HonySoft,Amsterdam,the Netherlands README.TXT This software is Copyright © 1997-1998 HonySoft. All Rights Reserved. Klik-A-Dir Welcome to Klik-A-Dir ------------------------------------------ Topics covered in this note include: * Description * Installation Instructions * De-Installation Instructions * Registration * History of Changes * Disclaimer Description ----------------- Klik-A-Dir is a program that offers a quick and easy alternative for exploring and maintaining your system. When using Klik-A-Dir you can browse your harddisk in a way that closely resembles the workings of the Start Menu. Just one click to start and one click when you reach the desired folder. Klik-A-Dir is always showing the actual harddisk-structure. No need for scanning your harddisk after changes have taken place. Klik-A-Dir does not create any datafiles. Klik-A-Dir is highly customizable: - It will let you change the place in your tree, you use as a starting-point for your search. - It will let you change the command to execute on the directory. - It will let you change the number of starting-points and commands. - It will let you change the appearance of the directories to your liking. Installation Instructions ------------------------------------------- Klik-A-Dir will only operate under Microsoft Windows 95* or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0*. Create a folder named KlikADir Copy the files KlikADir.exe KlikADir.hlp to this folder. Drag the KlikADir.exe file (the one with the shattered folder icon) onto the start-button. De-Installation Instructions ------------------------------------ To remove Klik-A-Dir from your system completely. Delete the KlikADir folder created during installation. Note: Klik-A-Dir creates a key in the windows registry to store its settings. If you want to remove those too, they are located at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HonySoft\KlikADir\1.0. Note: Always backup your registry files (user.dat;system.dat) before attempting to edit the registry. Registration ------------------------ Klik-A-Dir is distibuted as feedback-ware, meaning that the usage of Klik-A-Dir is free, but the authors would appreciate any comments or suggestions; yes positive comment is also allowed. History of Changes ------------------------ Klik-A-Dir 1.0 First Release 1.1 Fixed directory button not working without subdirectories. Added Hotkey support for making Klik-A-Dir reappear. Added easier changing of order of the buttons. 1.2.3 Fixed hidden directories without subs not showing; 1.3 Changed appearance of buttons. Easier reading at all resolutions. Fixed Modify window appearing behind Klik-A-Dir. 1.3.1 Fixed new buttons not showing in Order window. 1.4 Added support for executing programs from Klik-A-Dir. 1.4.5 Faster scanning algorithm. 1.4.6 Fixed StayOnTop not working when changed. 1.5.0 Added Drag and Drop moving of files. 1.5.1 Added support for adding files to DragDrop-list with Ctrl-Key Better Drag Drop handling. Faster scanning when not showing programs. 1.5.4 Added Auto Hide feature and Hide On Execute Feature. 1.5.6 KAD now shows parent-directories, if appropriate. Right click function added, does nothing but add the selection to recent dirs. Colors for button text taken from windows settings. 1.6.2 Show/hide now works properly. Better SearchInDir implementation. Smaller executable. Disclaimer ------------------------ This software is provided 'AS IS' and the author makes NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the software,its quality, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. HonySoft makes no charge for this version of Klik-A-Dir and you are free to redistribute the complete unmodified package. It is a violation of this agreement to distribute Klik-A-Dir or any part of it except as the complete unmodified package. This software is Copyright © 1997-1998 HonySoft. Contact Info: Email HonySoft@hotmail.com www http://www.angelfire.com/in/honysoft/ * "Microsoft" and "Windows" are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.