The ISDN Call-Watcher V 1.8 Dipl.-Inform. Joerg Heuer Kandelstr 15 76297 Stutensee - Germany - Tel 49-(721) 968214-1 Fax 49-(721) 968214-3 Mailbox 49-(721) 968214-4 (analog!, UserId 'FUN' ) eMail: Internet, latest version: // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 // // For the german version please read ISDNmo32.wri !!!!!!!!!!!!! // Die deutsche Beschreibung steht in ISDNmo32.wri !!!!!!!!!!!!! // // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 The ISDN Call-Watcher is a very useful program for Microsoft Windows (Win95, NT), which shows, in combination with an ISDN-card all incoming caller-numbers and does some processing on that information. A lot of ISDN-users do not want to buy expensive ISDN-telephones, instead they use a/b-terminal-adapters, to re-use their standard analog-devices (modem, fax-machine). Some ISDN-features are not available through this devices. The ISDN Call-Watcher fills the gap by offering monitoring what's coming in. Every incoming caller-number is displayed with date- and timestamp in a listbox. If the call is originated by a non-ISDN user, the number is not transferred and you will see "" instead of a calller-number. Optional the destination-number and the requested service-indicator could be displayed. By double-clicking on an entry you can associate a name with that number. Every call is written to a logfile (optional). All name-to-number configuration are written to disk, that on the next call you will find the name of the caller in that listbox. With the name-to-number configuration you can specify caller, you don't want to talk to, which are not welcome. This people immediately will receive a "busy"-signal ("unwanted-list"). The call will be logged as usual, but an "X" will mark this caller as "rejected". I'm not sure, but sometimes the rejected caller has to pay for one very short call for each reject (one unit). The number-to-name-list is parsed from top to bottom. For example the number "1234" and the following list: 1234 John 123* X insurance sales guy You will see "John" in your caller-listbox and the call is not rejected. With the F12-Key you optional can reject the current caller. Reject-time is over, when the animation is finished. In most configurations you will run the program iconic or completely hidden. Every incoming call could be displayed with a little animation (as you configure it). The icon-title will show the name or the number. The window/icon of the program could be configured to be always invisible after the start. Only when somebody calls your number, the ISDN Call-Watcher pops up to show, what's going on. If you move the program to the startup-group, and start it in iconic mode, you only see it, when a call comes in. On startup the initialization of the CAPI-interface is delayed, to allow some manufacturer loader-programs to initialize the ISDN-card. The ISDN Call-Watcher is an DDE-Server. You can for example establish a 'Hot-Link'-connection with Microsoft Excel using the simple statement "=ISDNMoni|Rufnummer!Rufnummer". A more complicated makro could popup all information about the caller, that is stored in an Excel-sheet. You can configure DDE-parameter in a sub-dialog. The "Actions"-menu allows you to configure, what should happen, when a call comes in: - Become visible as described above. You can use the ShowMoni-application, to make the ISDN Call-Watcher visible immediately. -What kind of animation, if a call comes in in normal window-mode -How long the animation should be active -If iconic, perform some Icon-blinking -If you powered off the monitor, while you were out, you could see by a blinking Scroll-Lock LED, that somebody made a call to you -You can configure to switch from icon- to normal-window mode and-or after animation-time is over go back to iconic-mode - A wave-file could be played, or any program could be started, even selective depending on the caller. As a command-line parameter the number of the caller could be configured. On number-to-name associations and on actions leading 0's will be ignored. You can specify a terminating wildcard. For example when somebody from a large company calls you, you can associate the name of the company by this first digits. All settings are stored automatic on file. As a software-developer you can receive special Windows-messages with an additional string-pointer to the calling number. The shareware-version is free (z.B. Internet "") Help on installationproblems: - Is the CAPI2032.DLL-library, that the ISDN-card manufacturer really installed and accessible with your path (or in the windows, windows\system directory) ? Some ISDN-card manufacturer keep this files only in the private directories. - in general: the ISDN Call-Watcher works fine, if the ISDN-card could be called from outside (e.g. for file-transfer, receiving faxes) -if nothing helps, please contact me (make sure, you have tried everything) Registered Version: The time-limit on running the program is the only difference between the shareware- and the registered version. The price for the registered version is $ 29,- when using CompuServe-online registration: GO SWREG, ID: 13032 !! Before you do this please send me an eMail saying that you !! !! want to have the 32Bit-version and not the 16Bit !! You will receive your personal key-file as eMail. Please copy the file ('ISDNMo32.key') to the ISDNMoni.exe-directory. Files that make up ISDN Call-Watcher: - ISDNMo32.exe: executable program. You must supply a CAPI.dll or CAPI20.dll - ISDNM32E.dll: resource-dll for english - ISDNM32D.dll: resource-dll for german - ISDNMoni.dat: Is created on first start of the program. All configurations you enter is stored here.If this file is not there, default-options are used. The file should never be write-protected. - Is created on first start of the program, to log all incoming calls. This is a pure ASCII-file. It could be used for further processing with every text-editor. Every log-record is appended at the end. - ISDNMoni.act: Is created from the program, to store the actions - Read32.txt: Is created from the program, to store optional notes you made - ISDNMo32.key: key for the registered version, exact size is 512 byte. Have fun! Joerg Heuer Liability: We try to keep our software as bug-free as possible. We cannot guarantee that this software will run in each environment, on any Windows compatible machine, together with any other application, without producing errors. Any liability for damages of any sort is hereby rejected. In any case, the liability is limited to the registration fee. Please test this program with non-critical data, we cannot make guarantees for the security of your data. Should you detect errors before registration, you accept them if you register. Any description of bugs will be accepted, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to correct them.