SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT Solware Ltd. licenses the accompanying software to you only upon the condition that you accept all of the terms contained in this license agreement. Please read the terms carefully before continuing installation, as selecting "YES" below will indicate your assent to them. If you do not agree to these terms, press the "NO" button to exit the installation process. LICENSE AND WARRANTY The software which accompanies this license ("Software") is the property of Solware Ltd. and is protected by copyright law. The software product is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, regarding the operation of the software product, including warranties of merchantability or its fitness for use for any particular purpose. By installing the software product, you agree to accept all liability regarding its use or misuse. You will be granted certain rights to use the Software upon acceptance of this license. Your rights and obligations are as follows: YOU MAY: (i) Use one copy of the Software on a single computer. (ii) Make one copy of the Software to floppy disk, or other means as appropriate for the purpose of backup. YOU MAY NOT: (i) Make any copies of the software, except for personal backup purposes. (ii) Transfer, distribute, modify or translate the Software, or any portion thereof. (iii) Disassemble, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer the Software or any of its data in any way, shape, or form. You may not distribute add-ons or levels of any kind for use with the Software without the expressed written consent of Solware Ltd. Unregistered (ie. free) copies of this program are limited in use. You must purchase this product and enter the registration information to gain full, unlimited usage. This program is owned by Solware Ltd., and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. GENERAL This License Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Netherlands without regard to principles of conflicts of laws and shall inure to the benefit of Solware, its successors and assigns. Any disputes relating hereto shall be adjudicated in the federal court of The Netherlands, and you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of said courts. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this License Agreement, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the License Agreement shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this License Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU FURTHER AGREE THAT THIS IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES.