All material written/created by Branson Hagerty ( unless otherwise noted.

BlackjackÆs Shadowrun Page: The Whole Damn Thing contains just about everything IÆve posted on my page up until April of 1997. Also included are all of the spelling, grammatical, and logical mistakes IÆve made while writing this material (I generally make these mistakes because I'm in a hurry; not because of incompetence). In any case, enjoy.

A few notes:


Feel free to reproduce and distribute any material on the page at no profit to yourself or others and with due acknowledgement of the author (me).

Notice For Thieves And Law Enforcement Agents

ALL firearms appearing in photographs on the page are either replicas or simply spray painted toys. None of them are real. I personally posses no real firearms of any type, primarily because there are too many people in this world I'd like to shoot. Just thought I'd let everybody know.


It has come to my attention that the presentation of extreme ideas can be hazardous to your desire to stay out of jail if you're in the proximity of a transpiring non-legal event which even remotely resembles something you have put on paper. In my defense for events which may or may not occur in the future I would just like to say that anybody attempting to use my thoughts against me should look up the definition of "creativity" in the dictionary. Being creative requires that you occasionally send your mind into dark territories, places that never in a million years you would visit, or wish to visit, in reality. So to anyone who feels that thoughts classified as abnormal, or even psychotic, should be used as damning evidence in reality based situations I'd just like to say: Go to Hell.

Mirror Sites

It would be easy to download everything into an account and establish your own little version of BlackjackÆs Shadowrun Page. IÆm asking you not to do this.Not only might it get confused with the real site, but it would also be lacking the various tweaks I occasionally make to writings once I realize that I used the word ærancidÆ when I meant to say ærandomÆ.

Blackjack's Guides To Bitter Gamemastering
(07/22/96) Number Six
(07/01/96) Number Five
(06/17/96) Number Four
(06/03/96) Number Three
(05/27/96) Number Two
(05/13/96) Number One
(04/01/96) Shadowrun 101 (What Started It All)

(03/01/97) March 1997
(02/01/97) February 1997

(07/22/96) Blackjack's People III (170 NPCs)
(04/01/96) Blackjack's People II (88 NPCs)
(04/01/96) Blackjack's People I (180 NPCs)
(04/01/96) The Front (NPC & Location Startup Kit)

(03/03/97) UCAS Flag
(03/03/97) UCAS Flag Waving
(03/03/97) Radio Phree Philadelphia Flag
(03/03/97) Radio Phree Philadelphia Flag Waving

(03/24/97) Timeline Explorer, Bumpkin Style
(03/10/97) To Whom It Won't Concern...
(06/03/96) Radio Phree Philadelphia
(08/26/96) Still Phree In Philadelphia
(03/03/97) Radio Phree Three
(05/20/96) Brumby, Troll Shadowrunner Philosopher
(03/03/97) Brumby Goes To Hell.....Michigan
(08/26/96) Brumby's Back - More Troll Philosophy
(01/20/97) Brumby Ponders Physical A-Salt
(03/24/97) Brumby Almost Buys It
(10/07/96) Not So Famous Last Words
(10/07/96) Killer Pizza Jumpies
(09/23/96) Wannabe U
(10/14/96) Stuffer It
(06/03/96) Old School/New School
(07/22/96) Midnight Music Meltdown
(07/29/96) Trid Time

(10/14/96) Tactics Of Terror
(09/23/96) Underground Education
(05/27/96) Asphalt - A Rigger's Philosophy

(02/10/97) Matrix Instinct
(10/07/96) Fangwood
(09/09/96) C y b e r f u c k e d
(09/03/96) Your Turn
(08/26/96) Tickets
(07/22/96) Maria's Boyfriend
(07/15/96) Piano Man

Weapons And Vehicles
(03/24/97) Blackjack's Weapons VI - Accessories
(03/24/97) Blockade Heavy Marine Vehicle
(03/10/97) Blackjack's Weapons V - The Cutting Edge
(03/03/97) Blackjack's Weapons IV
(11/04/96) Blackjack's Weapons III
(08/19/96) Blackjack's Weapons II
(06/17/96) Blackjack's Weapons
(06/10/96) Oddities
(05/27/96) Whisper SMG
(06/10/96) Hammond Motors Puck

Magic And Matrix
(02/03/97) Blackjack's Grimoire II
(11/25/96) Blackjack's Grimoire
(10/14/96) Matrix Rambling
(05/20/96) Security Bombs
(05/13/96) Crucifixion Paralyze IC
(05/06/96) Chaos Processor Layout

Misc. Stuff
(02/10/97) Bar Room Games
(07/22/96) Poor Man's Pills
(06/03/96) Demunkers!
(05/20/96) Lingo
(07/29/96) More Lingo

People And Places
(02/24/97) NPCs From Hell
(02/24/97) Places Two
(02/03/97) New People Five
(01/20/97) New People Four
(12/09/96) Legends
(11/11/96) New People Three
(10/30/96) New People Two
(10/07/96) New People One
(09/23/96) Teachers
(09/16/96) Evil Children
(11/04/96) Places One
(06/03/96) Power Junkies

(03/24/97) The New Pollution
(11/25/96) BJ's Runs Orientation Guide
(12/09/96) Unjust Exposure
(12/09/96) Jackpot
(11/25/96) Extraction University
(11/25/96) Twist
(11/25/96) Let Them Bleed
(10/30/96) Shadowrun Classifieds
(09/30/96) Burnout - 501 Shadowrun Ideas
(06/17/96) Month Of Chaos
(06/17/96) James The Poet
(04/29/96) Shadowrun Summaries
(04/29/96) Packet Fragments

Evil Places
(10/30/96) Philadelphia Naval Base
(08/05/96) Catoctin Furnace
(06/24/96) Middle Creek Bridge
(05/27/96) Wells Sanitarium
(05/06/96) Point Carolton Lighthouse
(04/22/96) Facility R2-12

Rule Ideas
(03/10/97) Edge And Flaw Development
(03/10/97) More Edges And Flaws
(03/10/97) House Rules
(02/17/97) Armor Degradation
(02/17/97) Called Shots
(01/27/97) Battletech Arenas
(07/01/96) Making The Call
(06/24/96) Money
(06/17/96) Joy Of "4"
(06/17/96) Mutual Combat
(06/17/96) Sorcery Contests
(06/17/96) Maximum Firepower
(05/02/96) Alternate Priority Charts
(04/08/96) Magical Items For The Mundane

Random Tables
(03/24/97) Random Downtime Table
(02/24/97) Random Demon Creature Name Table
(02/03/97) Random Snack Food Name Table
(02/03/97) Random Cigarette Brand Name Table
(01/27/97) Random No Trespassing Sign Table
(01/20/97) Random Shadowrun Table 1
(01/20/97) Random Shadowrun Table 2
(12/09/96) Random Simsense Movie Name Table
(10/30/96) Random Street Bum Name Table
(10/14/96) Random Gang Name Table
(10/14/96) Random Band Name Table
(10/07/96) Random Company Name Table
(09/16/96) Random Sculpted System Theme Table
(09/16/96) Random Powerful Mixed Drink Table
(09/16/96) Random Wussy Mixed Drink Table
(09/03/96) Random Allergy Table
(09/03/96) Random Backwoods Town Name Table
(08/26/96) Random Irrational Fear Table
(06/17/96) Random Drug Name Table
(05/20/96) Random Illness Table
(05/20/96) Random Insult Table
(05/06/96) Random Locations Table

Shadowrun is a Trademark of FASA Corporation. Used without permission. Any use of this name or any other Trademark or Copyright of any other company should not be construed as a challenge in any way to said Trademark or Copyright.