Please read this information on the installation of system dlls that you may require for TechScheduler. Installation Options: Executables: Installs TekSched.exe Installs Tkshview.exe Installs TekSched.hlp Service and Job DLL: Installs TkShdSvc.exe (NT Service) Installs Tkshdwnt.dll (NT job dll) Windows DLLs: All system DLLs are installed into your Windows SYSTEM folder. This installation will only overwrite the dlls if they are older than what is in this installation. We recommend that you backup these files if you intend to copy our versions. MPR.DLL 8/24/96 40,448 ICMP.DLL 8/24/96 6,496 WININET.DLL 11/18/97 360k If TechScheduler starts up with an error to do with URLCanonlocalizeURL this means the version of WININET.DLL on your system does not support the functions that TechScheduler requires.