Named arguments are written as "arg" and are always optional,
non-named optional arguments are placed into [] brackets.
The types of the non-clip-arguments can be int (integer), float, string
or bool.
[yuy2] etc. denotes the color formats
the filter can deal with. See ConvertToRGB
/ ConvertToYUY2 / ConvertBackToYUY2 for more details.
[v 2.04] denotes the version of AviSynth
(above 2.01) since the filter is available.
Alphabetic view
AddBorders [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- AddBorders(clip, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
Amplify / AmplifydB[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Amplify(clip, float amount)
- Amplify(clip, float left, float right)
- AmplifydB(clip, float amount)
- AmplifydB(clip, float left, float right)
Animate[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Animate(clip, int start_frame, int end_frame, string filtername,
start_args, end_args)
AssumeFrameBased / AssumeFieldBased
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- AssumeFrameBased(clip)
- AssumeFieldBased(clip)
AssumeTFF / AssumeBFF
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- AssumeTFF(clip) [v 2.04]
- AssumeBFF(clip) [v 2.04]
AssumeSampleRate [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- AssumeSampleRate(clip,int new_rate)[v
AudioDub [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- AudioDub(video_clip, audio_clip)
AVISource / OpenDMLSource / AVIFileSource
/ WAVSource
- AVISource(string filename[,...], bool "audio")
- OpenDMLSource(string filename[,...], bool "audio")
- AVIFileSource(string filename[,...], bool "audio")
- WAVSource(string filename[,...], bool "audio")
BlankClip / Blackness
- BlankClip(clip "clip", int "length", int "width",
int "height", string "pixel_type", float "fps", int "fps_denominator", int
"audio_rate", bool "stereo", bool "sixteen_bit", int "color")
- Blackness(clip "clip", int "length", int "width",
int "height", string "pixel_type", float "fps", int "fps_denominator", int
"audio_rate", bool "stereo", bool "sixteen_bit", int "color")
/ Sharpen [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Blur(clip, float amount)
- Sharpen(clip, float amount)
[rgb32] [rgb24]
- Bob(clip, float "b", float "c", float "height")
- ColorBars(int width, int height)
ComplementParity[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
Compare [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Compare(clip_filtered, clip_original, string "channels",
string "logfile", bool "show_graph")
[v 2.04]
ConvertToRGB / ConvertToYUY2 / ConvertBackToYUY2 / ConvertToRGB32 / ConvertToRGB24
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- ConvertToRGB(clip)
- ConvertToYUY2(clip)
- ConvertToBackYUY2(clip) [v 2.04]
- ConvertToRGB24(clip)
- ConvertToRGB32(clip)
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- ConvertAudioTo16bit(clip)
ConvertToMono [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- ConvertToMono(clip) [v 2.04]
Crop / CropBottom[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Crop(clip, int left, int top, int width, int height)
- CropBottom(clip, int count)
DelayAudio[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- DelayAudio(clip, float seconds)
DeleteFrame[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- DeleteFrame(clip, int frame)
- DirectShowSource(string filename, int "fps")
Dissolve [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Dissolve(clip1, clip2[,...], int overlap)
DoubleWeave[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
DuplicateFrame[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- DuplicateFrame(clip, int frame)
EnsureVBRMP3Sync[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- EnsureVBRMP3Sync(clip)[v 2.06]
FadeIn / FadeOut / FadeIn2 / FadeOut2 [yuy2]
[rgb32] [rgb24]
- FadeOut(clip, int frames)
- FadeOut2(clip, int frames)
- FadeIn(clip, int frames)[v 2.07]
- FadeIn2(clip, int frames)[v 2.07]
- FixBrokenChromaUpsampling(clip)
- FixLuminance(clip, int intercept, int slope)
FlipVertical[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
AssumeFPS / ChangeFPS / ConvertFPS
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- AssumeFPS(clip, int numerator, int denominator, bool "sync_audio")
- ChangeFPS(clip, float fps)
- ConvertFPS(clip, int new_rate, int "zone", int "vbi")
FreezeFrame[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- FreezeFrame(clip, int first_frame, int last_frame, int
GeneralConvolution [rgb32]
- GeneralConvolution (clip, int "bias", string matrix) [v 2.04]
GetLeftChannel / GetRightChannel
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- GetLeftChannel(clip) [v 2.04]
- GetRightChannel(clip) [v
Greyscale [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
Histogram [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
Interleave [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Interleave(clip, clip [,...])
KillAudio [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
Layer / Mask / ResetMask / ColorKeyMask
- Layer(clip, layer_clip, string "op", int "level",
int "x", int "y", int "threshold", bool "use_chroma") [yuy2] [rgb32] [v 2.04]
- Mask(clip, mask_clip) [rgb32]
[v 2.04]
- ResetMask(clip) [rgb32]
[v 2.06]
- ColorKeyMask(clip, int color, int tolerance) [rgb32] [v 2.04]
Letterbox [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Letterbox(clip, int top, int bottom, [int left, int right])
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Levels(clip, int input_low, float gamma, int input_high,
int output_low, int output_high)
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Loop(clip, int "times", int "start", int "end") [v 2.04]
MergeChroma / MergeLuma [yuy2]
- MergeChroma(clip1, clip2, float weight) [v 2.04]
- MergeLuma(clip1, clip2, float weight) [v 2.04]
LowPassAudio / HighPassAudio
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- LowPassAudiodio(clip, float frequency) [v
- HighPassAudiodio(clip, float frequency) [v
- MessageClip(string message, int "width", int "height",
bool "shrink", int "text_color", int "halo_color", int "bg_color")
MixAudio [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- MixAudio(clip1, clip 2, "clip1_factor", clip2_factor) [v 2.04]
MonoToStereo [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- MonoToStereo(left_channel_clip, right_channel_clip) [v 2.04]
Normalize [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Normalize(clip, float "left", float "right") [v 2.04]
- PeculiarBlend(clip, int cutoff)
Pulldown [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Pulldown(clip, int a , int b)
RGBAdjust [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- RGBAdjust(clip, float red, float green, float blue, float
ReduceBy2 / HorizontalReduceBy2 / VerticalReduceBy2
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- HorizontalReduceBy2(clip)
- VerticalReduceBy2(clip)
- ReduceBy2(clip)
ResampleAudio[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- ResampleAudio(clip, int new_sample_rate)
BilinearResize / BicubicResize / LanczosResize
/ PointResize [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- BilinearResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height)
- BilinearResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height,
float "src_left", float "src_top", float "src_width", float "src_height")
- BicubicResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height,
float "b", float "c")
- BicubicResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height,
float "b", float "c", float "src_left", float "src_top", float
"src_width", float "src_height")
- LanczosResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height) [v2.06]
- LanczosResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height,
float "src_left", float "src_top", float "src_width", float "src_height") [v2.06]
PointResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height) [v2.07]
- PointResize(clip, int target_width, int target_height,
float "src_left", float "src_top", float "src_width", float "src_height") [v2.07]
Reverse [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
SegmentedAVISource / SegmentedDirectShowSource
- SegmentedAVISource(string base_filename[,...], bool "audio")
- SegmentedDirectShowSource(string base_filename[,...][,fps])
SelectEven / SelectOdd [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- SelectEven(clip)
- SelectOdd(clip)
SelectEvery[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- SelectEvery(clip, int step_size[, int offset1[, int offset2[,...]]])
SeparateFields[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
ShowFiveVersions[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- ShowFiveVersions(clip1, clip2, clip3, clip4, clip5)
ShowFrameNumber / ShowSMPTE
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- ShowFrameNumber(clip, bool "scroll")
- ShowSMPTE(clip, float fps)
SpatialSoften / TemporalSoften
- SpatialSoften(clip, int radius, int luma_threshold, int
- TemporalSoften(clip, int radius, int luma_threshold, int
AlignedSplice / UnalignedSplice
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- AlignedSplice(clip1, clip2[,...])
- UnAlignedSplice(clip1, clip2[,...])
StackHorizontal / StackVertical
[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- StackHorizontal(clip1, clip2[,...])
- StackVertical(clip1, clip2[,...])
Subtitle [yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
- Subtitle(clip, string text, int "x", int "y", int
"first_frame", int "last_frame", string "font", int "size", int "text_color",
int "halo_color")
- Subtitle(clip, string "text")
Subtract[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
SwapFields[yuy2] [rgb32] [rgb24]
[rgb32] [rgb24]
- Trim(clip, int first_frame, int last_frame)
Tweak [yuy2]
- Tweak(clip, float "hue", float "sat", float "bright", float
"cont") [v 2.04]
[rgb32] [rgb24]