1001 LZAPI did not find the command-Interpreter (i.e. COMMAND.COM) Please use a 'SET COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM' declaration in your AUTOEXEC.BAT 1002 CreateProcess reported Error %d. Error codes mean;\n2/3 file notfound\n5 Access denied\n6 invalid Handle\n14 Out of Memory 1003 You will need the DOS-Packer %s to work with %s-type Archives. It has to be installed into a Directory that is listed in your PATH-Variable. 2020 Archiv File not found 2021 Broken Archiv 2023 Error Occured while Writing, Creating or reading Files 2024 CRC Error 2026 Tried do run more than one Instance 2027 File not found 2028 Stopped by application Program 2029 Archiv Type not supported 2030 Support-DLL is missing or incorrect 2051 Error encountered while executing a Child Process 2052 Error renamaming or deleting temporary File 2053 Illegal Parameters in LZAPI-Call (i.e. lpstrListing=NULL in LAList) 2054 Virtual Memory exhausted