Lock Mode:
Desktop Lock provides 6 Lock modes to allow you to customize the screen and system appearance during locking:
1. Lock current desktop without any change: It will lock the system directly, keep all opened windows on the locked desktop.
2. Lock current desktop, hide all opened windows: It will hide all the opened windows, only show a "clean" desktop, then lock the system.
3. Lock the desktop, and clear all contents on the screen: Clear the screen. if you have specified the backgrund picture, it will show the background picture.
4. Lock currrent desktop and run a program: You must specify a program to let the Desktop Lock to automatically launch it if you selected this option. the Desktop Lock will first lock the system then run the specific program. please note, it will not allow users to close the program or use any menu item during locking.
5. Lock current desktop and run the system screensaver: Lock the system, and then launch the screensaver, the screensaver must has been specified for your system, it use the default screensaver during locking, if you have not specified a screensaver, it will not start any screensaver.
6. Lock keyboard and mouse only, don't freeze screen: Lock only the keyboard and mouse, then you can still leave some flash or video files played on the screen, but users can not control these files because the keyboard and mouse has been locked.
NOTE: All these options will not affect the real system, Your real desktop will be restored to its original state after unlocked.
Lock Hotkey:
The Lock hotkey is a standard Windows hotkey, you can use this hotkey key to lock the system directly, note the hotkey is global hotkey, you can always use it even you closed the Desktop Lock. please make sure the hotkey you specified will not conflict with the existed hotkeys. You can also clear the hotkey here to disable this hotkey.
Unlock Mode:
You can unlock the locked desktop with hotkey or one of the mouse actions.
1. Unlock by hotkey. If you selected this option, then you should specify a hotkey for unlocking in the input box. the hotkey can not be blank(empty), and is case insensitive. after the desktop has been locked, you must press the correct hotkey to unlock the system. The "Ctrl" and "Alt" check boxes let you specify the additional function keys.
2. Unlock by Mouse action: If you selected this option, then you need to select a mouse action from the list box, such as "Left button click", "Right button click" or "Both left and right button down and up". then specify the repeat times. note the repeat times must be greater than 0. for example: if you selected the "right button click" and specify the repeat time as 4, then during locking, if you right-click on anywhere repeatedly for 4 times, the system will then be unlocked.
3. Unlock when mouse moved: this option is more like the behavior of the screen saver, after locked, when you move the mouse, then the system will be unlocked.
Unlock Password:
This is a important password for the software. by default the password will not be set, so there are no unlock password. When the system locked, if you pressed the correct hotkey or did the correct mouse action, then the system will be unlocked directly. If you set a password here, then it will first pop up a dialog box to ask for the password after you pressed the correct hotkey or did the correct mouse action. You then must input the correct password to actually unlock the system.
Display Settings provides many options to allow you to customize the locked desktop.
Background Picture
You can specify a picture to be shown as the background when the system being locked. please note: the picture can only be shown with the "Lock the desktop, and clear all contents on the screen" and "Lock the desktop, but hide all opened windows" Lock modes. the picture will not be shown with any of other lock modes.
You can also specify the background color when you use the lock mode "Clear all contents on the screen". the background color will not be used if you specified the background picture.
The background picture can be shown by using one of the follow display modes: Stretch, Center or Tile, this option is more like the background picture of the desktop.
Background Media
You can specify the background media file to let the Desktop Lock to automatically play the media file during system being locked. the background media file can be any type that the Windows' Media Player supported, such as MP3, MIDI, AVI etc. please note: The background media will always be played if possible, this is, if it is an audio file, then it will be played with any one of the 6 lock modes. BUT if it is a video file, then it can not be played if you use some of the 6 Lock modes. you should test if it can be played in a specific lock mode.
Also play use the "Media Preview" area to test if the file will be supported by Desktop Lock.
Desktop Lock will show an banner on the locked desktop, the banner will always be shown with any one of the 6 Lock modes. if you needn't such a banner, you should clear the contents of the banner text, then it will show the banner during locking.
You can set the banner rolling mode and the color, font and size of the banner here.
Paint Brush
The Desktop Lock will allow you to paint on the locked screen by using the paint brush, you can set the brush here. Please note: not all lock modes will allow you to paint on the screen, if you don't select the "Always can paint if possible", you can only paint on the screen with the Lock mode "Clear the contents on the screen". if you selected this option, then You can paint on the screen with all the lock modes, except the last lock mode "Lock keyboard and mouse only".
All the options in the Advanced settings will be disabled by default, you can use one or more of these options if you want advanced use of Desktop Lock.
1. Automatically Lock the system after computer booted.
Select this option to let Desktop Lock to automatically lock the system when your computer booted.
2. Keep locking if rebooted without unlocked successfully.
If you selected this option, then if anyone force your computer to be restarted without unlocked successfully, the Desktop Lock will automatically keep locking the system after restarted. this option is not same to above one, it will take effect eitheryou selected above option or not.
3. Allows visitors to leave message during locking.
If you selected this option, then the Desktop Lock will show an additional window to allow visitors to leave messages to you during locking. please note this option will not take effect with the lock mode "Lock only keyboard and mouse".
4. Automatically Lock computer at specify time.
You must specify the time you want the software to automatically lock your system if you selected this option. NOTE: only the hours and minutes will take effect, the seconds will not be used.
5. Automatically lock computer if system become idle.
You must specify a value to let the software to automatically lock your system if your system become idle for the specified period of time (In minutes). Desktop Lock will monitor your system, and if it found there have no any mouse and keyboard input for the period of time, then it will automatically lock your system.
6. Main Password.
This password will be used for entering the main interface of Desktop Lock, and, for uninstalling the software. if you didn't set the password, then anyone can enter the software and change the settings, anyone can uninstall the software. If you set a password here, then users must input the correct password in order to enter the main interface. and he will also be asked for password if anyone want to uninstall the software.
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