Simple utility to create "fake"
AVIS files for Avisynth script.
When launched without any commandline options, following dialog will appear:
Commandline interface
? added commandline interface support to makeAVIS. Now audio output from makeAVIS could be used as an input for
BeSweet or other commandline audio tools.
The most typical use is:
MakeAVIS2.exe -i E:\1.avs -p -a - | oggenc -o a.ogg -
where "-" stands for stdout in the first part and for stdin in the second.
List of all makeAVIS commandline options:
-i <file> Input avisynth script
-v <file> Output video file (- = stdout)
-a <file> Output audio file (- = stdout)
-c <int> Colorspace (0:YV12/1:YUY2/2:YVYU/3:I420)
Default: original (4:RGB555/6:RGB565/7:RGB24/8:RGB32)
-f <int> Interlacing (0:Interlaced/1:Progressive), default: original
-p Store PCM uncompressed audio
-s <int> Store script: 1:by filename inside script/2: in output file
-V Write progress info