KeyFrame Properties
Animation Studio Reference

KeyFrame Properties

The properties of the KeyFrame class are listed below. For a complete list of KeyFrame class members, see the KeyFrame Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

Container (inherited from Component) Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
Duration Set or get the duration from this KeyFrame to the next KeyFrame. This value defines the number of Frames which will be generated between this KeyFrame and the next KeyFrame. The duration for 32 Frames is 1000 ms (1 second). The internal Framerate is 32 frames/sec for a Sprite.
Opacity Set or get the Opacity of the Sprite at this KeyFrame. A value of 1.0F means full opacity, while a value of 0.0F means full transparency.
Position Set or get the Position of the Sprite at this KeyFrame. The position of the Sprite is the Sprite`s center point.
Rotation Set or get the Rotation of the Sprite at this KeyFrame. A value of eg. 45.0F rotates the Sprite clockwise, a value of -45.0F rotates the Sprite counterclockwise.
Site (inherited from Component) Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
Visible Set or get the visibility of the Sprite at this KeyFrame.
XScale Set or get the XScale of a KeyFrame. A value of 1.0 means original size, while eg. 2.0 scales the Sprite to the double size in the X direction.
YScale Set or get the YScale of the Sprite at this KeyFrame. A value of 1.0 means original size, while eg. 2.0 scales the Sprite to the double size in the Y direction.
ZOrder Set or get the ZOrder of the Sprite at this KeyFrame. Bigger values indicate the Sprite is in the foreground, smaller values send the Sprite to the Background in the Z direction.

See Also

KeyFrame Class | AnimationStudio Namespace | Timeline.Frame