To simplify your choice of the file to download the search results may be sorted by any of the above listed criteria. Just click on any column to sort the results in an ascending manner and click the same column again to sort them in a descending manner.
Please note that some of the found files can not be downloaded straight away from the search results window for the following reasons:
The sites containing MP3 files may be of ratio and non ratio type.
Ratio sites require you to upload a file in order to gain access to the MP3's on that host.
Non-ratio sites allow you to download at any time except the case when the server is overloaded.(Too many people are using it at the current moment).
There is also another type of sites known as Banner which requrie you to read the welcome message and follow instructions of the following manner: Visit a certain website and click a specific banner. And in some position on the opened page (this place is described in the welcome message) the password to the server is located.
When entering a specific artist and song name it is better to state them
the following manner: For example if you are looking for Mozart's Marriage
of Figaro, it is better to input the following:
As most MP3 filenames are constructed like that.
If you have just completed a search and wish to perform another one without clearing the old results input the desired song or artist name and click Locate while holding down the Shift key.
Quote an input to mark it as a phrase so that the search engines will seek the exact combination of these words, not each word separately (e.g. "My Favorite Game").
You can select Verify URL option from found file context menu to check whether the selected file may be downloaded and detect the type of the site hosting this file, or Verify All to check all URLs to see whether all of the located files may be downloaded and to see what types of sites are hosting these files.
Note: After performing one of the above verify operations the program
places an appropriate icon next to the search results:
Good: This file may be downloaded straight away by one of the selected download managers. Or simply double-click on the search result.
Access Denies: You have to upload a file to that host in order to gain permission for downloading this file.
Bad: You cannot download this file. The server hosting this file may be down or perhaps the file could not be found.
Busy: The server hosting the file is busy at the moment e.g. too many people are using it. You will have to wait for some time to access it.
When the verification process is performed the program also checks the
hosts for download resume support and places the following icons next to
the search results:
Resumable: This host supports download resume. So you may continue your download from the point you have finished in case of a disconnection.
Not Resumable:If the download performed on this server is not resumable this icon is displayed.
Note: each time you restart the program the search result status becomes dimmed as the status may have changed.