Program: UNLOAD.EXE Version: 1.01 What it does: This is an unloader for TSRs AMIS 3.5 compliant. I mean: Terminate and Stay Resident programs wich follow the Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification (INT 2Dh) version 3.5 or more can be unloaded from memory by this program. AMIS was proposed by Ralph Brown. Known bugs: 1. If you have more than 18 TSRs loaded at one time, the arrow keys might not work properly. 2. The comand line options parser uppercases program name, so if you try to unload with /u: a program wich contains lowercase letters in it's name, you will get some 'not in memory' error. Workaround: use interactive mode. This applies also on /STDOUT mode. 3. Blanker is not working in STDOUT mode. 4. TSRs returning `Ok to remove, TSR now disabled' will be removed, but this will put the machine into an unstable state. I recommend not to unload such programs with this program. Anyway, I did not make any, so if I will, I will correct this bug, too. Changes from version 1.00: screen blanker added (after 2 minutes). Disclaimer: use this program `as is', on your own risk. I do not take any responsibilities, for any damages caused from use or misuse of this program. By using it, you agree with this. Author: Viorel Munteanu, e-mail (address may change in the future). 12nd november 1998. ! This files (UNLOAD.EXE and UNLOAD.TXT) are from the distribution of FR 1.00 and are important part of this distribution. Do not remove them.