NEW YORK, NEW YORK (United News International) - Elite U.S. government troops stormed the Metropolitan Museum of Art, killing all members of an Islamic terrorist group who had occupied the building for more than 30 hours. According to NYPD spokespeople, all hostages were released safe, but shaken. The group, calling itself the Islamic Vanguard, apparently entered the Met dressed as employees of a catering company before revealing weapons and securing several hostages. The Vanguard demanded the releases of several prisoners in the U.S. and Egypt, as well as the return of several antiquities to Egyptian soil The attack interrupted a gala black tie affair attended by many world dignitaries, including the daughter of the French Prime Minister and many others. Museum officials have begun assessing the extent of harm to the collection. The terrorists covered many works considered offensive to Islam, but did not deface any. Damage done during the assault is far worse. "I can cope with sun bleaching and pollution," one restoration expert said, "but how do I repair a bullet hole?"