desires. Fragile Allegiance can be played as a pure strategy game or as a detailed and complex management simulation.�Fragile Allegiance is the first game to make use of our new facial motion capture system. This technique is used to animate the in-game communications from the alien ambassadors. The results are stunning. The characters look uncannily real because they have actual facial expressions. This creates a unique atmosphere, adding an extra element to each encounter. Players can search an ambassador's `poker face' for a hint of bluff and relish the genuine look of anger and hatred on their defeated enemy's face.�Fragile Allegiance also features a networked multi-player mode, allowing up to 8 players to compete against each other. Players can communicate with each other using the in-game e-mail system, to insult their friends or form alliances and then stab them in the back. Alternatively they can stab them in the front with an all-out attack. This creates a highly charged playing atmosphere where anything goes. Fragile Allegiance is ideally suited to network play and is an unforgettable multi-player experience.�Act fast, think faster. TetraCorp expect results. Your commission as a Mining Colony Director demands responsibility. Our alien `comrades' do not think highly of amateurish attempts at negotiation. Go in fast and hit them hard. Remember, Trade War is as deadly as any other kind. `TetraCorp expects to be the biggest and best in every sector... You had better want the same.' Speech by Lauren Hirst: Day one of TetraCorp assimilation training: 20:08:2340�UPON GAINING COLONY DIRECTOR STATUS TETRACORP WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH: ° A stunning array of fully animated ships, weapons and buildings ° Hundreds of operational upgrades - Spy Satellites and Missile Silos to the latest in mining technology. ° Superior In-depth colony management ° Fully operational user-friendly interface ° Face to face negotiations with alien cultures ° Spectacular battle sequences ° Appoint Colony Supervisors and sabotage agents ° Mining opportunities throughout a vast area ° Full network and multiplayer options �%t180LIFE IS FRAGILE For further information contact Gremlin Interactive Ltd Carver House 2-4 Carver Street Sheffield S1 4FS Telphone: 0114 2799 020 http://www.gremlin.co.uk FRAGILE ALLEGIANCE - AVAILABLE SOON�Unfortunately, you have run out of time. SPEED AND PLANNING ARE THE KEY, TO SUCCEED YOU MUST ACT FAST AND THINK FASTER.�Your colony has been destroyed, perhaps by hostile activity, perhaps by your own neglect and lack of fore-thought. EITHER WAY, YOUR ACTIONS HAVE RESULTED IN MANY UNNECESSARY DEATHS; TETRA CORP EXECUTIVE COMMITEE WILL REQUIRE A FULL REPORT. RETURN TO HOMEBASE; YOUR COMMISSION IS TERMINATED�Congratulations, You have destroyed all the aliens in this sector. TRADE OR NEGOTIATION WERE AN OPTION AND COULD HAVE SAVED LIVES BUT SOMETIMES YOU'VE JUST GOT TO FIGHT. YOU ARE RECALLED TO HOMEPLANET AND OFFERED A FULL FRANCHISE. THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING.�