CD-Runner Setup - Main Options The CD-Runner Setup section is to CD-Runner as the Control Panel is to Windows; all of the options and features can be selected and customized as desired. Below is listed by section a summary of the available options and features. WALLPAPER A graphical image (bitmapped or BMP file) or solid color screen may be selected to serve as a background or 'wallpaper' for all of the CD-Runner screens. In the wallpaper section of the CD-Runner Setup screen, the following 5 options appear: * NONE - Disable the wallpaper option * DEFAULT SOLID COLOR - Use a dark blue solid color as wallpaper * CUSTOM BACKGROUND COLOR - Choose a custom color; click on the option first (a highlighted 'dot' will appear in the circle), then click on the wallpaper box (around the sample CD Player or on the CD Player). This will cause a color selection dialog box to appear. Select the desired color and it will appear around the sample CD Player. ** NOTE: if you wish to change the empty space on either side of the Audio CD player to a different solid color, then select one here (even if you use a bitmapped wallpaper). * TILED PICTURE - Choose a bitmapped image to be tiled as background; as above click on the option first, then click on the wallpaper box. A BMP file selection dialog box will appear; you may single click on any of the BMP files present to display a resized sample (to browse files before making your final selection) or double-click directly on the file to select it. After a file is selected, a sample tiled display will appear around the CD-Player as before. Note that the sample presented is scaled to fit and is not necessarily how the final image will appear full screen. * SINGLE PICTURE - Choose an image as above to fill the entire screen, stretching to fit if necessary. As above select the image and it will appear around the sample CD Player. If desired, you may also click the 'Wallpaper' button instead of clicking on the wallpaper box to bring up the color and file selection dialog boxes. As mentionned elsewhere, if you are using 16 or 256-color drivers, the BMP files may appear pale or ghosted due to color interpolation and other limitations when using these modes. A driver with at least 65K colors is recommended if you plan to use bitmapped images as wallpaper. CD-RUNNER OPTIONS A variety of useful options exist when using CD-Runner; these may be selected in the CD-Runner Setup 'CD-Runner Options' section. The following options may be set: * DISPLAY MAIN MENU ON STARTUP - if desired, you may display the CD-Runner Main Menu screen as the first screen when CD-Runner is initially run. If this option is disabled, then you may directly run a CD-ROM or play an Audio CD (depending on your setup). If your primary CD-ROM drive is empty and this option is disabled, the disk prompt screen will be displayed. * SHOW HIDDEN CONTROLS/ICONS - when this option is enabled, shortcut icons will appear on the disk prompt screen, and the control panel doors for the CD-ROM and RD Runner screens will be displayed open (controls visible). * AUTO-RUN - this option allows you to automatically run the CD-Runner application immediately after CD-Runner is loaded. For example, if an Audio CD is in the drive and the Auto-Run pulldown selection box is set to ALL or Audio CD Only, then when CD-Runner is loaded the Audio CD will immediately begin play. (NOTE: if a program has been stored for the Audio CD, then it will be played on startup; if not, then play will begin in the continuous mode.) Likewise, if the selection box is set to ALL or CD-ROM Only, and if a CD-ROM is in the drive, then it will be run on startup (assuming it has been already entered into the library). * ENABLE RD-RUNNER - if you wish to use the Removable Disk Runner, then enable this option. If disabled, then the RD-Runner icon will not be displayed in the disk prompt screen. * ENABLE MEDIA RUNNER - if you wish to use the Media Runner, then enable this option. If disabled, the icon will not be displayed as above. * ENABLE AUDIO CD PLAYER - if you have a compatible MCI CD Player driver loaded, and if you wish to play Audio CDs, then enable this option. * ENABLE CD-ROM RUNNER - if you wish to use the CD-ROM Runner then enable this option. AUDIO MIXER / VOLUME CONTROL OPTIONS CD-Runner has the ability to run an audio mixer application, to control the volume, balance, tone controls, etc.. Since most sound boards include their own mixer application for Windows, CD-Runner allows you to select it and use it while playing CD-ROMs, Audio CDs, etc. If you are running Windows 95, then the Audio Mixer application "Volume Control" (SNDVOL32.EXE) will be automatically setup during the CD-Runner installation. If you wish to use a different Audio Mixer, then you must locate the mixer application written specifically for your sound board. This is usually a Windows application named something similar to JAZZPMIX.EXE, SB32WMIX.EXE or AUDIOMIX.EXE. Common subdirectory names in which the mixer application may be found would include JAZZ, SB32, AUDIO, etc. Once the proper mixer application is located, it will be automatically used by CD-Runner to allow you to change the Volume, Balance, Bass and Treble tone control settings when the mixer button is selected. To select an audio mixer, click on the Audio Mixer text box, or click on the Mixer button to display a file selection dialog box. Select the Audio Mixer as desribed above. You may also choose to use the CD-Runner "internal" volume controls. If this option is enabled, the mixer button will be replaced by volume sliders with balance and mute options. Note that you may toggle between sliders and mixer button by right mouse clicking on them. Also, for compatibilty a MIDI volume option has been included. If your sound board does not accept volume changes from the Media Runner MIDI volume control, disable the "CD-Runner internal MIDI volume control" and when playing MIDI files the mixer button will automatically be displayed. CD-ROM & REMOVABLE DRIVE SELECTION If you wish to use either the CD-ROM or Removable Disk Runners, then the primary (and optional multi-disk) drive(s) must be set. The CD-ROM drive selected must be drive letter C or higher (C thru Z); the RD drive may be any drive letter (A thru Z). If the CD-ROM drive selected does not appear to be a CD-ROM drive, then an appropriate message box will be displayed. When choosing a CD-ROM drive, if CD-Runner is able to properly identify the drive types, then select a CD-ROM drive which has a "CD" icon box next to it in the drive selection window. For both the CD-ROM and RD Runners, the primary or default drive is the first drive scanned to run an application. When in the Library section, the primary drive is also used to enter a new application, or to modify an existing one. If you have a multi-disk CD-ROM changer or multiple RD drives, then enter the drive letters in the multi-disk section. Up to 23 CD-ROM and 23 RD drives may be entered. MISCELLANEOUS To access the CD-Runner Setup Help, either press function key F1 or click the Help button. This help file will be displayed. Click the Customize button to select custom colors and fonts for CD-Runner screens. Click the Advanced button to setup advanced options such as CD-Runner passwords and wallpaper locking.